CFIUS Final Order definition

CFIUS Final Order means that any of the following shall have occurred: (1) the 30-day review period under Exon-Xxxxxx commencing on the date that the CFIUS Notice is accepted by CFIUS shall have expired and parties shall have received written notice from CFIUS that such review has been concluded and that either the transactions contemplated hereby do not constitute a “covered transaction” under Exon-Xxxxxx or there are no unresolved national security concerns, or (2) an investigation shall have been commenced after such 30-day review period and CFIUS shall have determined to conclude all deliberative action under Exon-Xxxxxx without sending a report to the President of the United States, and parties shall have received written notice from CFIUS that either the transactions contemplated hereby do not constitute a “covered transaction” under Exon-Xxxxxx or there are no unresolved national security concerns, and all action under Exon-Xxxxxx is concluded with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby, or (3) CFIUS shall have sent a report to the President of the United States requesting the President’s decision and either (A) the period under Exon-Xxxxxx during which the President may announce his decision to take action to suspend, prohibit or place any limitations on the transactions contemplated hereby shall have expired without any such action being threatened, announced or taken or (B) the President shall have announced a decision not to take any action to suspend, prohibit or place any limitations on the transactions contemplated hereby.

Related to CFIUS Final Order

  • Final Order means, as applicable, an order or judgment of the Bankruptcy Court or other court of competent jurisdiction with respect to the relevant subject matter that has not been reversed, stayed, modified, or amended, and as to which the time to appeal or seek certiorari has expired and no appeal or petition for certiorari has been timely taken, or as to which any appeal that has been taken or any petition for certiorari that has been or may be filed has been resolved by the highest court to which the order or judgment could be appealed or from which certiorari could be sought or the new trial, reargument, or rehearing shall have been denied, resulted in no modification of such order, or has otherwise been dismissed with prejudice.

  • Final Approval Order means the order and final judgment approving the Settlement Agreement, implementing the terms of this Settlement Agreement, and dismissing the Class Action with prejudice, to be proposed by the Settling Parties for approval by the Court, in substantially the form attached as Exhibit 5 hereto.

  • Approval Order means an order entered by the Bankruptcy Court, pursuant to Sections 363 and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, authorizing and approving, among other things, (a) the sale of the Purchased Assets (b) the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities by Purchaser and (c) the assumption and assignment of the Purchased Contracts, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which will be in a form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Parties.

  • Disclosure Statement Approval Order means the Final Order approving, among other things, the adequacy of the Disclosure Statement pursuant to section 1125 of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Sale Order means an order or orders of the Bankruptcy Court in form and substance reasonably acceptable to Buyer and Seller approving this Agreement and all of the terms and conditions hereof, and approving and authorizing Seller to consummate the Transactions.

  • Securities Financing Transactions Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2015/2365 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on transparency of securities financing transactions and of reuse and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012;

  • FCC Order means Federal Communications Commission Order 94-102 (61 Federal Register 40348)

  • Final Financing Order means, the order of the Bankruptcy Court entered in the Chapter 11 Cases after a final hearing under Bankruptcy Rule 4001(c)(2) or such other procedures as approved by the Bankruptcy Court, which order shall be in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Agent and from which no appeal or motion to reconsider has been filed, together with all extensions, modifications and amendments thereto, in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent and the Required Lenders, which, among other matters but not by way of limitation, authorizes the Loan Parties to obtain credit, incur the Obligations, and grant Liens under this Agreement and the other Loan Documents, as the case may be, and provides for the super-priority of the claims of the Agent and Lenders, subject to the Carve- Out and Permitted Prior Liens.

  • Interim Order means the interim order of the Court, as the same may be amended, in respect of the Arrangement, as contemplated by Section 2.3;

  • Preliminary Approval Order means the proposed Order Granting Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement, Approving Form and Manner of Notice, and Setting Date for Hearing on Final Approval of Settlement, which, subject to the approval of the Court, shall be substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A.

  • Medical order means a lawful order of a practitioner which may include a

  • Final Approval Order and Judgment means the order in which the Court certifies the Settlement Class, grants final approval of this Settlement Agreement, authorizes the entry of a final judgment, and dismisses the Action with prejudice.

  • Confirmation Order means the order of the Bankruptcy Court confirming the Plan pursuant to section 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Disclosure Statement Order means the order of the Bankruptcy Court approving the Disclosure Statement.

  • Initial Order means, collectively, in respect of the Bloom Lake CCAA Parties, the Bloom Lake Initial Order, and in respect of the Wabush CCAA Parties, the Wabush Initial Order;

  • Financing Order means an order of the commission approving the issuance of securitization bonds and the creation of securitization charges and any corresponding utility rate reductions.

  • ug/l means micrograms per liter.

  • Interim DIP Order means an interim order of the Bankruptcy Court approving the DIP Motion, which order shall be consistent in all material respects with this Agreement and otherwise in form and substance acceptable to the Requisite Parties.

  • Bankruptcy Court has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Final DIP Order means an order of the Bankruptcy Court approving the Loans, this Agreement and the other Loan Documents on a final basis, which order shall be (a) in form and substance acceptable to the Administrative Agent, and (b) in full force and effect and shall not have been reversed, vacated, stayed or subject to appeal.

  • Securities Financing Transactions means repurchase agreements, reverse repurchase agreements, securities lending agreements and any other transactions within the scope of SFTR that a Fund is permitted to engage in;

  • Final Order Entry Date means the date on which the Final Order is entered by the Bankruptcy Court.

  • securities financing transaction or 'SFT' means a repurchase transaction, a securities or commodities lending or borrowing transaction, or a margin lending transaction;

  • Ordinary Course Professional Order means the Order Authorizing the Retention and Compensation of Certain Professionals Utilized in the Ordinary Course of Business [D.I. 765].

  • Product Order is the form used by the Parties to effect a Transaction in the form of Exhibit A, Exhibit B or as otherwise agreed by the Parties, specifying the terms of such Transaction, including the following: (1) the Product including a description of the Environmental Attributes in the Product, (2) the quantity to be purchased and sold; (3) the Purchase Price; (4) the Delivery Dates; and, (5) if necessary in accordance with the terms of the Transaction, (a) the Vintages; (b) the Renewable Energy Facility or Facilities from which the Product is to be generated; (c) the Certification Authority; and (d) the Verification Provider.

  • Final Order and Judgment means the final judgment and order of dismissal with prejudice to be entered in the Lawsuit in connection with the approval of the Settlement after the Final Approval Hearing.