Day D definition

Day D means a day on which an Article is presented to or deemed to be presented to and accepted by HKICL for clearing and/or settlement as provided in these Clearing House Rules or, in the case of a typhoon, the day on which an Article is deemed to be presented to and accepted by HKICL for clearing and/or settlement as provided in the Typhoon Procedures.
Day D or "D" means the Day on which an activity pursuant to this Code is scheduled or requested to occur or should have occurred;
Day D any calendar day for which the implementation of a Nomination is scheduled;

Examples of Day D in a sentence

  • Publication of the required volumes per aFRR Capacity Product XXXX publishes on the ELIA website the required volumes to be procured for Day D at the latest on Day D- 3 at 16:00 CET.

  • In case after applying this procedure the volume to procure for Day D remains uncovered, XXXX procures remaining “Single-CCTU” aFRR Capacity Bids according to the merit order principle: • All validated but not yet (fully) awarded “Single-CCTU” aFRR Capacity Bids per CCTU are ranked following increasing price14; • From the ranking, the set of cheapest “Single-CCTU” aFRR Capacity Bids fulfilling the remaining required volume per CCTU is awarded.

  • The following timeline applies for the capacity auction for Day D: • aFRR Capacity GOT is scheduled on Day D-14 at 00:00 CET; • aFRR Capacity GCT is scheduled on Day D-2 at 16:00 CET; • Publication of the aFRR Awarded is performed at the latest on Day D-2 at 16:30 CET.

  • Organization XXXX procures each aFRR Capacity Product for Day D by running one capacity auction in Day D-2 for all CCTUs of day D.

  • Xxxx will evaluate the Nominations for Day D, in the context of his duties in operating and maintaining the Xxxx Xxxx, including considerations of safety/security, reliability and efficiency of the Xxxx Xxxx, in accordance with articles 216 and 217 of the Grid Code for Transmission, and the obligations of Article 12.1 and 12.2 of the Contract.

  • Intraday Nominations for Day D relating to Physical Transmission Rights for Import and/or Export on an Intraday basis between the Scheduling Area operated by Xxxx and the French Scheduling Area will be submitted to Xxxx by [ARP] no later than one (1) Hour after the Gate.

  • Xxxx will inform [ARP] of its motivated decision for fully or partially refusing to carry out the Nominations for Day D, by e-mail as soon as possible.

  • If the daily capacity for Import and Export cannot be allocated through Market Coupling, the Day- Ahead Nominations for Day D with respect to Physical Transmission Rights will be submitted to Xxxx by [ARP] in accordance with Xxxx’x instructions, depending on the daily capacity allocated at the explicit auctions at the relevant Borders.

  • The weight is the aFRR Awarded for the concerned aFRR Capacity Bid; • #CCTU: the number of CCTU for which at least one aFRR Capacity Bid of the concerned aFRR Capacity Product has been awarded to the BSP for the period comprised between Day D-29 until Day D (i.e. 30 Days), where Day D is the date of performance of the concerned availability test; • hoursCCTU: number of hours of a CCTU.

  • In accordance with Article 217(1), paragraph 2 of the Grid Code for Transmission, Xxxx is entitled on Day D to fully or partially suspend the Nominations for Day D if these Nominations threaten the balance of the control area, or endanger the safety/security, reliability or efficiency of the Xxxx Xxxx.

More Definitions of Day D

Day D. As defined in the Federal Grid Code. Day D+1: The calendar day following Day D. Day D-1: As defined in the Federal Grid Code. Day-Ahead Import and/or Export: An International Exchange between another Scheduling Area and the Scheduling Area operated by Xxxx for which the External Commercial Trade Schedule has been submitted to Xxxx by Day D-1, pursuant to the provisions of the BRP Contract.
Day D. As defined in the Federal Grid Code. Day D+1: The calendar day following Day D. Day D-1: As defined in the Federal Grid Code.
Day D any calendar day for which the implementation of a Nomination is scheduled; “Day D+1”: the calendar day after D Day;
Day D or "D" means the Day on which any provision ofan activity pursuant to this Code is expressed to applyscheduled or requested to occur or should have occurred;

Related to Day D

  • Day/Days means calendar days, inclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

  • Day-Ahead has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • Pay Day means a specific day or date established by the employer on which wages are paid for hours worked during a pay period.

  • Day Shift means a shift which commences at or after 6.00 am and before 10.00 am.

  • Adult day care means a program for six (6) or more individuals, of social and health-related services provided during the day in a community group setting for the purpose of supporting frail, impaired elderly or other disabled adults who can benefit from care in a group setting outside the home.

  • Child day center means a child day program offered to (i) two or more children under the age of 13 in a facility that is not the residence of the provider or of any of the children in care or (ii) 13 or more children at any location.

  • London Business Day means any Business Day on which dealings in deposits in United States Dollars are transacted in the London interbank market.

  • Family day system means any person who approves family day homes as members of its system;

  • TARGET2 Business Day means, a day in which the Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer (TARGET2) System is open.

  • CSD Business Day means a day on which the Book-Entry Securities System is open in accordance with the regulations of the CSD.

  • A week means seven days without regard to the number of hours worked in any day in that week.

  • Adult day services means adult day services as defined in section 231D.1.

  • Three-Month Secondary CD Rate means, for any day, the secondary market rate for three-month certificates of deposit reported as being in effect on such day (or, if such day is not a Business Day, the next preceding Business Day) by the Board through the public information telephone line of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (which rate will, under the current practices of the Board, be published in Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15(519) during the week following such day) or, if such rate is not so reported on such day or such next preceding Business Day, the average of the secondary market quotations for three-month certificates of deposit of major money center banks in New York City received at approximately 10:00 a.m., New York City time, on such day (or, if such day is not a Business Day, on the next preceding Business Day) by the Administrative Agent from three negotiable certificate of deposit dealers of recognized standing selected by it.

  • Per day means per calendar day or part thereof.

  • Day fine means a fine imposed by the sentencing court that

  • RFR Banking Day means any day specified as such in the Reference Rate Terms.

  • Compounded Daily SONIA means, with respect to an Interest Accrual Period, the rate of return of a daily compound interest investment (with the daily SONIA reference rate as reference rate for the calculation of interest) and will be calculated by the Calculation Agent (or such other party responsible for the calculation of the interest rate, as specified in the applicable Pricing Supplement) on the relevant Interest Determination Date, as follows, and the resulting percentage will be rounded if necessary to the fourth decimal place, with 0.00005 per cent being rounded upwards:

  • School business day means any calendar day except Saturdays, Sundays, and any federal and school holidays upon which the office of the Superintendent is open to the public for business. A school business day concludes or terminates upon the closure of the Superintendent’s office for the calendar day.

  • Index Business Day means, in respect of an Index, any day on which the Index Sponsor in respect of such Index is scheduled to publish the level of the Index.

  • Family day home means a child day program offered in the residence of the provider or the home of any of the children in care for one through 12 children under the age of 13, exclusive of the provider's own children and any children who reside in the home, when at least one child receives care for compensation. The provider of a licensed or registered family day home shall disclose to the parents or guardians of children in their care the percentage of time per week that persons other than the provider will care for the children. Family day homes serving five through 12 children, exclusive of the provider's own children and any children who reside in the home, shall be licensed. However, no family day home shall care for more than four children under the age of two, including the provider's own children and any children who reside in the home, unless the family day home is licensed or voluntarily registered. However, a family day home where the children in care are all related to the provider by blood or marriage shall not be required to be licensed.