DACO definition

DACO means MSSNG’s independent Data Access Compliance Office.
DACO has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.4(a)(xiii).
DACO means the Program’s independent Data Access Compliance Office.

Examples of DACO in a sentence

  • DACO may suspend or terminate a provider’s agreement for cause at any time.

  • DACO is responsible for monitoring quantity and quality of processed loans represented by KC-227’s and KC-227-A’s.

  • Inform DACO of the identity of their provider, when they are a first time user of EWR’s, 60 calendar days in advance of issuing an EWR through that provider.

  • Any disputes involving probable loss of assets to storage depositors, or loss of data integrity to EWR or OED holders and users will be determined by DACO for the benefit of the depositors, or EWR or OED holders and users and such determinations shall be final.

  • B Commingling A processor’s eligible sugar must be stored bulk and commingled, unless CCC, DACO, and the warehouse operator agrees in writing, to store the sugar in another method.

  • The warehouse operator will promptly notify DACO in writing of any changes with respect to persons authorized to perform such activities at the licensed warehouse.

  • Suspended or terminated pro- viders may not execute any function pertaining to USDA, USWA documents, USWA or State EWR’s or OED’s during the pendency of any appeal or subse- quent to this appeal if the appeal is de- nied, except as authorized by DACO.

  • DACO may, after an opportunity for a hearing as provided in § 735.8, sus- pend, revoke or liquidate any license or agreement issued under the Act, for any violation of or failure to comply with any provision of the Act, regula- tions or any applicable licensing or provider agreement.

  • DACO may immediately sus- pend, close, or take control and begin an orderly liquidation of such ware- house inventory or provider system data as provided in this part or in the applicable licensing or provider agree- ment.

  • To establish a USWA-authorized system to issue and transfer OED, each applicant must submit to DACO infor- mation and documents determined by DACO to be sufficient to determine that the applicant can comply with the provisions of the Act.

More Definitions of DACO

DACO means the Deputy Adminis- trator, Commodity Operations, FSA.(d) CCC means Commodity Credit Corporation, a corporate agency within the United States Department of Agri- culture.(e) Commodity Office means the Kan- sas City Commodity Office, within FSA, which is responsible for assigned inventory management, acquisition, disposition and related program activi- ties of CCC.(f) Lowest landed cost means the low- est combined total cost of the com- modity plus transportation charges to the port of discharge.[44 FR 27407, May 10, 1979, as amended at 52FR 5728, Feb. 25, 1987] § 1496.4§ 1496.4 Issuance of invitations.From time to time, CCC will issue in- vitations to purchase or process agri- cultural products for utilization in the foreign assistance programs enumer- ated in § 1496.1 of this part. The invita- tions will specify the contract terms; the closing date for acceptance of bids; the date contracts will be awarded; and other pertinent information. Invita- tions will be issued at least 10 days prior to the deadline for submission of bids. The bid submission deadlines and contract awards will be timed so not more than one market day elapses be- tween bid opening (bid submission deadline) and contract awards.[44 FR 27407, May 10, 1979, as amended at 72FR 6455, Feb. 12, 2007]§ 1496.5 Consideration of bids.
DACO means the Deputy Adminis- trator, Commodity Operations, FSA.

Related to DACO

  • HKFE means the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited.

  • SAQA means the South African Qualifications Authority;

  • Crown means the government of the United Kingdom (including the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive Committee, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales), including, but not limited to, government ministers and government departments and particular bodies, persons, commissions or agencies from time to time carrying out functions on its behalf;

  • Western Australia the following definitions‑

  • AHPRA means The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. AHPRA is responsible for regulating Australia’s registered health practitioners.

  • HKEx means Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited;

  • SBS means the New York City Department of Small Business Services.

  • CJI means criminal justice information collected by criminal justice agencies needed for the performance of their authorized functions, including, without limitation, all information defined as criminal justice information by the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Justice Information Services Security Policy, as amended and all Criminal Justice Records as defined under §24-72-302, C.R.S.

  • SCA means Security Capital Assurance Ltd, a Bermuda limited liability company.

  • hostel means a place of residence for the students of the University, or its colleges, institutions and study centers, established or recognized to be as such by the University;

  • SAS means statements on auditing standards.