Care coordination means a process-oriented activity to facilitate ongoing communication and collaboration to meet multiple needs. Care coordination includes facilitating communication between the family, natural supports, community resources, and involved providers and agencies; organizing, facilitating and participating in team meetings; and providing for continuity of care by creating linkages to and managing transitions between levels of care and transitions for young adults in transition to adult services.
Care coordination means the deliberate organization of Enrollee care activities by an individual or entity formally designated as primarily responsible for coordinating services furnished by Network Providers, community-based services providers and other providers involved in an Enrollee’s care.
Care coordination or "coordination of care" means a process-oriented activity to facilitate ongoing communication and collaboration to meet multiple needs of an individual. Care coordina- tion includes facilitating communication between the family, natural supports, community resources, and involved providers and agencies, organizing, facilitating and participating in team meetings, and pro- viding for continuity of care by creating linkages to and managing transitions between levels of care.
Examples of Care coordination in a sentence
Care coordination gives you access to dedicated BCBSRI healthcare professionals, including nurses, dietitians, behavioral health providers, and community resources specialists.
More Definitions of Care coordination
Care coordination or "coordination of care" means a proc- ess-oriented activity to facilitate ongoing communication and collabo- ration to meet multiple needs of an individual. Care coordination in- cludes facilitating communication between the family, natural sup- ports, community resources, and involved providers and agencies, or- ganizing, facilitating and participating in team meetings, and provid- ing for continuity of care by creating linkages to and managing tran- sitions between levels of care.
Care coordination means the management of all aspects of a patient’s care to improve health care quality.
Care coordination means a process-oriented activity to facili- tate ongoing communication and collaboration to meet multiple needs of an individual. Care coordination includes facilitating communication between the family, natural supports, community resources, and in- volved providers and agencies, organizing, facilitating and partici- pating in team meetings, and providing for continuity of care by cre- ating linkages to and managing transitions between levels of care.
Care coordination means facilitating communication and ensuring provision of services among multiple professionals and service providers, the individual, and family members or other natural supports when designated by the individual, and ensuring the individual has the information necessary to actively participate in service and discharge or transition planning.
Care coordination means the email, faxes, phone calls, meetings and other types of information exchange, consultation, and advocacy provided by a registered nurse on behalf of an individual that is necessary for the registered nurse to conduct assessments, complete medication reviews, provide for individual safety needs, and implement an individual's Nursing Service Plan.
Care coordination means an Individual’s healthcare needs are coordinated with the assistance of a primary point of contact. The point of contact provides information to the Individual and the Individual’s caregivers, and works with the Individual to ensure the Individual receives the most appropriate treatment, while ensuring that care is not duplicated.
Care coordination means locating and coordinating services across health providers to include sharing of information among health care providers and others who are involved with the individual’s health care to improve the restorative care and align service plans.