KSI definition

KSI means Kaneb Services, Inc., a Delaware corporation.
KSI means Kinetic Systems, Inc., a California corporation.
KSI has the meaning ascribed thereto in the preamble hereto.

Examples of KSI in a sentence

  • The leases also provide for the tenants to pay electricity charges to an affiliate of KSI.

  • Income, losses, and distributions are allocated to the partners in proportion to their respective ownership interests.The Partnership is owned 50% by PREIT Associates, L.P. and its wholly owned subsidiary (general and limited partner), 49.5% by Kravco Simon Investments, L.P. (KSI, limited partner), and 0.5% by Delta Ventures, Inc.

  • Non-Employee Directors Deferred Stock Unit Plan participant shall be deemed to be credited with one non-monetary unit equal to one KSL Common Share for every three non-monetary units equal to three shares of KSI Common Stock that is deemed to be credited to his Kaneb Services, Inc.

  • Effective immediately upon the expiration of the compensation deferral election period during which the Distribution occurs, KSL shall take such actions as are necessary to cause KSL and its Subsidiaries to terminate KSL's and its Subsidiaries' participation in the KSI Deferred Compensation Plans.

  • After the Distribution, KSI shall furnish to KSL a statement that indicates the number of non-monetary units equal to one share of KSI Common Stock deemed to be credited to the accounts of each participant and former participant under the KSI Deferred Compensation Plans as a result of the Distribution.

  • Further, KSL and its Subsidiaries shall be exclusively liable for any Liability relating to any KSI Employee Benefit Plan to the extent that the Liability relates to a KSL Employee, a KSL Former Employee or a dependent or beneficiary of a KSL Employee or a KSL Former Employee.

  • Effective no later than the Distribution Date, KSL shall take such actions as are necessary to cause KSL and its Subsidiaries to terminate KSL's and its Subsidiaries' participation in all KSI Employee Benefit Plans other than the KSI Deferred Compensation Plans and the KSI Savings Plan.

  • The number of shares subject to the KSI Option will not be changed as a result of the Distribution.

  • Except as specified in this Agreement, each KSL Option granted to a KSI Option holder in compliance with this Agreement shall contain provisions that are substantially similar to the provisions of the holder's KSI Option.

  • KSL hereby agrees that it shall not attempt to claim federal income taxation deductions with respect to KSL Common Shares that are issued by KSL pursuant to this Agreement to current or former employees of KSI or a KSI Company who are participants or former participants under either of the KSI Deferred Compensation Plans.

More Definitions of KSI

KSI shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble to this Agreement.
KSI has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 4.3.
KSI means Koben Systems Inc., a Canada corporation.
KSI has the meaning set forth in the preamble.
KSI means Kaneb Services, Inc., a Delaware corporation. KSI Companies means KSI and its Subsidiaries (other than its Insignificant Subsidiaries).

Related to KSI

  • KEBS wherever appearing means the Kenya Bureau of Standards or its successor(s) and assign(s) where the context so admits.

  • SNRP has the meaning ascribed to it in the Railways (Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations 2005;

  • MiFIR means Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012;

  • NPS means nominal pipe size.

  • DARO means "days after the effective date for award of the contractual action".

  • TSC means Thornburg Securities Corporation.

  • Lacquer means a clear or opaque wood coating, including clear lacquer sanding sealers, formulated with cellulosic or synthetic resins to dry by evaporation without chemical reaction and to provide a solid, protective film.

  • BSC means the Balancing and Settlement Code that is provided for in Standard Condition C3 (Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC)) of the Transmission Licence;

  • GoPb means Government of the Punjab

  • hostel means a place of residence for the students of the University, or its colleges, institutions and study centers, established or recognized to be as such by the University;

  • Headteacher means the headteacher or principal of the Academy;

  • Diocesan Schools Commission means the education service provided by the diocese, which may also be known, or referred to, as the Diocesan Education Service.

  • Cyberbullying means any form of communication by electronic act that is sent with the purpose to:

  • HHI ’ means the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, a commonly accepted measure of market concentration. It is calculated by squaring the market share of each firm competing in the market and then summing the resulting numbers. For example, for a market consisting of four firms with shares of thirty, thirty, twenty, and twenty percent, the HHI is 2600 (302 + 302 + 202 + 202 = 2600).

  • WADA means the World Anti-Doping Agency.

  • SIR means self-insured retention or similar deductible.

  • POPIA means the Protection of Personal Information Act, No 4 of 2013;

  • WARO means "weeks after the effective date for award of the contractual action".

  • SONIAi-pLBD means, in respect of any London Banking Day falling in the relevant Interest Period, the SONIA Reference Rate for the London Banking Day falling "p" London Banking Days prior to the relevant London Banking Day "i".

  • AASHTO means the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

  • ODA means "the Ohio department of aging."

  • OGTR means the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator.

  • NATA means the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia;

  • RSMML or “COMPANY” shall mean “Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Limited,” having its registered office at C - 89-90, Lal Kothi Scheme, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 302 015, and Corporate Office at 4, Meera Marg, Udaipur (Rajasthan) including its successors in office and assignees or its representatives authorized to act on its behalf for the purpose of contract.

  • CySEC means the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, which is the Company’s supervisory authority.

  • MiFID II means Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments.