Examples of Financing Accounts in a sentence
For the avoidance of doubt, Deposits TRB excludes all deposits in HSBC Jade Accounts, HSBC Premier Accounts, SGD Current Accounts, SGD Savings Accounts, Singapore Dollar Time Deposit accounts, Secured Overdraft Accounts, SmartMortgage Accounts, Flexi Accounts, eFlexi Accounts and Investment Financing Accounts.
The following recourse provisions shall apply to all Eligible US Fleet Rental Financing Accounts.
Of that total, $29.0 billion was in the Financing Accounts and $4.7 billion in the Capital Reserve Account.
For the purpose of this Promotion, Deposits TRB excludes deposits in Singapore dollar Time Deposit accounts, Secured Overdraft Accounts, Smart Mortgage Accounts, eFlexi Accounts and Investment Financing Accounts.
Capital Financing Accounts for funds designated for the financing of capital works, for the acquisition of the City’s debentures and for funds set aside for the City's solid waste disposal program.
Of note, Table 11 reflects significant movement of funds from the Capital Reserve Account to the Financing Accounts over the past three years.
For the avoidance of doubt, the parties hereto hereby confirm: Fleet Rental Financing Accounts other than Eligible US Fleet Rental Financing Accounts, and Eligible US Fleet Rental Financing Accounts that become Ineligible US Fleet Rental Financing Accounts due to a Sale Out of Trust, shall be covered under the provisions of Section 2.01 hereof.
In the FY 2011 actuarial study, the independent actuaries estimated the amount of required loss reserves to be $29.9 billion, or $900 million more than what is currently in the MMI Fund Financing Accounts.
For the purpose of this Promotion, Deposits TRB excludes deposits in Singapore dollar Time Deposit accounts, Secured Overdraft Accounts, SmartMortgage Accounts, and Investment Financing Accounts.
The MMI Fund operates with two primary sets of financial accounts.27 First, all business transactions related to insurance operations are maintained in a series of Financing Accounts at the U.S. Treasury.28 Then, secondary reserves for unexpected claim expenses are maintained in a separate Capital Reserve Account, which is also held at the U.S. Treasury.