Air Traffic Control Tower definition

Air Traffic Control Tower means a terminal facility which, through the use of air/ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices, provides air traffic control services to airborne aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport and to aircraft operating on the airport movement area.
Air Traffic Control Tower means the facility that uses air/ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices to provide Air Traffic Control services to aircraft operating in the vicinity of the Airport or on the Movement Area.
Air Traffic Control Tower means service provided by ground-based air traffic controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through controlled airspace, and can provide advisory services to aircraft in non-controlled airspace.

Examples of Air Traffic Control Tower in a sentence

  • Some Air Operations Area projects will require vehicles to be equipped with visible company placards on both sides of the vehicle, an orange/white checkered flag, an amber, rotating beacon, and a two-way radio to monitor FAA Air Traffic Control Tower frequencies; or be escorted by a vehicle with this equipment and markings.

  • Air Traffic Control Tower and Other Federally-Controlled Areas: the air traffic control tower is controlled and operated by the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”).

  • Operators follow voluntarily agreed-upon routes for tour flights and maintain minimum altitudes of 1,500 feet for helicopters and 1,000 feet for floatplanes operating above residential areas, except during take-off, landing or when deviations are required by weather, traffic, or the Air Traffic Control Tower.

  • At the recent PUB Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT) meeting involving FAA personnel from the Air Traffic Control Tower, this was presented as a safety issue as it creates a bottleneck at TW E6 with aircraft accessing Runways 8L-26R and 8R-26L.

  • However; FAA’s Pueblo Air Traffic Control Tower counts Xxxx operations as military operations and these counts are used for the TAF, which currently projects zero (0) percent growth for military operations through the planning period.

  • FLARNG will provide VFR Air Traffic Control Tower operations at the FACILITY during the Xxxxxx Island Concours d’Elegance event for a limited period of time and consistent with the scope as provided in the JACKSONVILLE TOWER AND FERNANDINA BEACH MUNICIPAL TEMPORARY ATC TOWER LETTER OF AGREEMENT (hereinafter “LOA”), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as EXHIBIT 1.

  • This Air Traffic Control Tower Operations Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”), is hereby made and entered into this day of , by and between the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) and the Stillwater Regional Airport/City of Stillwater .(“Airport Sponsor”) (collectively known as the “Parties”).

  • N/A Exhibit "A(1)" Initials: Lessor Government Exhibit "A(2)" TSA Break Room Ground Floor of Air Traffic Control Tower 14' x 22'2" Approx 270 Sq Ft Rentable Space Store Room UP '- TSA Break Room Onl the break room is included in the Lease.

  • This program has been established by the Port of Seattle (POS) and is administered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at Seattle Terminal Radar Approach Control (S46) and Seattle Air Traffic Control Tower (SEA).

  • The Air Force hereby authorizes DELDOT to permit scheduled commuter, commercial charters as approved by DELDOT and the installation commander, commercial carriers, and general aviation aircraft with two-way radios for communicating with the DAFB Air Traffic Control Tower to use the flying facilities at DAFB, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement and those Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) applicable to civil aircraft operations.

More Definitions of Air Traffic Control Tower

Air Traffic Control Tower means the Air Traffic Control Facility located at the Airport.
Air Traffic Control Tower means the building from which Air Traffic Control is provided and undertaken
Air Traffic Control Tower means the facility established to provide air traffic control services for airport traffic.

Related to Air Traffic Control Tower

  • air traffic control service means a service provided for the purpose of:

  • Traffic control signal means a device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and permitted to proceed.

  • Traffic control device means a flagger, sign, signal, marking, or other device used to regulate, warn or guide traffic, placed on, over, or adjacent to a street, highway, private road open to public travel, pedestrian facility, or shared-use path by authority of a public agency or official having jurisdiction, or, in the case of a private road open to public travel, by authority of the private owner or private official having jurisdiction.

  • air traffic means all aircraft in flight or operating on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome;

  • Office of the Interconnection Control Center means the equipment, facilities and personnel used by the Office of the Interconnection to coordinate and direct the operation of the PJM Region and to administer the PJM Interchange Energy Market, including facilities and equipment used to communicate and coordinate with the Market Participants in connection with transactions in the PJM Interchange Energy Market or the operation of the PJM Region. On-Site Generators:

  • Innovative control technology means any system of air pollution control that has not been adequately demonstrated in practice, but would have a substantial likelihood of achieving greater continuous emissions reduction than any control system in current practice or of achieving at least comparable reductions at lower cost in terms of energy, economics, or non-air quality environmental impacts.

  • PJM Control Area means the Control Area recognized by NERC as the PJM Control Area.

  • Water control structure means a structure within, or adjacent to, a water, which intentionally or coincidentally alters the hydraulic capacity, the flood elevation resulting from the two-, 10-, or 100-year storm, flood hazard area limit, and/or floodway limit of the water. Examples of a water control structure may include a bridge, culvert, dam, embankment, ford (if above grade), retaining wall, and weir.

  • National Ambient Air Quality Standards or “NAAQS” means national ambient air quality standards that are promulgated pursuant to Section 109 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7409.

  • Erosion and sediment control plan or "plan" means a document containing material for the conservation of soil and water resources of a unit or group of units of land. It may include appropriate maps, an appropriate soil and water plan inventory and management information with needed interpretations, and a record of decisions contributing to conservation treatment. The plan shall contain all major conservation decisions to ensure that the entire unit or units of land will be so treated to achieve the conservation objectives.

  • control zone shall have the meaning given in the Operating Agreement.

  • Control Centre means the central facility of the Cycle Sharing System used mainly for service monitoring, operations control, and customer service. It is the location for collecting, storing, consolidating, processing the information obtained from various elements of the Cycle Sharing System as well as from users, agents, employees, and service providers.

  • Air pollution control equipment means a mechanism, device, or contrivance used to control or prevent air pollution, that is not, aside from air pollution control laws and administrative regulations, vital to production of the normal product of the source or to its normal operation.

  • InterMTA Traffic means traffic that, at the beginning of the call, originates on Telco’s network in one MTA and terminates on Carrier’s network in another MTA.

  • Control Area(s) means an electric power system or combination of electric power systems to which a common automatic generation control scheme is applied.

  • Structural pest control means a use requiring a license under Chapter 14 (commencing with Section 8500), Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code.

  • Project Management Plan means the portion of the Project Development Plan providing the information requested in Section 4.2 of Exhibit B to the ITP.

  • Traffic lane or "lane" means that portion of a roadway designed or designated to accommodate the

  • Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) Shall have the meaning set forth in 47 U.S.C. §153.

  • Nutrient management plan means a plan developed or approved by the Department of Conservation and Recreation that requires proper storage, treatment and management of poultry waste, including dry litter, and limits accumulation of excess nutrients in soils and leaching or discharge of nutrients into state waters.

  • Directory Assistance Database shall have the meaning set forth in Sections,, and

  • Waste Framework Directive or “WFD” means Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste.