Helistop definition

Helistop. ’ means an aerodrome and any defined area or a structure intended or designed to be used either wholly or partly for the landing, departure and surface movement of helicopters;
Helistop means a transportation facility in which an area on a roof or on the ground is used for the takeoff and landing of helicopters or other steep-gradient aircraft, but not including fueling service, hangars, mainte- nance, overhaul or tie-down space for more than one (1) aircraft.
Helistop means a minimally developed defined area intended to be used for arrival and departure of a helicopter without auxiliary facilities;”;

Examples of Helistop in a sentence

  • The following exhibits are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A: Helistop Overlay Zone Map Exhibit B: Site Plan 1.

  • The CITY shall amend the Zoning Map of the City of Portland, dated December 2000, as amended from time to time and on file in the Department of Planning and Urban Development, and incorporated by reference into the Zoning Ordinance by Portland City Code§14-49, by adopting the map change amendment below, which map change includes a Helistop Overlay Zone as more particularly depicted on Exhibit A.The picture can't be displayed.

  • When approved by the fire code official, a Helistop may be omitted when the building is equipped with a freight elevator that serves all floors and is separated from all other elevators.

  • Parkview Medical Center PUD Development Guide Amendment to change the FAR of the H1 and H2 Land Use Areas and allow a Helistop of the Greenwood St. right-of-way.PUD-19-02: Site Plan Review.

  • It concerns how the organization actually produces the products and services it provides for customers and includes such things as flexible manufacturing, advanced information systems, and the Internet.

More Definitions of Helistop

Helistop means a designated accessory landing pad where helicopters stop momentarily to pick up or discharge passengers, where no fueling, maintenance, or storage functions take place.
Helistop means a heliport either at a ground level or elevated on a structure, for landing and take-off of helicopters, but without auxiliary facilities, such as a parking area, waiting room and hangers but with the minimum prescribed safety equipment [an aerodrome and any defined area or a structure intended or designed to be used either wholly or partly for the landing, departure and surface movement of helicopters];";
Helistop means an area of defined dimensions, either at ground level or elevated on a structure designated for the landing or take off of helicopters, but not limited in use to that sole purpose. Helistops generally provide minimal or no support facilities and may be located in multiple use areas such as parking lots, dock areas, parks, athletic fields or other suitable open areas.
Helistop means a heliport, either at ground level or elevated on a structure, for the landing and takeoff of helicopters, but without auxiliary facilities such as waiting room, hangar, parking, maintenance or fueling equipment.
Helistop means a minimum facility without the logistical support provided at a heliport at which helicopters land and take-off, including the touchdown area. Helistops may be at ground level or elevated on a structure. The term "helistop" applies to all such minimum facilities whether said facility is public or private. (1985 Code, § 5-701)
Helistop is defined in Section 34.8.
Helistop means an area of land, water or structure or portion thereof usedor intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of helicopters provided nofacilities for service or basing of such aircraft are permitted.[MOU11]