Public water system means a system for the provision of water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances that has 15 or more service connections or regularly serves at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year.
public water means any river, watercourse, bay, estuary, the sea and any other water which the public has a right to use or to which the public has the right of access;
Public water supply system means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if the system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves at least twenty-five individuals. The term includes any source of water and any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of the operator of the system and used primarily in connection with the system, and any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with the system.
Water System means the plants, structures and other
Public water supply means all mains, pipes and structures through which water is obtained and distributed to the public, including wells and well structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treatment plants, reservoirs, storage tanks and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use for the purpose of furnishing water for drinking or general domestic use and which serve at least 15 service connections or which regularly serve at least 25 persons at least 60 days per year. A public water supply is either a "community water supply" or a "non-community water supply".
Public garage means a building or other place where vehicles or vessels are kept and stored and where a charge is made for the storage and keeping of vehicles and vessels.
Stormwater system means constructed and natural features which function together as a system to collect, convey, channel, hold, inhibit, retain, detain, infiltrate, divert, treat, or filter stormwater. “Stormwater system” includes both public and privately owned features.
Public works project means the erection, construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of any public structure, building, road, or other public improvement of any kind.
Wastewater System means a system of wastewater collection, treatment,
Public Way means the surface of, and the space above and below, any public street, highway, freeway, bridge, land path, alley, court, boulevard, sidewalk, way, lane, public way, drive, circle, park, bridge, waterway, dock, bulkhead, wharf, pier, other public ground or water subject to the jurisdiction and control of the Franchise Authority, or other public right-of-way, including, but not limited to, public utility easements, dedicated utility strips, or easements dedicated for compatible uses and any temporary or permanent fixtures or improvements located thereon now or hereafter held by the Franchise Authority in the Franchise Area, which shall entitle the Franchisee to the use thereof for the purpose of installing, operating, repairing, and maintaining the Cable System. Public Way shall also mean any easement now or hereafter held by the Franchise Authority within the Franchise Area for the purpose of public travel, or for utility or public service use dedicated for compatible uses, and shall include other easements or rights-of-way as shall within their proper use and meaning entitle the Franchisee to the use thereof for the purposes of installing, operating, and maintaining the Franchisee’s Cable System over poles, wires, cables, conductors, ducts, conduits, vaults, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, attachments, and other property as may be ordinarily necessary and appurtenant to the Cable System.
Small municipal separate storm sewer system or "small MS4" means all separate storm sewers that are (i) owned or operated by the United States, a state, city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, stormwater, or other wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under § 208 of the CWA that discharges to surface waters and (ii) not defined as "large" or "medium" municipal separate storm sewer systems or designated under 4VAC50-60-380 A 1. This term includes systems similar to separate storm sewer systems in municipalities, such as systems at military bases, large hospital or prison complexes, and highway and other thoroughfares. The term does not include separate storm sewers in very discrete areas, such as individual buildings.
Combined sewer system means a system for conveying both sanitary sewage and storm water runoff.
Community water system means a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents.
Sewer System means pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains, vehicles, vessels, conveyances, injection wells, and all other constructions, devices, and appliances appurtenant thereto used for conducting sewage or industrial waste or other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal or disposal to any water of the state. To the extent that they are not subject to section 402 of the federal Water Pollution Control Act, ditches, pipes, and drains that serve only to collect, channel, direct, and convey nonpoint runoff from precipitation are not considered as sewer systems for the purposes of this part of this division.
Noncommunity water system means a public water system that is not a community water system.
Fire alarm system means a system designed to detect and annunciate the presence of fire, or by-products of fire. Fire alarm system includes smoke detectors.
Non-transient non-community water system means a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year.
Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.
Cabinet x-ray system means an x-ray system with the x-ray tube installed in an enclosure independent of existing architectural structures except the floor on which it may be placed. The cabinet x-ray system is intended to contain at least that portion of a material being irradiated, provide radiation attenuation, and exclude personnel from its interior during generation of radiation. Included are all x-ray systems designed primarily for the inspection of carry-on baggage at airline, railroad, and bus terminals, and in similar facilities. An x-ray tube used within a shielded part of a building, or x-ray equipment that may temporarily or occasionally incorporate portable shielding, is not considered a cabinet x-ray system.
Transient non-community water system or “transient non-CWS” means a non- CWS that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over six months of the year.
Stormwater runoff means water flow on the surface of the ground or in storm sewers, resulting from precipitation.
Garage, public means a building or portion thereof, designed other than as a private garage, operated for gain, designed and/or used for repairing, servicing, hiring, selling or storing or parking motor-driven or other vehicles.
Local public procurement unit means any political subdivision or unit thereof which expends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, or construction.
Nontransient noncommunity water system means a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least the same 25 persons over 6 months per year.
Public work means public work as defined in section 2 of P.L.1963, c.150 (C. 34:11-56.26) and which is subject to the provisions of P.L.1963, c.150 (C. 34:11-56.25 et seq.). Public work shall not include the provision of goods or products.
public service infrastructure means publicly controlled infrastructure of the following kinds: