Data Usage Agreement definition

Data Usage Agreement means the Data Usage Agreement, dated as of the Effective Date, between Gogo and Delta.
Data Usage Agreement means an agreement of that name entered into by the Parties on or about the date of this Agreement.
Data Usage Agreement means a data usage and sharing agreement to be entered into by an applicable Affiliate of the Purchaser on the one hand and an applicable Affiliate of Vendor 1 on the other hand, which shall be in a form to be agreed by the Purchaser and Vendor 1 prior to the Completion and shall provide that, among other things, from and after the Completion, (i) the parties to such agreement and their respective Affiliates shall be entitled to share the data generated by the transactions completed on the online transaction platform of the Purchaser Group, and (ii) Vendor 1 and its Affiliates will only use the proprietary PIATS information to the extent permitted by applicable laws, regulations or contractual obligations of the Purchaser and its Affiliates.

Examples of Data Usage Agreement in a sentence

  • Grantee will adhere to the Confidentiality Article requirements and HHS Data Usage Agreement of this contract and immediately contact System Agency if a security violation is detected, or if Grantee has any reason to suspect that the security or integrity of the CMBHS data has been or may be compromised in any way.

  • As co-owners of the data, ITC Principal Investigators will abide by the terms of the ITC Internal Data Usage Agreement (xxxx://, providing signed agreements to the DMC in order to share data internally with specified members of their research teams.

  • As co-owners of the data, ITC Principal Investigators will abide by the terms of the Internal Data Usage Agreement (xxxxx://, providing signed agreements to the DMC in order to share data internally with specified members of their research teams.

  • Two years after the date of issuance of cleaned data sets by the DMC, KHPI grants DMC the non-exclusive right to provide subsets of the data to other approved researchers through the ITC Data Request Application process (xxxxx://, and under the terms of the ITC External Data Usage Agreement (xxxxx://

  • As co-owners of the data, the UW ITC Principal Investigators, will abide by the terms of the Internal Data Usage Agreement (xxxxx://, providing signed agreements to the DMC in order to share data internally with specified members of their research teams.

  • Two years after the date of issuance of cleaned data sets by the DMC, NCC grants the DMC the non-exclusive right to provide subsets of the data to other approved researchers through the ITC Data Request Application process (xxxx://, and under the terms of the ITC External Data Usage Agreement (xxxx://

  • As users of the data, ITC research members (including members of the ITC teams outside of the EUREST-PLUS Project, e.g., ITC US researchers) and the 6E team members will abide by the terms of the Internal Data Usage Agreement (xxxx://, providing signed agreements to the DMC in order to share data internally with specified members of their research teams.

  • Two years after the date of issuance of cleaned data sets by the DMC, ICO grants DMC the non-exclusive right to provide subsets of the data to other approved researchers through the ITC Data Request Application process (xxxxx://, and under the terms of the ITC External Data Usage Agreement (xxxxx://

  • Two years after the date of issuance of cleaned data sets by the DMC, the 6E Team grants DMC the non-exclusive right to provide subsets of the data to other approved researchers through the ITC Data Request Application process (xxxx://, and under the terms of the ITC External Data Usage Agreement (xxxx:// as long as the conditions of the EUREST-PLUS Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement are met.

  • For usage agreement, CC-BY-NC-SA: Creative Commons – Attribution-NonCommercial Share Alike, Standard INDI data sharing policy, prohibits use of the data for commercial purposes; DUA: Data Usage Agreement, users must complete a DUA prior to gaining access to the data.

Related to Data Usage Agreement

  • Wage Agreement means the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1988, as amended from time to time and any successor agreement.

  • Data Use Agreement means the agreement incorporated into the Contract to facilitate creation, receipt, maintenance, use, disclosure or access to Confidential Information.

  • User Agreement means an agreement for the provision of Access to the Services.

  • MCIP Agreement means the Agreement for the Development of a Joint County Industrial and Business Park (2010 Park) dated as of December 1, 2010, as amended, between the County and Xxxxxxxx County, South Carolina, as the same may be further amended or supplemented from time to time, or such other agreement as the County may enter with respect to the Project to offer the benefits of the Special Source Revenue Credits to the Company hereunder.

  • SCM Agreement means the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;

  • Main Agreement means the part of this Agreement that commences on the first page and ends with but includes Schedule A, excluding Section 3(d) (which incorporates this Schedule C into the Agreement).

  • Labor peace agreement means an agreement between an entity and a

  • Cross License Agreement means that certain Cross License Agreement between and among Medarex, Cell Genesys, Inc., Abgenix, Inc., Xenotech, L.P. and Japan Tobacco Inc., dated March 26, 1997.

  • Retail charge agreement means that term as defined in section 2 of the retail installment sales act, MCL 445.852.

  • Licence Agreement means an agreement (whether or not in writing) between the owner of student accommodation and a student giving a licence to the student;

  • Interconnection Agreement means the interconnection agreement entered into by Seller pursuant to which the Facility will be interconnected with the Transmission System, and pursuant to which Seller’s Interconnection Facilities and any other Interconnection Facilities will be constructed, operated and maintained during the Contract Term.

  • Framework Agreement means the Clauses of this Framework Agreement together with the Framework Schedules and annexes to it;

  • End User Agreement means any agreement that Eligible Users are required to sign in order to participate in this Contract, including an end user agreement, customer agreement, memorandum of understanding, statement of work, lease agreement, service level agreement, or any other named separate agreement.

  • Side Agreement means the Side Agreement for Transfer Agency Services between the Customer and Transfer Agent dated as of January 1, 2015.

  • Generation Interconnection Agreement means the generation interconnection agreement to be entered into separately between Seller and PGE, providing for the construction, operation, and maintenance of interconnection facilities required to accommodate deliveries of Seller's Net Output.

  • Factoring Agreement means any factoring agreement by and between Borrower and/or any Restricted Subsidiary and a Factor.

  • SPS Agreement means the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures which is a part of the WTO Agreement; Subheading means the first six digits in the tariff classification number under the HS; Territory means:

  • Xxxxxx Agreement means that certain Contingent Stock Agreement, effective as of January 1, 1996, by The Xxxxx Company in favor of and for the benefit of the Holders (named in Schedule I thereto) and the Representatives (therein defined), as amended.

  • mortgage agreement ’ means the note or debt instrument and the mortgage instrument, deed of trust instrument, trust deed, or instru- ment or instruments creating the mortgage, including any instrument incorporated by ref- erence therein (including any applicable regu- latory agreement), and any instrument or agreement amending or modifying any of the foregoing;

  • Use Agreement means a written agreement between a primary licensee and a Type S applicant or licensee that specifies the designated area of the Type S licensee, the days and hours in which the Type S licensee is assigned to use the common-use area, any allocation of responsibility for compliance pursuant to Section 40196, and an acknowledgement that the Type S licensee has sole and exclusive use of the common- use area during the Type S licensee’s assigned time period.

  • Network Operating Agreement means an executed agreement that contains the terms and conditions under which the Network Customer shall operate its facilities and the technical and operational matters associated with the implementation of Network Integration Transmission Service under Tariff, Part III. Network Operating Committee:

  • TRIPS Agreement means the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights;

  • Program Agreement means an agreement between the Contractor and DSHS containing special terms and conditions, including a statement of work to be performed by the Contractor and payment to be made by DSHS.

  • Dealership Agreement means an oral or written agreement, either express or implied, between a supplier and a dealer which provides that the dealer is granted the right to sell, distribute, or service the supplier’s equipment, regardless of whether the equipment carries a trade name, trademark, service mark, logotype, advertisement, or other commercial symbol, and which provides evidence of a continuing commercial relationship between the supplier and the dealer.

  • License Agreement means the agreement between SAP (or an SAP SE Affiliate, or an authorized reseller) under which Customer procured the rights to use SAP Software or a Cloud Service.

  • Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the recitals of this Agreement.