Examples of Control share acquisition in a sentence
Control share acquisition statutes function by denying shares their voting rights when they contribute to ownership in excess of certain thresholds.
Control share acquisition statutes prevent shareholders that acquire more than a certain percentage of a target company’s stock from voting those shares unless the other disinterested shareholders approve.
Therefore, neither poison pill nor blank check preferred stock should be in the Index.In addition, the G Index includes each of the following takeover defenses, which can appear either in firm’s charter or in the law of the state in which the firm is incorporated: Business combination statute Fair price statute or charter provision Control share acquisition statute Cash-out statute Since the advent of the poison pill, none of these four elements has an impact on a firm’s exposure to a hostile takeover.
Control share acquisition statutes appear in the corporation codes of about 27 states.
Control share acquisition statutes, for example, can address the problem of pressure to tender and facilitate undistorted shareholder choice (Bebchuk and Hart (2001), Bebchuk (2002)).