Examples of National Board in a sentence
In line with the values articulated in the National Scheme Strategy, the National Board and Ahpra agree to the following behavioural attributes, the purpose of which is to provide guidance to each party in exercising its responsibilities under this HPA: This HPA is for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2025 inclusive.
Provide secretariat and administrative support for National Board Meetings Profession-specific services, as listed in the National Board’s regulatory plan and annual budget.
In line with our shared values, Ahpra and the National Board will work constructively to identify and resolve issues in a timely way and at the lowest possible level.
The National Board and Ahpra agree to review the HPA head agreement at least every five years in line with the review of the National Scheme Strategy, or earlier with the agreement of all National Boards and Ahpra.
The National Board agrees to authorise the Chair of the National Board (or his/her nominee) to act as liaison officer with respect to the HPA.