Examples of Interest in real property in a sentence
The recipient shall execute a security interest or other statement of the Federal Interest in real property acquired or improved with Federal funds, acceptable in form and substance to the DOC, which statement must be perfected and placed of record in accordance with local law, with continuances re-filed as appropriate.
Interest in real property could include fee title (legal ownership by County) or a conservation easement (legal agreement between landowner and County for permanent restrictions on land use for conservation values).The DCP developed an acquisition selection tool to rank and prioritize properties based on the environmental and administrative criteria listed in Table 4.
While alteration and renovation projects below $500,000 do not require a NFI on the property, there is still Federal Interest in real property as there is with equipment that was purchased with Federal funds.
The two are taxed separately because they are used for different purposes and have different values.Petitioners also argue that "Estate or Interest" in real property is not automatically separately taxable.
Statutory Authority: RCW 78.44.040, 34.05.220, 43.21C.135 and Interest in real property in lieu of other performance security.