Legitimate Educational Interests definition

Legitimate Educational Interests means a reasonable need to know information in the course of carrying out one’s duties.
Legitimate Educational Interests means either a direct involvement whether for reasons of testing, analyzing, teaching, disciplining, evaluating or similar involvement in the education of the student or that a school official has to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or her duties.
Legitimate Educational Interests means a reasonable need to know information in the course of carrying out one's duties.

Examples of Legitimate Educational Interests in a sentence

  • School Officials with Legitimate Educational Interests Education records may be disclosed to school officials with a “legitimate educational interest.” A school official has a legitimate educational interest if he/she needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his/her professional responsibility.

  • University Officials with a Legitimate Educational Interests in an Education Record are allowed access to that Education Record.

  • Disclosure without Consent Officials with Legitimate Educational Interests The school may disclose PII contained in the scholar’s educational records without obtaining prior written consent of the parent or eligible scholar if the disclosure is to school officials with legitimate educational interests.

  • Legitimate Educational Interests: A school official who has an official need to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities.

  • One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosures to UC San Diego or UC Officials with Legitimate Educational Interests.

  • Contractor is solely responsible for assuring that its subcontractors meet these insurance requirements.Upon request, the contractor shall furnish within five (5) working days, copies of insurance certificates for subcontractors, and/or copies of all actual policies including contractor’s policies.

  • School Officials with Legitimate Educational Interests – Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Shelby County Schools may release a student's education record without prior consent if the disclosure is to other school officials, including teachers within the District, who have a legitimate educational interest in the record.

  • Provide a service or benefit relating to the Student or Student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement, or Financial Aid.Reasonable physical, technological or administrative methods must be used to ensure University Officials obtain access to only those Student Records in which they have Legitimate Educational Interests.

  • Teachers and Other Personnel Having Legitimate Educational Interests School personnel having legitimate educational interests include those staff members directly involved in the instruction, evaluation of the student, or supervision of the educational program of the student.

  • Daggett & Dixie Snow Huefner, Recognizing Schools’ Legitimate Educational Interests: Rethinking FERPA’s Approach to the Confidentiality of Student Discipline and Classroom Records, 51 AM.

More Definitions of Legitimate Educational Interests

Legitimate Educational Interests means the demonstrated need to know by those officials of an institution who act in the student's educational interest, including faculty, administration, clerical and professional employees, and other persons who manage student record information.
Legitimate Educational Interests means whatever is needed to do one’s job, including performing a task that is specified in a person’s position description or contract; performing a task related to a student’s education or discipline; providing a service or benefit to a student; or maintaining safety and security on campus.

Related to Legitimate Educational Interests

  • Prospective International Interest means an interest that is intended to be created or provided for in an object as an international interest in the future, upon the occurrence of a stated event (which may include the debtor’s acquisition of an interest in the object), whether or not the occurrence of the event is certain;

  • International Interest has the meaning ascribed to the defined term “international interest” under the Cape Town Treaty.

  • Personal interest means a financial benefit or liability accruing to a School Board member or employee or to a member of the immediate family of the School Board member or employee. Such interest shall exist by reason of

  • State educational agency means any state or local educational licensing body that provides a license, permit, authorization or other approval necessary for an educational institution or other entity to operate or to provide educational programs or courses in that state.

  • Continuing education means planned, organized learning acts designed to maintain, improve, or expand a licensee’s knowledge and skills in order for the licensee to develop new knowledge and skills relevant to the enhancement of practice, education, or theory development to improve the safety and welfare of the public.

  • Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including--

  • Adult education means all education or instruction,

  • primary education means education offered in years numbered 1 to 7, both inclusive.

  • State education agency means the department.

  • Continuing education provider or “CE provider” means an individual or entity that is approved to offer continuing education courses pursuant to [insert reference in State law or regulations governing producer continuing education course approval].

  • Legitimate Interest means the interest of our business in conducting and managing our business to enable us to give you the best service/product and the best and most secure experience. We make sure we consider and balance any potential impact on you (both positive and negative) and your rights before we process your personal data for our legitimate interests. We do not use your personal data for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required or permitted to by law). You can obtain further information about how we assess our legitimate interests against any potential impact on you in respect of specific activities by contacting us.

  • Cooperative education program means a written voluntary agreement between and among districts to provide certain educational programs for pupils in certain groups of districts. The written agreement shall be approved by all affected districts at least annually and shall specify the educational programs to be provided and the estimated number of pupils from each district who will participate in the educational programs.

  • Adult basic education means education or instruction

  • Occupational education means that education or training

  • Vocational education means organized educational programs that are directly related to the preparation of individuals for paid or unpaid employment, or for additional preparation for a career not requiring a baccalaureate or advanced degree.

  • Educational personnel means persons who must meet requirements pursuant to state law as a condition of employment in educational programs.

  • School bus means every motor vehicle owned by a public or governmental agency or private school and operated for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity, to or from school or school activities, or, privately owned and operated for compensation for the transportation of pupils, children of pupils, teachers and other persons acting in a supervisory capacity to or from school or school activities (Education Law §11[1] and Vehicle and Traffic Law §142).

  • Registered Clubs Act means the Registered Clubs Act 1976 and any regulation made under the Registered Clubs Act 1976. Any reference to a provision of the Registered Clubs Act includes a reference to the same or similar provision in any legislation replacing, amending or modifying the Registered Clubs Act however that provision may be amended in that legislation.

  • Financial Interest means either:

  • Continuing education unit (CEU) means a unit of measure of educational credit which is equivalent to ten (10) hours.

  • Graduate medical education and disproportionate share fund or “GME/DSH fund” means a reimbursement fund developed as an adjunct reimbursement methodology to directly reimburse qualifying hospitals for the direct and indirect costs associated with the operation of graduate medical education programs and the costs associated with the treatment of a disproportionate share of poor, indigent, nonreimbursed or nominally reimbursed patients for inpatient services.

  • Alcohol training and education seminar means a seminar that is: