Available Transfer Capability definition

Available Transfer Capability or “ATC” shall mean a measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses.
Available Transfer Capability means the Total Transfer Capability less the projected loading across the interface, less TRM and CBM.
Available Transfer Capability means the lesser of (a) 1,090 MW or (b) the Total Transfer Capability.

Examples of Available Transfer Capability in a sentence

  • The rights to revenues that are derived from incremental Available Transfer Capability created by the addition of Merchant Transmission Facilities or of one of more Customer-Funded Upgrades.

More Definitions of Available Transfer Capability

Available Transfer Capability as used herein shall be defined as a measure of the transfer capability remaining in the Transmission System for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses. Available Transfer Capability will be determined pursuant to the provisions and procedures of the SPP OATT and applicable NERC Reliability Standards. For any new Transmission Service, modifications to existing Transmission Service, and applicable generation interconnection requests, SPP shall perform all necessary tariff studies, including but not limited to feasibility, system impact, and facilities studies in accordance with SPP’s Aggregate Transmission Study and Generation Interconnection study processes. SPP shall notify the requestor of SPP’s approval or denial of the transmission service request per the procedures of the SPP OATT.
Available Transfer Capability means a measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses.
Available Transfer Capability shall have the meaning stated in Section 5.1.
Available Transfer Capability. (ATC) shall mean the amount of total transfer capability(TTC) of the interconnection lines managed by the Organization less the amount secured for transmission margin, scheduled power flow, and cross-regional frequency control.
Available Transfer Capability means the amount of available Transmission Service from the Point of Receipt to the Point of Delivery available for further commercial uses, consistent with the Company’s FERC Open Access Tariff.
Available Transfer Capability or “ATC” meansshall mean a measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity over and above already committed uses.
Available Transfer Capability means the Total Transfer Capability minus 1,090 MW, with any negative number treated as zero (0).