GBI definition

GBI means the Green Building Initiative.
GBI means Generation Based Incentive to be paid by Programme Administrator to local Distribution Utility under this Programme;
GBI means Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Inc.

Examples of GBI in a sentence

  • PARENT will provide to TARGET not less than ten (10) business days prior to the Closing with a Severance Payment Schedule setting forth the severance payment amounts and schedule for payment thereof to the GBI employees so entitled and consistent with the provisions of this Section 7.7(c).

  • If payable by GBI, the "Applicable Termination Payment" shall be $1,000,000.

  • As used in this Section 7 and elsewhere in this Agreement GBI means PARENT, and Corgenix or CONX means TARGET.

  • The balance of the 2000 Pool shall be paid 50% to the GKN Executives, as a group, and 50% to the GBI Executives, as a group, with the amount to be paid to each such person being determined by the Compensation Committee.

  • As of the date of this Agreement, there are 10 million shares of the GBI Common Stock duly and validly issued and outstanding, fully paid, and non-assessable.

  • In such event, the Term Note will be convertible, at the election of GBI, into Common Stock of Corgenix at a conversion price of $.568 per Share.

  • Since September 30, 2004, GBI has continued to rxxxxxxxx its inventory in a normal and customary manner consistent with the prior and prudent practice prevailing in the business of GBI.

  • The delivery of the GBI Common Stock to PTS as herein contemplated will vest in PTS good, absolute and marketable title to all of the capital stock in GBI Common Stock as described herein, free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances, and restrictions of every kind, except those restrictions imposed by applicable securities laws or this Agreement.

  • GBI has good and marketable title in fee simple ---------- absolute to all real properties and good title to all other properties and assets used in its business or owned by it (except real and other properties and assets as are held pursuant to leases or licenses), free and clear of all liens, mortgages, security interests, pledges, charges, and encumbrances, other than as shown on the Financial Statement, including, but not limited to a tax lien for unpaid real estate taxes.

  • In addition, in the event of any unrightful refusal by Corgenix to proceed with the Merger, at the sole election of GBI, the Corgenix Note may be converted into 1,250,000 additional Common Shares of Corgenix at a conversion price of $.40 per Share subject to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of the Corgenix Note.

More Definitions of GBI

GBI means, Inc., a California corporation. ---
GBI means Generation Based Incentive.
GBI means the Great Basin Institute, its employees acting within the scope of their authority, and its authorized representatives.
GBI means “Green Building Index” and include within its context GSB;
GBI means Delargen Corporation, a Texas corporation doing business as Gemini Biotech Inc.

Related to GBI

  • CTI means CTI Logistics Limited (ABN 69 008 778 925) and/or any Affiliate of CTI Logistics Limited as the case may be, which performs all or any of the Services.

  • Intel shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble to this Agreement.

  • TEQ means toxicity equivalence, the international method of relating the toxicity of various dioxin/furan congeners to the toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.

  • Raptor means all birds of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes, commonly called falcons,

  • SCI has the meaning set forth with respect thereto in the preamble. ---

  • the Licensee means the person(s) named in the licence.

  • SMI means the a supplier managed inventory service (consignment or imprest stock option) as described further in Call Off Schedule 9;

  • VAR means value-at-risk.

  • SPI means the information categories listed at Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 521.002(a)(2).

  • NPS means nominal pipe size.

  • PTI means Preliminary Toxicity Investigation. Up to a 30-day period where the permittee investigates the cause(s) of a whole effluent toxicity exceedance and if the toxicity is known, includes a proposal for its elimination.

  • THC means tetrahydrocannabinol.

  • Licensee has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • LSI means Large Scale Industry

  • ABI means Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, its domestic and foreign parents, predecessors, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, partnerships and joint ventures (excluding Crown, and, prior to the completion of the Transaction, Modelo); and all directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives of the foregoing. The terms “parent,” “subsidiary,” “affiliate,” and “joint venture” refer to any person in which there is majority (greater than 50 percent) or total ownership or control between the company and any other person.

  • PBI means Pitney Xxxxx Inc. “Pitney Xxxxx” means PBI and its subsidiaries. “We”, “our” or “us” refers to the Pitney Xxxxx companies with whom you’ve entered into the Order. “You” or “your” refers to the entity identified on the Order. “Meter” means any postage meter supplied by PBI under the Order, including (i) in the case of a Connect+®, a SendPro® P series or a SendPro C series mailing system, the postal security device that accounts for and enables postage to be purchased and printed (“PSD”), and (ii) in the case of all other mailing systems, the PSD, the user interface or keyboard and display and the print engine. “Meter Services” means access to the PSD to download, account for, and enable printing of postage within a PBI Postage Evidencing System as defined in Title 39, Part 501 of the Code of Federal Regulations (“CFR”); USPS mandated processes associated with the PSD, including registration, usage reporting and withdrawal; repair or replacement of the PSD as described in Section 26; and the Soft- Guard Program outlined in Section 28. “Equipment” means the equipment listed on the Order, excluding any Meter or standalone software. “Lease” means Lease terms and conditions set out in Sections 10 through 17. The provisions included in these Terms consist of: (i) General Terms; (ii) Lease Terms; (iii) a Service Level Agreement; (iv) Equipment Rental and Meter Services Terms; (v) an Acknowledgement of Deposit required by the United States Postal Service in any transaction involving a Meter; (vi) Purchase Power® Terms for a limited purpose credit line that may be available to you; and (vii) provisions relating to specific products.

  • Elan means Elan Corp and its Affiliates.

  • ANI means automatic number identification.

  • Shire means Shire of Augusta Margaret River

  • Sage means The Sage Group plc or an Affiliate thereof.

  • Novartis shall have the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • Apple means Apple Inc., a California corporation with its principal place of business at Xxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxx, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000, U.S.A.

  • UDC means chs. Comm 20 to 25, the Wisconsin uni- form dwelling code.

  • UPI means the unified payments interface which is an instant payment mechanism, developed by NPCI;

  • RFI means a Request for Information.

  • Licensor means the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.