Investment Product (MIS definition

Investment Product (MIS means an ETF Security admitted to quotation on the Chi-X Market.

Related to Investment Product (MIS

  • Investment product means a financial instrument (within the meaning of Article 4(1)(15) of MiFID II) or a structured deposit (within the meaning of Article 4(1)(43) of MiFID II).

  • Designated Products means products provided by Motorola to Licensee with which or for which the Software and Documentation is licensed for use.

  • SAP Products means Software, Documentation, SAP Materials, Services, Subscription Services, Cloud Services and Maintenance Services. “SAP SDK” means SAP software development kit that includes tools such as APIs, source code, redistributable files and instructions. “Services” means SAP’s then-current services offered under and described in detail in the applicable SAP PartnerEdge Model.

  • House dust mite product means a product whose label, packaging, or accompanying literature states that the product is suitable for use against house dust mites, but does not indicate that the product is suitable for use against ants, cockroaches, or other household crawling arthropods.

  • Tobacco product manufacturer means an entity that after the date of enactment of this Act directly (and not exclusively through any affiliate):

  • Hemp products means all products made from industrial hemp,

  • Combination Products means any product containing both a pharmaceutically active agent or ingredient which constitutes a Licensed Product and one or more other pharmaceutically active agents or ingredients which do not constitute Licensed Products.

  • Related Products means (i) with respect to Resource Adequacy Benefits that portion of the Resource Adequacy Benefits that are in excess of those Resource Adequacy Benefits used by Seller or by a Site Host, both in connection with the Host Site, to meet a known and established, at the point in time when the Resource Adequacy Benefits are to be used, resource adequacy obligation under any Resource Adequacy Ruling, and (ii) any Green Attributes, Capacity Attributes and all other attributes associated with the electric energy or capacity of the Generating Facility (but not including any Financial Incentives) that are in excess of those Green Attributes, Capacity Attributes or other attributes used, or retained for future use, by Seller or a Site Host, both in connection with the Host Site, to meet a known and established, at the point in time when the relevant attribute(s) are to be used or retained, obligation under Applicable Law.

  • Milk product or "dairy product" means cottage cheese, dry curd cottage cheese, reduced fat cottage cheese, lowfat cottage cheese, cream, light cream, light whipping cream, heavy cream, heavy whipping cream, whipped cream, whipped light cream, sour cream, acidified sour cream, cultured sour cream, half-and-half, sour half-and-half, acidified sour half-and-half, cultured sour half-and-half, reconstituted or recombined milk and milk products, concentrated milk, concentrated milk products, skim milk, lowfat milk, frozen milk concentrate, flavored milk, eggnog, buttermilk, cultured milk, cultured lowfat milk, cultured skim milk, yogurt, lowfat yogurt, nonfat yogurt, acidified milk, acidified lowfat milk, acidified skim milk, low-sodium milk, low-sodium lowfat milk, low-sodium skim milk, lactose-reduced milk, lactose-reduced lowfat milk, lactose-reduced skim milk, aseptically processed and packaged milk, milk products with added safe and suitable microbial organisms, and any other milk product made by the addition or subtraction of milkfat or addition of safe and suitable optional ingredients for protein, vitamin, or mineral fortification. Unless a product is considered a milk product under this subdivision, milk product does not include dietary products, infant formula, ice cream or other desserts, cheese, or butter. Milk products include the following:

  • Commercial Product means any such product as defined in FAR 2.101.

  • Excluded Products means the items described on the applicable restricted products per country, any other applicable Program Policy, or any other information made available to you by LINIO.

  • Hemp product means the same as that term is defined in § 3.2-4112.

  • Investment Program means a Person for whom Shipper or a direct or indirect subsidiary of Shipper acts as a general partner, managing partner or manager and the securities of which have been offered and sold to investors.

  • Product Family means an SAP product family which may comprise of one or several SAP software products or services as further set out in the applicable RSPI.

  • Financial Product means any securities, futures contracts or leveraged foreign exchange contracts as defined under the SFO. Regarding “leveraged foreign exchange contracts”, it is only applicable to those traded by persons licensed for Type 3 regulated activity.

  • Combination Product means (a) a product containing a Licensed Product together with one or more other active ingredients that have independent biologic or chemical activity when present alone that are sold as a single unit, or (b) a Licensed Product together with one or more products, devices, pieces of equipment or components thereof, that are sold as a single package at a single price.

  • Collaboration Product means a pharmaceutical product containing or comprising Compound in any dosage form alone, or in combination with, one or more other pharmaceutically active ingredients, and any and all Improvements thereto.

  • Product Manufacturer means the entity that assembles the component parts to manufacture the final Product;

  • Timber and wood-derived products means any product that contains wood or wood fibre, with the exception of "recycled" materials (see below). Such products range from solid wood to those where the manufacturing processes obscure the wood element (e.g. paper). Timber and wood-derived products supplied or used in performance of the Contract that have been recycled or reclaimed are referred to as "recycled" timber, which is defined below. Timber and wood-derived products supplied or used in performance of the Contract that are not recycled are referred to as "virgin" timber when the distinction needs to be made for clarity. Short-rotation coppice is exempt from the requirements for timber and wood-derived products and falls under agricultural regulation and supervision rather than forestry.

  • Manufactured products means items and construction materials composed in whole or in part of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum; plastics and polymer-based products such as polyvinyl chloride pipe; aggregates such as concrete; glass, including optical fiber; and lumber.

  • New Products means any product which is not an Enhanced Product or 2 Existing Product but which is substantially similar to an Existing Product with respect to design and function and possesses reasonable performance improvements. If Company desires to purchase an Enhanced or New Product(s) from Supplier, Company shall so notify Supplier and provide Supplier the opportunity to manufacture such Enhanced or New Product(s), subject to the following conditions and procedures.

  • Derivative Product means a written contract or agreement between the Authority and a Reciprocal Payor, which provides that the Authority’s obligations thereunder will be conditioned on the absence of (a) a failure by the Reciprocal Payor to make any payment required thereunder when due and payable, or (b) a default thereunder with respect to the financial status of the Reciprocal Payor; and:

  • Cannabis products means cannabis that has undergone a process whereby the plant material has been transformed into a concentrate, including, but not limited to, concentrated cannabis, or an edible or topical product containing cannabis or concentrated cannabis and other ingredients.

  • Replacement Product means electric generating capacity, capacity-related benefits, environmental attributes, Energy or other electric products from a generation resource other than the Facility that are provided or delivered to replace or substitute for Contract Capacity or Storage Capacity (or any Capacity-Related Benefit, Environmental Attribute, Other Electric Product, Contract Energy, or Storage Energy associated therewith), in each case, in whole or in part, pursuant to Section 4.6.

  • Generic Product means a product which (a) contains as its active pharmaceutical ingredient a compound that is (or is substantially the same as) the Licensed Compound or the active pharmaceutical contained in a Unity Bcl-2 [***] Product, and (b) has been placed on the market pursuant to a validly granted marketing authorization.

  • Restricted Products means any products, equipment or machinery researched into, developed, manufactured, supplied, marketed, distributed or sold by the Company (on its own or in collaboration or partnership with others) and with which the duties of the Executive were materially concerned or for which he was responsible during the Relevant Period or about which he had Confidential Information, or any products, equipment or machinery of the same type or materially similar to those products, equipment or machinery;