Material Financial Relationship definition

Material Financial Relationship means a relationship in which one person is a recipient of any kind of payment such as by way of a loan or gift during the immediately preceding twelve months, equivalent to at least 25% of such payer’s annual income but shall exclude relationships in which the payment is based on arm’s length transactions.
Material Financial Relationship means a relationship in which one person is a recipient of any kind of payment such as by way of a loan or gift from a designated person during the immediately preceding 12 months, equivalent to at least 25% of the annual income of such designated person but shall exclude relationships in which the payment is based on arm’s length transactions.
Material Financial Relationship means any financial interest of more than five percent of total annual revenue or total annual income of a certified IDR entity or an officer, director, or manager thereof, or of a reviewer or reviewing physician employed or engaged by a certified IDR entity to conduct or participate in any review in the Federal IDR Process. The terms annual revenue and annual income do not include mediation fees received by mediators who are also arbitrators, provided that the mediator acts in the capacity of a mediator and does not represent a party in the mediation.

Examples of Material Financial Relationship in a sentence

  • Every Designated Person shall be required to disclose their name and PAN or any other identifier authorised by law for himself and his Immediate Relatives, persons with whom such a Designated Person shares a Material Financial Relationship, phone and mobile numbers which are used by them, names of educational institutions from which the Designated Persons have graduated and names of their past employers, etc.

  • All Designated Persons shall be required to forward their details (including details of their Dependents and persons with whom such Designated Person shares a Material Financial Relationship) and details of all holdings in Securities or voting rights held and positions taken in derivatives by such person to the Compliance Officer as per “ Form II” prescribed in the Code alongwith a Non- Disclosure Agreement within 7 days of joining/appointment or becoming the Designated Person, whichever is applicable..

  • All Designated Persons shall be required to forward their details (including details of their Dependents and persons with whom such Designated Person shares a Material Financial Relationship) and details all holdings in Securities or voting rights held and positions taken in derivatives by such person to the Compliance Officer as per “Form II” presibed in the Code alongwith non- disclosure agreement within 7 days of joining/appointment or becoming the Designated Person, whichever is applicable.

  • All Designated Persons shall be required to forward their details (including details of their Dependents and persons with whom such Designated Person shares a Material Financial Relationship) and details all holdings in Securities or voting rights held and positions taken in derivatives by such person to the Compliance Officer as per “Form II” prescribed in the Code alongwith non-disclosure agreement within 7 days of joining/appointment or becoming the Designated Person, whichever is applicable.

  • Every promoter, member of the promoter group, designated person and director of the company shall disclose to the company any changes in details of Immediate Relatives and persons with whom Designated Person shares a Material Financial Relationship, within 15 days of any change in such information already submitted to the Company.

More Definitions of Material Financial Relationship

Material Financial Relationship means a relationship in which one person is a recipient of any kind of payment such as by way of a loan or gift during the immediately preceding twelve months, equivalent to at least 25% of such payer’s annual income but shall
Material Financial Relationship means
Material Financial Relationship means a relationship in which one person is recipient of any kind of payment such as by way of loan or gift from a designated person during immediately preceding twelve months, equivalent to atleast 25% of Designated Person’s annual income but shall exclude relationships in which the payment is based on arm’s length transaction.
Material Financial Relationship means a relationship that the Designated Person shares with another person by virtue of such person being a recipient of any kind of payment such as by way of a loan or gift during the immediately preceding twelve months, equivalent to at least 25% of such Designated Person’s annual income but shall exclude relationships in which the payment is based on arm’s length transactions;
Material Financial Relationship meanss a relationship in which one person is a recipient of any kind of payment such as by way of a loan or gift during the immediately preceding twelve months, equivalent to at least 25% of such payer’s annual income excluding relationship in which payment made is at arm’s length basis.
Material Financial Relationship means a relationship in which one person is a recipient of any kind of payment such as by way of a loan or gift during the immediatelypreceding twelve months, equivalent to at least 25% of such payer’s annual income butshall exclude relationships in which the payment is based on arm’s length transactions.”
Material Financial Relationship means a relationship in which one person is a recipient of any kind of payment such as by way of a loan or gift from a designated person during the immediately preceding twelve months, equivalent to at least 25% of the annual income of such designated person, but shall exclude relationships in which payment is based on arm’s length transactions. Designated Persons shall also disclose the following information to the Company, on a one time basis: Names of educational institutions from where Designated Persons have graduated; Names of the past employers of the Designated Persons.