Nokia definition

Nokia shall have the meaning set forth in the first paragraph of this Agreement.
Nokia means Nokia Corporation and Nokia Inc., including their predecessors, successors, parents, subsidiaries (whether owned directly or indirectly), affiliates, divisions and operating units thereof, agents and entities under common control with them.
Nokia means collectively all affiliates which are part of the Nokia Group.

Examples of Nokia in a sentence

  • Assignee represents and warrants that this NPE sales restriction shall be required upon any subsequent assignee of the Assigned Patents and Nokia Group shall be third party beneficiaries of such NPE sales restriction.

  • If an Affiliate is acquired by Nokia or an Affiliate thereof after the Effective Date, the license and release granted pursuant to Section 6.1 and Section 6.2 will extend to such acquired Affiliate.

  • All legal fees, costs and expenses incurred on behalf of Nokia in connection with the contemplated transactions will be borne by Nokia; and all fees, costs and expenses incurred on behalf of Assignee in connection with the contemplated transactions will be borne by Assignee.

  • Except as expressly required pursuant to this Agreement, Nokia and/or its Affiliates shall not be liable for and shall not assume or receive any of the obligations, claims, liabilities, or responsibilities to pay or perform, in any case arising from or in connection with any circumstances, causes of action, breaches, violations, defaults or failures to perform with respect to the Assigned Patents created after the Assignment Date, whether known or unknown, contingent, matured or otherwise.

  • Except as expressly set forth herein with respect to the Assigned Patents, no right, title or interest, license or other right is hereby assigned, transferred or granted, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, to Assignee, under any patents, trade secrets or any other intellectual property rights now or hereafter owned or controlled by Nokia and/or any of its Affiliates.

More Definitions of Nokia

Nokia are also used as to identify Buyer in the Appendices and other documents attached or referred to in this Agreement and in the daily correspondence and communications between the Parties.
Nokia means Nokia Corporation, a public company duly incorporated in Finland, with its principal place of business at Karaportti 3 P.O Box 226, Fl-00045 Nokia Group, Finland;
Nokia means Nokia Oyj, a corporation organized under the laws of Finland.
Nokia means Nokia Siemens Network, a company organized under the laws of Finland and its Affiliates.
Nokia means Nokia Siemens Networks, S.A. de C.V.;
Nokia means Nokia Telecommunications Inc., a Delaware corporation, and its successors and assigns.
Nokia means Nokia Telecommunications, Inc., a Delaware corporation.