Commissioner of Labour definition

Commissioner of Labour means the Commissioner of Labour appointed under sub- section (1) of sec 3,
Commissioner of Labour means an officer appointed by the 2[State] Government for the time being to be the Commissioner of the Labour; and in respect of any of the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Labour that may be conferred and imposed on any person, includes such person;
Commissioner of Labour means any person appointed Commissioner of Labour or any other person acting in the capacity of the Commissioner of Labour;

Examples of Commissioner of Labour in a sentence

  • Consumer Price Index number of working class for Mumbai (declared by the Commissioner of Labour and Director of Employment, Mumbai) applicable to the period under reference (base year ending 2004-05 as 100 i.e. new series of indices).

  • Consumer Price Index number of working class for Mumbai declared by the Commissioner of Labour and Director of Employment, Mumbai) applicable to the period under reference (base year ending 2004-05 as 100 i.e. new series of indices).

  • The payment of bonus act 1965And any other law or modifications to the above or to the Rules made thereunder from time to time.3. The Contractor employing 20 or more workmen is required to obtain license from the authorities (The Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories / Assistant Commissioner of Labour as the case may be).

  • Payment of deposit in respect of each contract labour of the rate of RS.30/- with the office of the Commissioner of Labour as per the Contract Labour Act (Regulation & Abolition).

  • Payment of deposit in respect of each contract labour of the rate as applicable time to time as per the rules of the office of the Commissioner of Labour as per the Contract Labour Act (Regulation & Abolition).

More Definitions of Commissioner of Labour

Commissioner of Labour means an officer as such appointed by the Government;
Commissioner of Labour means the Commissioner of Labour appointed under section 4 of the Employment Act,[3] and includes a Deputy Commissioner of Labour or an Assistant Commissioner of Labour under the said section;
Commissioner of Labour means the person for the time being holding, acting in or lawfully performing the functions of the public office of Commissioner of Labour;
Commissioner of Labour means the officer referred to as such in section 2 of the Employment Act [Cap. 160];
Commissioner of Labour means any person appointed as Commissioner of Labour in terms of section 4 of the Employment Law, 1963 (No. 15 o f 1963);
Commissioner of Labour means the Commissioner of Labour responsible for employment relations matters;
Commissioner of Labour means the person for the time being holding the office of the Commissioner of Labour and includes a Deputy Commissioner of Labour or an Assistant Commissioner of Labour;