Examples of Dollar Value in a sentence
Owner Name/ Representative Owner Address/Phone #/Email Architect Name/Representative Architect Address/Phone #/Email GC or CM Name/Representative GC or CM Address/Phone #/Email Contract Dollar Value Percentage Complete Current Anticipated Completion Date [Matrix: 0-3 points for each project listed.
Owner Name/ Representative Owner Address/Phone #/Email Architect Name/Representative Architect Address/Phone #/Email GC or CM Name/Representative GC or CM Address/Phone #/Email Contract Dollar Value Percentage Complete Current Anticipated CompletionDate [Matrix: 0-5 points for each project listed.
All submissions must be approved by the District before becoming the basis of any payment, including increasing the “Largest Dollar Value for Each Line Item” herein above, at the District’s discretion.
All proposed subcontracted services must appear in the Scope of Work.Attachment 10aSmall Business Subcontractor/Supplier Acknowledgement Name of Bidding Firm/Prime ContractorDOJ IFB Number:Total Dollar Value of Subcontractor Use This document confirms and acknowledges that the firm named below agreed to be identified by a bidding firm as a proposed small business or microbusiness or DVBE subcontractor or supplier for any DOJ procurement.
Owner Name/ Representative Owner Address/Phone #/Email Architect Name/Representative Architect Address/Phone #/Email GC or CM Name/Representative GC or CM Address/Phone #/Email Contract Dollar Value Percentage Complete Current Anticipated CompletionDate MWBE Percentage Achieved [Matrix: 0-5 points for each project listed, total of 15 points.