metering period definition

metering period means the time interval between two successive billed meter readings but shall exclude previous leak periods;
metering period means the time interval between successive meter readings;
metering period means the time interval between two successive billed meter readings but excludes any leak periods;

Examples of metering period in a sentence

  • Excess Generation purchased at the end of the Net Metering Period shall be priced on this basis.

  • After the Cooperative makes all deductions for any outstanding balances and other amounts owed to the Cooperative, the Cooperative shall make full payment for Excess Generation annually to Customer within 30 days following the end of the Net Metering Period.

  • At the conclusion of each Net Metering Period, and extensions thereof, Excess Generation shall be valued at a price equal to the trailing 12-month average (by tiers for time-of-use customers) of the Cooperative’s avoided cost of energy, including fuel, based on the energy and energy-related charges of its wholesale power suppliers.

  • Customer, by correspondence dated , has informed the Cooperative that Customer wishes to make a one-time election regarding the sale to the Cooperative of Renewable Energy Certificates (“RECs”) created by its Renewable Fuel Generator [write “Not Applicable” in date line above if Customer is not electing to sell RECs to the Cooperative]; and Whereas, the Cooperative is willing to purchase Customer’s Excess Generation, if any, at the end of the Net Metering Period.

  • Where Customer has provided the above sixty (60) day notice prior to the end of the then-current Net Metering Period so as to terminate the Agreement effective concurrent with the end of such Net Metering Period, CBEC shall either credit Customer’s Account or pay Customer in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Third Paragraph above, the Excess Generation Value for Excess Generation accrued during such Net Metering Period.

  • The request must be received by CBEC before the beginning of the Net Metering Period.

  • Consistent with the Customer’s written request provided under this Second Paragraph, the term of this Agreement shall commence with the Effective Date and shall continue through the end of the first Net Metering Period and shall automatically renew for each successive Net Metering Period thereafter unless terminated earlier under the terms of this Agreement.

  • Net Metering Period is defined under the Virginia State Corporation Commission’s “Rules Governing Net Energy Metering” as each successive 12-month period beginning with the first meter reading date following the date of final interconnection of the Renewable Fuel Generator with the electric distribution company’s facilities (CBEC in this instance).

  • For Net Metering Periods beginning on or after January 1, 2009, the written request of the Customer must be submitted prior to the beginning of the Net Metering Period.

  • During the initial net metering period, and extensions thereof, Excess Generation shall be valued at a price equal to the simple average (by tiers for time-of-use customers) of Cooperative’s hourly avoidable cost of energy, including fuel, based on the energy and energy- related charges of its primary wholesale power supplier for the Net Metering Period.

More Definitions of metering period

metering period means a period of 15 minutes used to determine the power demands measured by the integration of Energy consumption;
metering period means the electricity used or supplied in a given period. “Parties” shall mean collectively, the City and the Consumer.

Related to metering period

  • Net metering period means the 12-month period following the date of final interconnection of the

  • Metering Point means, for meters that do not use instrument transformers, the point at which the billing meter is connected. For meters that use instrument transformers, the point at which the instrument transformers are connected.

  • Operating Period for any Element of the Project shall mean the period from (and including) the COD of such Element of the Project, up to (and including) the Expiry Date and for the Project, shall mean the period from (and including) the COD of the Project, up to (and including) the Expiry Date;

  • Monitoring Period means the period from the Launch Date to the Valuation Date (both dates including) at such point in time at which the Reference Price of the Underlying is determined and published..

  • Production Period is the period that for winter cereal advances commences October 1, 2021 and terminates September 30, 2023; for advances on all other field crops, honey, hogs, goats, sheep and lambs commences April 1, 2022 and terminates September 30, 2023; and for advances on cattle, continuous flow cattle, and bison commences on April 1, 2022 and terminates on March 31, 2024.

  • Metering Date for a Billing Period, means the midnight of the last Day of the calendar month.

  • Commissioning Period means, with respect to each Subproject, the period commencing upon the first delivery of Feed Gas to the Subproject in accordance with Sections 4.8 and 11.1 of the Agreement continuing through achievement of RFSU, commissioning, Start Up, Performance Testing and achievement of Substantial Completion for such Subproject.

  • Testing Period means a single period consisting of the four consecutive fiscal quarters of the Borrower then last ended (whether or not such quarters are all within the same fiscal year), except that if a particular provision of this Agreement indicates that a Testing Period shall be of a different specified duration, such Testing Period shall consist of the particular fiscal quarter or quarters then last ended that are so indicated in such provision.

  • Billing Period means (subject to Article 6.1 of the Agreement) the calendar month ending with the Metering Date. The first Billing Period shall commence from the Commercial Operation Date and end with the Metering Date corresponding to the month in which the Commercial Operation Date occurs.

  • Net metering system means a facility for the production of electrical energy that:

  • Planning Period means the 12 moths beginning June 1 and extending through May 31 of the following year, or such other period approved by the Members Committee.

  • Marketing Period means the first period of twenty (20) consecutive calendar days after the date hereof (i) throughout and at the end of which Purchaser shall have (and the Debt Financing Sources shall have access to) the Required Information and such Required Information is Compliant and (ii) throughout and at the end of which the conditions set forth in Sections 8.1 and 8.2 (other than those conditions that by their nature were to have been satisfied by actions taken at the Closing, which conditions were, at the time of any termination of this Agreement, capable of being satisfied if the Closing had occurred at such times) shall be satisfied and nothing has occurred and no condition exists that would cause any of the conditions set forth in Sections 8.1 and 8.2 to fail to be satisfied, at or prior to the end of such period, provided that (x) such period shall exclude the days from November 21, 2012 through and including November 23, 2012 and (y) if such twenty (20) consecutive calendar day period has not ended prior to December 19, 2012, then it shall not commence until January 2, 2013. Notwithstanding anything in this definition to the contrary, (x) the Marketing Period shall end on any earlier date prior to the expiration of the twenty (20) consecutive calendar day period described above if the Debt Financing is consummated on such earlier date; and (y) the Marketing Period shall not commence or be deemed to have commenced if, after the date hereof and prior to the completion of such twenty (20) consecutive calendar day period: (A) Sellers or any of their Subsidiaries have publicly announced its intention to, or determines that it or they must, restate any historical financial statements or other financial information included in the Required Information or any such restatement is under consideration or may be a possibility, in which case, the Marketing Period shall not commence unless and until such restatement has been completed and the applicable Required Information has been amended and updated (or such consideration has ended with no restatement being required), (B) the applicable independent accountants of the Education Group shall have withdrawn any audit opinion with respect to any financial statements contained in the Required Information, in which case the Marketing Period shall not be deemed to commence unless and until, at the earliest, a new unqualified audit opinion is issued with respect to such financial statements of the Education Group for the applicable periods by the applicable independent accountants or another independent public accounting firm reasonably acceptable to Purchaser, (C) any Required Information would not be Compliant at any time during such twenty (20) consecutive calendar day period (it being understood that if any Required Information provided at the commencement of the Marketing Period ceases to be Compliant during such twenty (20) consecutive calendar day period, then the Marketing Period shall be deemed not to have occurred) or otherwise does not include the “Required Information” as defined, or (D) Sellers or any of their Subsidiaries shall have failed to file any report or other document required to be filed with the SEC by the date required under the Exchange Act or the Securities Act, as applicable, in which case the Marketing Period will not be deemed to commence unless and until all such reports have been filed.

  • Contract Year means each period of twelve (12) consecutive months during the Initial Term of this Agreement, with the first Contract Year commencing on the Effective Date, and with each subsequent Contract Year commencing on the anniversary of the Effective Date.

  • INTER-CONNECTION POINT/ DELIVERY/ METERING POINT means a single point at 220kV or above, where the power from the Project(s) is injected into the identified ISTS Substation (including the dedicated transmission line connecting the Projects with the substation system) as specified in the RfS document. Metering shall be done at this interconnection point where the power is injected into. For interconnection with grid and metering, the WPDs shall abide by the relevant CERC/ SERC Regulations, Grid Code and Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended and revised from time to time.

  • Rolling Period means, as of any date, the four Fiscal Quarters ending on or immediately preceding such date.

  • Offering Period means a period with respect to which the right to purchase Stock may be granted under the Plan, as determined pursuant to Section 4(a).

  • Metering System means all meters and metering devices (including current transformers and potential transformers) owned by the Company and used to measure Dependable Capacity and the delivery by the Company and receipt by BPDB of Net Energy Output;

  • Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.

  • Billing cycle or billing period means the period for which regular electricity bills as specified by the Commission, are prepared for different categories of consumers by the licensee;

  • Net Metering Net metering refers to customers who sell electricity they produce, typically through a rooftop solar panel, back to the utility for credit. If you are a net metering customer, you should not enroll with XOOM because your net metering agreement will not transfer to XOOM once you enroll.

  • Purchase Period means a period of time specified within an Offering, generally beginning on the Offering Date or on the first Trading Day following a Purchase Date, and ending on a Purchase Date. An Offering may consist of one or more Purchase Periods.