GPS coordinates definition

GPS coordinates means latitude and longitude coordinates derived from a global positioning system that are taken from a central point within a growing area or structure and that include decimal degrees to 6 places after the decimal.
GPS coordinates means latitude and longitude coordinates derived from a global positioning system.
GPS coordinates means the expression of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees to six decimal places of precision;

Examples of GPS coordinates in a sentence

  • The Contractor shall take a photo and record GPS coordinates, at each release site.

  • GPS coordinates will be collected as Sample Points, requiring the input of sample identification (ID) number (also referred to as index ID) and location ID.

  • The GPS coordinates and photograph(s) of the habitat where the biological controls are released shall be included with the final report and invoice to the District.

  • For this investigation, global positioning system (GPS) coordinates will be collected for all bait and camera locations, as well as the specific area where deer and elk are collected.

More Definitions of GPS coordinates

GPS coordinates means global positioning system coordinates.
GPS coordinates means latitude and longitude coordinates derived from a global
GPS coordinates means the expression of latitude and longitude in decimal degrees to six decimal places of precision in the UTM NAD83 Zone 10 coordinate system;
GPS coordinates means the standard coordinates produced by the Global Positioning System;

Related to GPS coordinates

  • Services Coordinator means an employee of the community developmental disability program or other agency that contracts with the county or Division, who is selected to plan, procure, coordinate, monitor Individual Support Plan services, and to act as a proponent for individuals with developmental disabilities.

  • Program coordinator means a registered nurse responsible for administrative aspects of a state-approved nurse aide training course.

  • Scheduling Coordinator or “SC” means an entity certified by the CAISO as qualifying as a Scheduling Coordinator pursuant to the CAISO Tariff for the purposes of undertaking the functions specified in “Responsibilities of a Scheduling Coordinator,” of the CAISO Tariff, as amended from time to time.

  • Service Coordinator has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

  • Service coordination means a specialized care management service that is performed by a Service Coordinator and that includes but is not limited to:

  • Care coordination means a process-oriented activity to facilitate ongoing communication and collaboration to meet multiple needs. Care coordination includes facilitating communication between the family, natural supports, community resources, and involved providers and agencies; organizing, facilitating and participating in team meetings; and providing for continuity of care by creating linkages to and managing transitions between levels of care and transitions for young adults in transition to adult services.

  • Title IX Coordinator means an employee of the school district that coordinates the school district’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX. The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for acting as the primary contact for the parties and ensuring that the parties are provided with all notices, evidence, reports, and written determinations to which they are entitled under this policy and grievance process. The Title IX Coordinator is also responsible for effective implementation of any supportive measures or remedies. The Title IX Coordinator must be free from conflicts of interest and bias when administrating the grievance process.

  • Coordinator means the person designated by Canada to act as the Dispute Resolution Coordinator.

  • Project Manager means the principal employee or agent of the Recipient having administrative authority over the Project designated in Appendix B pursuant to Section VI hereof, or authorized designee as per written notification to the Director.

  • Team Leader means an employee who is in a set or team and who is generally responsible for the work executed by the employees comprising such set or team;

  • Program Director means an individual who has complete responsibility for the day to day function of the program. The Program Director is the highest level of decision making at a local, program level.

  • Program Manager means the HCAI manager responsible for the grant program.