informal trading definition

informal trading means the trading in goods and services in the informal sector by an informal trader in a public road or public place, and which typically includes, without limitation, the following types of trading:
informal trading means the trading in goods and services in the informal sector by an informal trader and which typically constitutes the types of trading described in section 5;
informal trading. (informele handel) means the legal selling of products in areas demarcated by the Municipality specifically for these purposes, such as markets and other demarcated areas; also see “open air market”;

More Definitions of informal trading

informal trading. ’ means the selling of any goods or the supply or offer to supply any service for reward as an informal trader in a public road or public space, but does not include the sale of newspapers only;
informal trading means the carrying on of the business as a trader in terms of this by-law;
informal trading means the selling of goods and/or services by an Informal Trader in the Designated Area, which includes, without any limitation, the forms of trading more fully set out in Section 3;
informal trading means the selling of goods or supply of services for a reward -
informal trading means the trading in goods and services in the informal sector by an informal trader in a public road or public place
informal trading means the legal selling of products in outdoor areas which may be from temporary structures, in accordance with the Municipality's informal trading by-law;
informal trading. ’ means the trading in goods and services in the informal sector by an informal trader and which may constitute various types of trading such as, but not limited to—