Parking Space. The address required to find and physically park the Lessee’s vehicle is mandatory for this agreement to be valid. Section II. Term (7)
Parking Space. Lessor shall provide adequate parking spaces, including the requisite number of handicapped spaces in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, as part of the leased premise at no additional charge or cost to the Lessee.
Parking Space. Use the Parking Spaces for parking of cars or two wheelers only and not ever make any construction of whatsoever nature thereat nor ever sell the same to anyone independent of the Apartment.
Parking Space. The Company shall provide a parking space (a reserved one if one becomes available) in the garage of the building where its headquarters is located (or nearby if no such garage). The Executive shall pay the same proportion of the cost of such space as the Executive was paying for a parking space immediately prior to the Effective Time.
Parking Space. ( ) Covered Car Parking Space No. in the basement/ground floor and ( ) car/s in Open Car Parking Space No. in the open areas of the Said Premises for parking of medium sized motor car/s, described in Part-III of the 2nd Schedule below (Parking Space).
Parking Space. The Sublessee (check one):
Parking Space. The County shall attempt to provide adequate parking facilities for employees within a reasonable distance of their work locations. At the discretion of the Appointing Authority, employees may be required to utilize alternative forms of transportation to come to work for a minimum of two (2) days each week. Without prejudice to the foregoing, Health Care Agency Administration and CNA agree to meet and discuss (but not negotiate over) problems with, or changes to, established parking or alternative transportation policies.
Parking Space. The Garage having 120 (one hundred twenty) square feet includes the service area for the respective car parking, in the ground floor of the Said Complex and the Open parking in the ground level of the Said complex, described in Part II of the 2nd Schedule below (Parking Space).
Parking Space. The Company shall provide or cause CM Management to provide, at no cost to the Executive, a parking space in the garage of the building where its headquarters is located, or nearby if no such garage exists in the headquarters building.