Garfield definition

Garfield has the meaning set forth in the preamble hereto.
Garfield means Raymxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xx.
Garfield licensing agreement effective January 7, 2004, which is equal to or better than the following schedule:

Examples of Garfield in a sentence

  • In the event any dispute arises hereunder, the venue for any legal proceedings shall be in Garfield County, Colorado, and vendor hereby submits and agrees to the jurisdiction of the courts therein.

  • It includes Archuleta, Delta, Dolores, Eagle, Garfield, Grand,Gunnison, Hinsdale, Jackson, La Plata, Mesa, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Juan, San Miguel, and Summit counties.

  • Venue for any action instituted pursuant to this Agreement shall lie in Garfield County, Colorado.

  • I, Anders Hasseler, Chief Financial Officer for the City of Garfield do hereby confirm that there are sufficient funds available for this resolution.

  • Separate plans shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works – Engineering Division – at 175 North Garfield Avenue Window 6.

  • In consideration of the issuance of the Building Permit, I agree that I and my agents will comply with provisions of any federal, state or local law regulating the work and the Garfield County Building Code, OWTS regulations and applicable land use regulations (County Regulation(s)).

  • Exempted from this condition is Project No. 473-504 (Garfield Restaurant and Hampton Inn).

  • The applicant shall provide the City of Garfield with an original and two (2) copies of its proposal.

  • The final determination will be based upon the most advantageous price and other factors to the City of Garfield.

  • The City of Garfield shall award all professional service agreements based upon qualifications, merit, cost competitiveness, references and experience with issues confronting the City of Garfield.

Related to Garfield

  • CORA means the Colorado Open Records Act, §§24-72-200.1 et. seq., C.R.S.

  • Spring means a source of water where an aquifer comes in contact with the ground surface.

  • Lake means a natural or man-made impoundment of water with more than one acre of water surface area at the high water level.

  • Green means products, materials, methods and processes certified by a “Green Authority” that conserve natural resources, reduce energy or water consumption, avoid toxic or other polluting emissions or otherwise minimize environmental impact.

  • Crosswalk means that part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the

  • Tyler means Tyler Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

  • PETE means polyethylene terephthalate, labeled by the SPI code #1.

  • MD has the meaning ascribed to such term in the Preamble.

  • Forest means an area of land defined by the minimum values for area size, tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level, and potential tree height at maturity at the place of growth of the trees as specified for each Member State in Annex II. It includes areas with trees, including groups of growing, young, natural trees, or plantations that have yet to reach the minimum values for tree crown cover or an equivalent stocking level or minimum tree height as specified in Annex II, including any area that normally forms part of the forest area but on which there are temporarily no trees as a result of human intervention, such as harvesting, or as a result of natural causes, but which area can be expected to revert to forest;

  • Highway means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place open to the use

  • Hunt means to pursue, shoot, wound, kill, chase, lure, possess, or capture or the act of a person possessing a weapon, as defined in 45-2-101, or using a dog or a bird of prey for the purpose of shooting, wounding, killing, possessing, or capturing wildlife protected by the laws of this state in any location that wildlife may inhabit, whether or not the wildlife is then or subsequently taken. The term includes an attempt to take by any means, including but not limited to pursuing, shooting, wounding, killing, chasing, luring, possessing, or capturing.

  • Woodland means a group of indigenous trees which are not a natural forest, but whose crowns cover [more than] at least five per cent of the area [bounded by trees forming the perimeter of the group] they 10

  • Parkway means the area between a sidewalk and the curb or traffic lane. It may be planted or unplanted, and with or without pedestrian egress.

  • Rock means the body of consolidated or partially consolidated material composed of minerals at or below the land surface. Rock includes bedrock and partially weathered rock that is hard and cannot be dug with hand tools. The upper boundary of rock is "saprolite," "soil," or the land surface.

  • Salmon means Pacific Salmon of the species Oncorhynchus nerka including sockeye; Oncorhynchus kisutch including coho; Oncorhynchus gorbuscha including pink; Oncorhynchus keta including chum; and Oncorhynchus tshawytcha including chinook; anadromous whitefish and cisco (Coregonidae spp.); and anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus).

  • Crown means the government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Committee, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales), including, but not limited to, government ministers and government departments and particular bodies, persons, commissions or agencies from time to time carrying out functions on its behalf;

  • Bay means parking bay;