Oasmia Proprietary Rights definition

Oasmia Proprietary Rights means the Oasmia Patent Rights, and Oasmia’s know-how, clinical and pre-clinical data, stability data, manufacturing processes, formulations, experience, product specifications, methods of product delivery, test procedures, product samples and/or any other technical information that is owned by Oasmia relating to design, development, use or sale, whether patentable or not, in any form whether recorded or unrecorded, copyrights, design right (whether registered or not), trademarks (whether registered or not) and any other intellectual and industrial property of any kind that is owned by Oasmia, whether registerable or unregisterable, relating to the Compounds and/or the Product or relating to Improvements to the Product and all applications including without limitation applications for relevant registration or other statutory protection for any of the foregoing, whensoever and howsoever arising for the full term thereof and including all renewals, revivals and extensions thereof.

Related to Oasmia Proprietary Rights

  • Proprietary Rights means all trade secret, patent, copyright, mask work and other intellectual property rights throughout the world.

  • Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) (11/18) means any patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, service marks, trademarks, trade dress, moral rights, know-how and any other similar rights or intangible assets to which rights of ownership accrue, and all registrations, applications, disclosures, renewals, extensions, continuations, or reissues of the foregoing now or hereafter in force. “Key Personnel” (11/18) means the specific individuals identified in Section 3.11 to fill Key Positions.

  • Intellectual Property Right means, including but not limited to, any patent, registered design, copyright, trademark, trade secrets and any other intellectual or industrial property right as well as the right to apply to register any of the mentioned rights.

  • Intellectual Property Agreement means the agreement in substantially the form set forth as Exhibit B.

  • Licensed Intellectual Property Rights means any Intellectual Property Rights owned by a third party that a Person has a right to use, exploit or practice by virtue of a license grant, immunity from Legal Action or otherwise.

  • Company Intellectual Property Rights means Intellectual Property Rights owned by or purported to be owned by, or exclusively licensed to, the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Intellectual Property License Agreement means the license agreement with respect to certain Excluded Intellectual Property, substantially in the form of Exhibit B attached hereto.

  • Joint Intellectual Property Rights means any work under the Subcontract, which:

  • Intellectual Property Rights or IPR means copyright, rights related to or affording protection similar to copyright, rights in databases, patents and rights in inventions, semi-conductor topography rights, trade marks, rights in internet domain names and website addresses and other rights in trade or business names, designs, Know-How, trade secrets and other rights in Confidential Information; applications for registration, and the right to apply for registration, for any of the rights listed at (a) that are capable of being registered in any country or jurisdiction; and all other rights having equivalent or similar effect in any country or jurisdiction;

  • Intellectual Property Agreements means all licenses, sublicenses, consent to use agreements, settlements, coexistence agreements, covenants not to sue, waivers, releases, permissions and other Contracts, whether written or oral, relating to any Intellectual Property that is used or held for use in the conduct of the Business as currently conducted or proposed to be conducted to which Seller is a party, beneficiary or otherwise bound.

  • Owned Intellectual Property Rights means any and all Intellectual Property Rights owned or purported to be owned by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Background Intellectual Property Rights means Intellectual Property Rights owned, controlled or furnished by either Party other than Foreground Intellectual Property Rights.

  • Property Rights means all licenses, permits, easements, rights-of-way, certificates and other approvals obtained by either of the parties either before or after the date of this Agreement and necessary for the exploration of the Property, or for the purpose of placing the Property into production or continuing production therefrom;

  • Third Party Intellectual Property Rights means any Intellectual Property owned by a third party.

  • Company Intellectual Property Agreements means any Contract to which the Company or any Subsidiary is a party or is otherwise bound and (A) pursuant to which the Company or any Subsidiary has granted any rights with respect to any Company Intellectual Property or has been granted any rights with respect to any Third-Party Intellectual Property, or (B) that otherwise governs any Company Intellectual Property.

  • Intellectual Property License means any license, sublicense, right, covenant, non-assertion, permission, immunity, consent, release or waiver under or with respect to any Intellectual Property Rights or Technology.

  • Business Intellectual Property Rights means (a) the Intellectual Property Rights owned or licensed by the Group Companies and (b) any other Intellectual Property Rights owned or licensed by Seller or any of its other Subsidiaries and used solely in the conduct of the Business.

  • Intellectual Property Licenses means all licenses, sublicenses and other agreements by or through which other Persons, including Seller’s Affiliates, grant Seller exclusive or non-exclusive rights or interests in or to any Intellectual Property that is used in or necessary for the conduct of the Business as currently conducted.

  • Registered Intellectual Property Rights means all Intellectual Property Rights that are the subject of an application, certificate, filing, registration, or other document issued by, filed with, or recorded by, any Governmental Authority in any jurisdiction.

  • Company IP Rights means (a) any and all Intellectual Property used in the conduct of the business of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries as currently conducted, and (b) any and all other Intellectual Property owned by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Intellectual Property the collective reference to all rights, priorities and privileges relating to intellectual property, whether arising under United States, multinational or foreign laws or otherwise, including copyrights, copyright licenses, patents, patent licenses, trademarks, trademark licenses, technology, know-how and processes, and all rights to xxx at law or in equity for any infringement or other impairment thereof, including the right to receive all proceeds and damages therefrom.

  • Company Licensed Intellectual Property means all Intellectual Property that is licensed to the Company by any third party.

  • Technology Rights means BOARD's rights in any technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulae, protocols, techniques, software, designs, drawings or data created by the inventor(s) listed in Exhibit I at UTMDACC before the EFFECTIVE DATE, which are not claimed in PATENT RIGHTS but that are necessary for practicing PATENT RIGHTS.

  • Real Property Rights means all rights in or to real property (such as leasehold or other rights to use or access the Project Site), leases, agreements, Permits, easements, including licenses, private rights-of-way, and utility and railroad crossing rights required to be obtained or maintained by Owner in connection with construction of the Project on the Project Site, transmission of electricity to the Grid, performance of the Work, or operation of the Project.

  • Intellectual Property Rights shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3.1(p).

  • Proprietary Technology means the technical innovations that are unique and