non-biodegradable waste definition

non-biodegradable waste means any waste that cannot be degraded by microorganisms into simpler stable compounds ;
non-biodegradable waste means any waste that cannot be degraded by micro organisms into simpler stable compounds;
non-biodegradable waste means any waste that cannot be degraded by micro-organisms into simpler stable compounds; "Operation & Maintenance" means the operation and maintenance of the Project and includes all matters connected with or incidental to such operation and maintenance, provision of services and facilities in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement;

More Definitions of non-biodegradable waste

non-biodegradable waste means any waste that cannot be degraded by micro-organism into simpler stable compound.
non-biodegradable waste means any waste that cannot be degraded by micro organismsinto simpler stable compounds;
non-biodegradable waste means any waste that cannot be degraded by microorganisms into simpl er stable compounds;
non-biodegradable waste means any waste that cannot be degraded by microorganisms into simpler stablecompounds;
non-biodegradable waste means any waste that cannot be degraded by micro
non-biodegradable waste means any waste that cannot be degraded by micro organisms
non-biodegradable waste. Means the Municipal Solid Waste which is not biodegradable waste and includes polyethylene, Nylon and other plastic goods such as P.V.C, Polypropylene and polystyrene which cannot be degraded by micro-organism.