Foreign Regulatory Body definition

Foreign Regulatory Body means an authority in a Recognised Foreign Jurisdiction, which exercises functions pursuant to any enactment, order, regulation or other legislative or regulatory provision for the purposes of regulation of the Foreign Security Issuer, or the listing or admission to trading of the Foreign Security (as the case may be).
Foreign Regulatory Body means an authority in a jurisdiction outside the country which performs functions corresponding or similar to those performed by the Commission.
Foreign Regulatory Body means any national (other than the United States), sub-national, supra-national, intergovernmental or international department, commission, board, bureau, organization, agency or instrumentality with jurisdiction over the Company or its Subsidiaries that administers or enforces telecommunications laws, rules and regulations.

Examples of Foreign Regulatory Body in a sentence

  • In addition the Licensee internal Nuclear Safety Department (“Service de Contrôle Physique – Dienst voor Fysische Controle”) established two independent review reports [3] [4].The FANC made its safety evaluation with the support of its technical support Bel V, the AIA (Authorized Inspection Agency4) AIB-Vinçotte and relevant international expert groups (IERB and Foreign Regulatory Body workshops).

  • Without prejudice to the provision of Item (4), the Fund may invest up to 15% of its Net Asset Value in other Islamic money market funds licensed by the Authority or by a Foreign Regulatory Body in accordance with the regulatory standards and terms similar at least to those applied by the Authority, and in compliance with the Fund’s Articles of Association and any other instructions issued by the Authority, provided that none of the Funds invested in shall be managed by the same Fund Manager.

  • Without prejudice to the provision of Item (4), the Fund may invest up to 15% of its Net Asset Value in other money market funds licensed by the Authority or by a Foreign Regulatory Body in accordance with the regulatory standards and terms similar at least to those applied by the Authority, and in compliance with the Fund’s Articles of Association and any other instructions issued by the Authority, provided that none of the Funds invested in shall be managed by the same Fund Manager.

  • Simultaneously or within a reasonable period and in any event not later than seven (7) days thereafter, make available to the Jamaican market, in plain English, such information that the Foreign Security Issuer has filed or caused to be filed on its behalf with any Foreign Regulatory Body or agency and any other information that may be provided to it by the Foreign Custodian or any other person, in relation to the Foreign Securities Issuer.

Related to Foreign Regulatory Body

  • Regulatory Body means those government departments and regulatory, statutory and other entities, committees, ombudsmen and bodies which, whether under statute, rules, regulations, codes of practice or otherwise, are entitled to regulate or investigate the matters dealt with in this Agreement or any other affairs of the Provider or the Department, including, without limitation Ofsted, the European Commission and the European Court of Auditors;

  • national regulatory authority means a national regulatory authority designated in accordance with Article 39(1) of Directive 2009/73/EC;

  • Sanctioning Authority means [The FA][the [ ] County Football Association Limited].

  • Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) means the Government Agency responsible for oversight of public procurement.

  • FDA means the United States Food and Drug Administration and any successor agency thereto.

  • Regulatory entity means any board, commission, agency,

  • regulated product means a consumer product for which a VOC standard is specified in section 94509(a), and

  • Foreign central authority means the entity designated by a foreign country described in section 102(e)(iv) to perform the functions specified in the Convention.

  • Regulatory Bodies means those government departments and regulatory, statutory and other entities, committees, ombudsmen and bodies which, whether under statute, rules, regulations, codes of practice or otherwise, are entitled to regulate, investigate, or influence the matters dealt with in the Contract or any other affairs of the Authority and “Regulatory Body” shall be construed accordingly.

  • Regulatory Authority means any supranational, federal, national, regional, state, provincial, or local regulatory agency, department, bureau, commission, council, or other government entity, that regulates or otherwise exercises authority with respect to manufacturing, research, development, or commercialization of pharmaceutical or biological products in any country or regulatory jurisdiction, including the FDA, USDA and EMA.

  • securities regulatory authority or “SRA” means a body created by statute in any Canadian or foreign jurisdiction to administer securities law, regulation and policy (e.g. securities commission), but does not include an exchange or other self regulatory entity;

  • Securities Regulatory Authorities means the securities commission or similar regulatory authority in each province and territory of Canada that is responsible for administering the Canadian securities legislation in force in such jurisdictions;

  • relevant planning authority means the district planning authority for the area in which the land to which the relevant provision of this Order applies is situated;

  • Sanctioned Territory means, at any time, a country or territory which is itself the subject or target of any Sanctions (at the time of this Agreement, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria).

  • Franchising Authority means any Governmental Authority authorized by any federal, state or local law to grant a Franchise or to exercise jurisdiction over the rates or services provided by a cable television system pursuant to a Franchise or over Persons holding a Franchise.

  • Economic Sanctions refers to sanctions imposed by the U.S. government in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine, as well as any sanctions imposed under state law. The EO directs state agencies to terminate contracts with, and to refrain from entering any new contracts with, individuals or entities that are determined to be a target of Economic Sanctions. Accordingly, should the State determine Contractor is a target of Economic Sanctions or is conducting prohibited transactions with sanctioned individuals or entities, that shall be grounds for termination of this agreement. The State shall provide Contractor advance written notice of such termination, allowing Contractor at least 30 calendar days to provide a written response. Termination shall be at the sole discretion of the State.

  • Regulatory Authorities means the Commissions and the Exchange;

  • Information Regulator means the Information Regulator as established in terms of Section 39 of POPIA;

  • statutory body means any body declared under clause 13 to be a statutory body for the purposes of this Schedule;