Examples of Local Provider in a sentence
When using a Local Provider, we require a Post-Placement Commitment showing that all fees have been paid before traveling.
Use bullet format whenever possible.⬩ Provide information only for the period since submission of the 2018 Local Provider Network Development Plan (LPND Plan).⬩ When completing a table, insert additional rows as needed.
In the event that AWS sends traffic through GTE's network to a third-party Local Provider with whom AWS does not have traffic interexchange agreement, AWS shall indemnify GTE pursuant to Section 23 of Article III for any costs or expenses arising from demands made by third-party Local Providers for the transport and termination of AWS-originated traffic.
Use bullet format whenever possible. Provide information only for the period since submission of the 2018 Local Provider Network Development Plan (LPND Plan). When completing a table, insert additional rows as needed.
CLPCompetitive Local Provider – A BellSouth wholesale customer who competes with the Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) and other carriers in providing local service.