Animal waste definition

Animal waste means any waste consisting of animal matter that has not been processed into food for human consumption.
Animal waste means animal excreta, bedding, wash waters, waste feed, and silage drainage.
Animal waste means any waste consisting of animal matter that has not been processed into food for human consumption. This does include, blood, feathers, uncooked butchers waste and any other animal waste that is not catering waste or former foodstuffs. This does not include faecal matter from animals (e.g. chicken litter or farmyard manure).

Examples of Animal waste in a sentence

  • Animal waste, a large component of agricultural waste, includes waste (e.g., feed waste, bed- ding and litter, and feedlot and pad- dock runoff) from livestock, dairy, and other animal-related agricultural and farming practices.Approved facility.

  • Animal waste including contaminated animal carcasses, body parts, and bedding of animals that were known to have been exposed to infectious agents during research (including research in veterinary hospitals), production of biologicals or testing of pharmaceuticals.

  • Animal waste, including fish tank water, must be disposed of in unlicensed space or toilets or custodial sinks.

  • Animal waste applications that take place on frozen or snow covered ground can be restricted to the point of no application depending on field slope.

  • Animal waste shall not be directly applied onto crops for direct human consumption that do not undergo further processing (e.g., strawberries, melons, lettuce, cabbage, apples, etc.) at any time during the growing season, or in the case of fruit bearing trees, following breaking dormancy.

More Definitions of Animal waste

Animal waste means livestock or poultry excreta or a mixture of excreta with feed, bedding, litter or other materials generated at a feedlot.
Animal waste means all forms of waste from animals or the treatment of animals except animal carcasses or parts;
Animal waste means excreta from livestock, poultry and other materials, such as bedding, rain or other water, soil, hair, feathers, and other debris normally included in animal waste handling operations.
Animal waste means waste animal carcasses, body parts, and bedding of animals that are known to be infected with, or that have been inoculated with, human pathogenic microorganisms infectious to humans.
Animal waste means animal wastes consisting of excreta, leachings, feed losses, litter, washwaters or other associated wastes.
Animal waste means feces, urine, or other excrement, digestive emission, urea, or similar substance emitted by animals (including any form of livestock, poultry, or fish). This includes animal waste that is mixed or commingled with bedding, compost, feed, soil, or any other material typically found with this waste.
Animal waste means all forms of waste from animals