Excluded Company Third Party definition

Excluded Company Third Party means (i) any past or present director, officer, employee, auditor, agent or adviser of or to an Excluded Company and (ii) any creditor of an Excluded Company, in each case acting solely in its capacity as such;

Related to Excluded Company Third Party

  • Excluded IP has the meaning assigned to such term in the U.S. Security Agreement.

  • Excluded Contract means, at any date, any rights or interest of the Borrower or any Guarantor under any agreement, contract, license, instrument, document or other general intangible (referred to solely for purposes of this definition as a “Contract”) to the extent that such Contract by the terms of a restriction in favor of a Person who is not the Borrower or any Guarantor, or any requirement of law, prohibits, or requires any consent or establishes any other condition for or would terminate because of an assignment thereof or a grant of a security interest therein by the Borrower or a Guarantor; provided that (i) rights under any such Contract otherwise constituting an Excluded Contract by virtue of this definition shall be included in the Collateral to the extent permitted thereby or by Section 9-406 or Section 9-408 of the Uniform Commercial Code and (ii) all proceeds paid or payable to any of the Borrower or any Guarantor from any sale, transfer or assignment of such Contract and all rights to receive such proceeds shall be included in the Collateral.

  • Excluded Country means one of the following countries from which Non-Medical Emergency Evacuations are not available such as Afghanistan Chechnya Democratic Republic of the Congo Iran Iraq Israel West Bank Israel Gaza Strip Ivory Coast Lebanon Libya North Korea Somalia Sudan Syria or any country subject to the administration and enforcement of U.S. economic embargoes and trade sanctions by the OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSET CONTROLS (OFAC);

  • Excluded Costs means the following expenses, as they relate to the Building Operating Costs and the Project Operating Costs (as defined below): (i) depreciation, interest, and amortization on mortgages or ground lease payments, (ii) legal fees incurred in negotiating and enforcing tenant leases, (iii) real estate brokers’ leasing commissions, (iv) initial improvements or alterations to tenant spaces, (v) the cost of providing any service directly to and paid directly by any individual tenant, if the cost of providing such service would have otherwise been included in Building’s Operating Costs, (vi) any costs expressly excluded from Operating Expenses elsewhere in this Lease, (vii) costs of any items for which Landlord receives reimbursement from insurance proceeds or a third party (such costs shall be excluded from Operating Expenses in the year in which the reimbursement is received), but any deductible amount under any insurance policy shall be included within Operating Expenses, (viii) costs of capital improvements, except as specifically provided herein, (ix) costs incurred for the benefit of a single tenant (for example, tenant improvement costs to build-out a particular suite), (x) costs incurred due to Landlord’s breach of a lease, law, or ordinance, (xi) repairs necessitated by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord, (xii) the cost of earthquake or flood insurance, unless required by Landlord’s Lender and in such event an amount reasonably estimated by Landlord to approximate the cost of such coverage as if such coverage been carried during the Base Year shall be added to Direct Expenses for the Base Year, (xiii) overhead profit increments paid to Landlord’s subsidiaries or affiliates for management or other services on or to the building or for supplies or other materials to the extent that the cost of the services, supplies, or materials exceeds the cost that would have been paid had the services, supplies, or materials been provided by unaffiliated parties on a competitive basis, (xiv) any compensation paid to clerks, attendants, or other persons in commercial concessions operated by Landlord, (xv) advertising and promotional expenditures, (xvi) costs of repairs and other work occasioned by fire, windstorm, or other casualty covered by insurance, (xvii) management costs to the extent they exceed 5% of all gross rent collected, (xviii) costs for sculpture, paintings, or other objects of art (nor insurance thereon or extraordinary security in connection therewith), (xix) wages, salaries, or other compensation paid to any executive employees above the grade of building manager, (xx) the cost of correcting any building code or other violations which were violations prior to the Lease Commencement Date, and (xxi) the cost of containing, removing, or otherwise remediating any contamination of the Property (including the underlying land and ground water) by any toxic or hazardous materials (including, without limitation, asbestos and “PCB’s”) where such contamination was not caused by Tenant.

  • Excluded Entities has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2(b)(iv).

  • Valid Third Party Entity In respect of any transaction, any third party that the Calculation Agent determines has a bona fide intent to enter into or consummate such transaction (it being understood and agreed that in determining whether such third party has such a bona fide intent, the Calculation Agent shall take into consideration the effect of the relevant announcement by such third party on the Shares and/or options relating to the Shares and, if such effect is material, may deem such third party to have a bona fide intent). Nationalization, Insolvency or Delisting: Cancellation and Payment (Calculation Agent Determination); provided that, in addition to the provisions of Section 12.6(a)(iii) of the Equity Definitions, it will also constitute a Delisting if the Exchange is located in the United States and the Shares are not immediately re-listed, re-traded or re-quoted on any of the New York Stock Exchange, The NASDAQ Global Select Market or The NASDAQ Global Market (or their respective successors); if the Shares are immediately re-listed, re-traded or re-quoted on any of the New York Stock Exchange, The NASDAQ Global Select Market or The NASDAQ Global Market (or their respective successors), such exchange or quotation system shall thereafter be deemed to be the Exchange. Additional Disruption Events: Change in Law: Applicable; provided that Section 12.9(a)(ii) of the Equity Definitions is hereby amended by (i) replacing the phrase “the interpretation” in the third line thereof with the phrase “, or public announcement of, the formal or informal interpretation,” (ii) replacing the word “Shares” with the phrase “Hedge Positions” in clause (X) thereof and (iii) inserting the parenthetical “(including, for the avoidance of doubt and without limitation, (x) any tax law or (y) adoption, effectiveness or promulgation of new regulations authorized or mandated by existing statute)” at the end of clause (A) thereof. Failure to Deliver: Applicable Hedging Disruption: Applicable; provided that:

  • Excluded Contracts has the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(a).

  • Excluded Contribution means net cash proceeds, marketable securities or Qualified Proceeds received by the Issuer from

  • Excluded Entity means each of the Hong Kong Disneyland Entities, the Shanghai Project Entities and the Specified Project Entities.

  • Excluded Party has the meaning set forth in Section 7.4(b).

  • Excluded Contributions means the Cash Equivalents or other assets (valued at their Fair Market Value as determined in good faith by senior management or the Board of Directors of the Issuer) received by the Issuer after the Issue Date from:

  • Excluded License means an open source or other software license that requires, as a condition of license, use, modification, distribution or conveyance, that (a) the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; (b) others have the right to modify or create derivative works of it; and/or (c) the code becomes redistributable at no charge.

  • Excluded Equity means any Voting Stock in excess of 66% of the total outstanding Voting Stock of any direct Subsidiary of any Grantor that is a Non-U.S. Person. For the purposes of this definition, “Voting Stock” means, as to any issuer, the issued and outstanding shares of each class of capital stock or other ownership interests of such issuer entitled to vote (within the meaning of Treasury Regulations § 1.956-2(c)(2)).

  • Qualified third party means 1 or more of the following:

  • Excluded Cash means (a) any cash of the Loan Parties allocated for, reserved or otherwise set aside to pay (i) amounts then due and owing to unaffiliated third parties for which any of the Loan Parties have issued (or will issue within five (5) Business Days) checks or have initiated (or will initiate within five (5) Business Days) wires or ACH transfers in order to pay such amounts or (ii) the reasonably estimated balance of the purchase price and closing costs anticipated to be paid to unaffiliated third parties in connection with a “sign and close” purchase and sale agreement or other acquisition agreement for which any of the Loan Parties have issued (or will issue within five (5) Business Days) checks or have initiated (or will initiate within five (5) Business Days) wires or ACH transfers in order to pay such amounts, (b) cash allocated for, reserved or otherwise set aside for and solely used for (i) payroll or employee benefit payment obligations, (ii) the payment of severance and ad valorem taxes and other taxes of any Loan Party, and (iii) royalty and working interest payments, vendor payments and suspense payments owing to third parties, (c) cash collateral accounts with respect to letters of credit, (d) any cash or cash equivalents of any Loan Party (1) held in escrow by an unaffiliated third party and constituting purchase price deposits and/or (2) held by any Loan Party constituting the reasonably estimated balance of the purchase price and closing costs, in each case held in connection with a pending acquisition from an unaffiliated third party reasonably projected to close within the next succeeding sixty (60) days pursuant to a binding and enforceable purchase and sale agreement, and (e) any cash or cash equivalents of any Loan Party held by any Loan Party constituting the reasonably estimated amount of any cash distributions with respect to the Borrower’s Equity Interests that the Borrower intends to make to holders of its Equity Interests, in each case which distributions are expressly permitted pursuant to Section 9.04(d) and which distributions shall be made within the next succeeding thirty (30) days.

  • Excluded Affiliate means any Affiliate of any Agent that is engaged as a principal primarily in private equity, mezzanine financing or venture capital.

  • Excluded Claim means a dispute, controversy or claim that concerns (a) the validity or infringement of a patent, trademark or copyright; or (b) any antitrust, anti-monopoly or competition law or regulation, whether or not statutory.

  • Excluded Person means each Defendant, the directors and officers of each Defendant, the subsidiaries or affiliates of each Defendant, the entities in which each Defendant or any of that Defendant’s subsidiaries or affiliates have a controlling interest and the legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns of each of the foregoing.

  • Third Party IP Claim has the meaning given to it in clause E8.7 (Intellectual Property Rights).

  • Excluded Business has the meaning set forth in Section 6.10.

  • Excluded Claims means (a) a party’s breach of its obligations in Section 5 (Confidential Information) (but excluding obligations and/or claims relating to Customer Data); (b) either party’s express obligations under Section 11 (Indemnification); and (c) liability which, by law, cannot be limited.

  • Excluded Businesses has the meaning set forth in Schedule 1.

  • Excluded Collateral shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the Security Agreement.

  • Excluded Products means the items described on the applicable restricted products per country, any other applicable Program Policy, or any other information made available to you by LINIO.