Examples of Incentive Payment in a sentence
The same Demand Reduction may not be offered by a Demand Reduction Provider and by a customer as Operating Reserves or Regulation Service.Demand Reduction Aggregator: A Demand Reduction Provider, qualified pursuant to ISO Procedures, that bids Demand Side Resources of at least 1 MW through contracts with Demand Side Resources and is not a Load Serving Entity.Demand Reduction Incentive Payment: A payment to Demand Reduction Providers that are scheduled to make Day-Ahead Demand Reductions.
In addition, each Demand Reduction Provider that bids a Demand Reduction into the Day-Ahead Market and is scheduled in the SCUC to provide Energy through Demand Reduction shall receive a Demand Reduction Incentive Payment from the ISO equal to the product of: (a) the Day-Ahead hourly LBMP at the Demand Reduction bus; and (b) the lesser of the verified actual hourly Demand Reduction or the scheduled hourly Demand Reduction (in MW).
The Disability Incentive Payment shall be equal to the target Incentive Payment that the Executive would have been eligible to receive for the year in which the Employment Term is terminated multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days in such year before and including the day of termination of the Employment Term and the denominator of which is the total number of days in such year.
The portion of the payment representing the Disability Incentive Payment shall be paid in a lump sum determined on a net present value basis, using a reasonable discount rate determined by the Board.
If a Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment A on the basis of a Settlement Class Resolution, and a Primary Subdivision that opted out of the Settlement Class Resolution maintains a lawsuit asserting a Released Claim against a Released Entity, the following shall apply.