Drive-in restaurant definition

Drive-in restaurant means premises consisting of a building or structure, together with a parking area, from which food, refreshments, dairy products and/or beverages, are offered for sale and/or sold to the public for consumption in automobiles parked on the parking area and/or for consumption elsewhere on the premises, but not necessarily within such building or structure, and does not include a building or structure where food, refreshments, dairy products and/or beverages are offered for sale and/or sold to the public only for consumption within the building or structure.
Drive-in restaurant means an eating and drinking establishment which is designed as a drive-in business. Drive-in restaurants may have one or more of the following features: car attendant services, drive through food pickup services, or parking primarily intended to allow for the on-site consumption of food within a motor vehicle;
Drive-in restaurant means any restaurant where meals, sandwiches, cold drinks, beverages, ice cream or other food is served directly to or is permitted to be consumed by patrons in automobiles, motorcycles or other vehicles parked on the premises.

More Definitions of Drive-in restaurant

Drive-in restaurant means a business offering food for sale to the public and designed on the basis that consumption will take place either within a motor vehicle parked in a permitted parking space on the site or within a building located on the site.
Drive-in restaurant means an development where patrons may purchase food and non-alcoholic beverages on site and normally consume the food and beverages off site. This use does not include alcohol retail sales;
Drive-in restaurant means an establishment offering food and beverages, which are sold within the building or to persons while in motor vehicles in an area designated for drive-in service, and may be consumed on or off the premises.
Drive-in restaurant means an establishment where patrons are permitted to park cars on the premises, and food or drinks are served to patrons in cars.
Drive-in restaurant means premises consisting of a building or structure, together with a parking area, from which food, refreshments, dairy products or beverages are offered for sale or sold to the public for consumption either in motor vehicles parked on the parking area or for consumption elsewhere on the premises but not necessarily within such buildings or structure, but does not include a building or structure where food, refreshments, dairy products or beverages are offered for sale or sold to the public only for consumption within the building or structure or off the premises;
Drive-in restaurant means a business establishment where prepared food and/or beverages are served to patrons within parked automobiles and which may have an eat-in dining area for on-premises consumption.
Drive-in restaurant means a restaurant where the public consumes such food or beverages within vehicles parked on the same lot therewith.