OLYMPIC definition

OLYMPIC has the meaning assigned in the Preamble.
OLYMPIC. SECURITIES" and "SILVER STAR" shall have the meanings given them in the Preamble and "Whereas" clauses of this Agreement.
OLYMPIC has the meaning specified in the third recital of this Agreement.

Examples of OLYMPIC in a sentence

  • CANTERBURY OLYMPIC ICE RINK MS LINDA BURNEY to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Canterbury Olympic Ice Rink is celebrating 40 years, being in operation from 1971 to 2011.

  • Xxxxxx Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer OLYMPIC RECEIVABLES FINANCE CORP.


  • APPENDIX 15 : ORGANISATION OF OLYMPIC KATA COMPETITION This Appendix 15 replaces Article 3: ORGANISATION OF KATA COMPETITION of the Kata Competition Rules for the purpose of Olympic Kata Competition.

  • WADA, ILS and the National Federation of the Athlete may attend the hearing as observers.


  • The HOC also claims ETAD to be declared as liable for an overall amount of 90,784,500 Euros, which is alleged to have been the lease price paid by the company under the trade name “LAMDA DOMI S.M.S.A.” (“LAMDA DOMI”) to ETAD (and its predecessor “HELLENIC OLYMPIC REAL ESTATE S.A”) for the period 30.04.2019-30.06.2019.

  • US YOUTH SOCCER OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ODP TEAM: the official US Youth Soccer Olympic Development team of US Youth Soccer, any of its regions, a State Association, an Affiliate, other Organization Member, or any district or geographical subdivisions thereof.NATIONAL TEAM: the official national team of US Soccer or any other member of FIFA.

  • In connection with the Quarterly Report of OLYMPIC WEDDINGS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

  • UNITED STATES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE and International Olympic Committee.

More Definitions of OLYMPIC

OLYMPIC means Olympic Coast Investments Inc.
OLYMPIC means Olympic Capital Group.
OLYMPIC. OLYMPIC STEEL, INC. By:_________________________________________ Print Name: David A. Wolfort Its: President and Chixx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxicer "SIEGAL" ____________________________________________ Michael D. Siegal
OLYMPIC means Olympic Health Management Systems, Inc. a Washington corporation.
OLYMPIC means Olympic Pipe Line Company, LLC
OLYMPIC means Olympic Resources Ltd., a Wyoming corporation.

Related to OLYMPIC

  • Boulevard means the area between the street line and the nearest edge of a roadway and/or the area separating the roadways or a divided highway.

  • Crosswalk means that part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the

  • Gray (Gy) means the SI unit of absorbed dose. One gray is equal to an absorbed dose of 1 joule per kilogram (100 rad).

  • Drive means to operate or be in actual physical control of a

  • Façade means the principal front or fronts of a building.

  • Spring means a source of water where an aquifer comes in contact with the ground surface.

  • Asset management means a systematic process of operating and maintaining the state system of

  • SADC means the Southern African Development Community;

  • Bishop means the Bishop of the Roman Catholic diocese of Leeds in which the Academy Trust Company is situated (as defined in Canon law) and includes any person exercising Ordinary jurisdiction in his name (including Vicars General and Episcopal Vicars) and any person delegated by him, including officers of the Diocese;

  • Asset Management Company means an asset Management Company as defined in the Rules and Regulations.

  • College means any college in the South Carolina Technical College System.

  • EMMA means the Electronic Municipal Market Access system as described in 1934 Act Release No. 59062 and maintained by the MSRB for purposes of the Rule.

  • DEAR means the DOE Acquisition Regulations, including all amendments and changes thereto in effect on the effective date of this Agreement.

  • ST means Sales Tax

  • CA means Chartered Accountant

  • DR means an American Depositary Receipt, European Depositary Receipt, or Global Depositary Receipt or similar instrument issued by a depositary to represent the underlying securities held by the depositary.