Aesthetic definition

Aesthetic discrimination: evaluation of pieces by style, period and site.” Journal of Aesthetic Education 26 (1): 67-74. Duroiselle, C. 1926-27. “Excavations at Hmawza.” Archaeological Survey of India 1926-27: 171-183. Xxxxxxxxxx, X. and X. Xxxxxxxxxx. 1995. Versunkene Königreiche Indonesiens. Mainz: von Zabern. Xxxxx, X. 1925. “Lokesvara en Indochine.” Études Asiatiques 1: 227-256. Xxxxxxx, X. 1964. “Bosch and the Barabudur studies.” Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, edited by F.D.K. Xxxxx and X.X. Xxxx, 64-70. The Hague: Xxxxxx & Co. ———. 1967. The pilgrimage of Xxxxxxx: a study of Gandavyuha illustrations in China, Japan and Java. The Hague: Xxxxxx & Co. ———. 1990. The sculpture of Indonesia. With essays by R. Soekmono, Xxx Xxxxxxxxx. Washington D.C: National Gallery of Art. ———. 2000. “Sculpture, text and tradition at Borobudur: a reconsideration.” Narrative sculpture and literary traditions in South and Southeast Asia, edited by X.X. Xxxxxx, 1-18. Leiden: Xxxxx. ———. 2007. The art of Southeast Asia: the collection of the Museum Rietburg Zürich.
Aesthetic means the capacity of an artwork to sublimate the rigidity of a viewer, thrusting him into rumblings of imagination, sensation, feeling, and thoughts. Aes- thetic is not a static property of artwork, but rather, an ephemeral transaction between artwork and viewer. The efficacy of a transaction is determined by how well a viewer can decipher and receive the artwork’s intended message—exclusivity and final resonance were introduced as two principles that model aesthetic efficacy. The text that inspired the artwork is modelled as the sum of all the artistic ways in which it can be interpreted. Based on Jung’s theory of psychological functions, we
Aesthetic means that the artwork is pleasing in appearance to the average person. The artwork shall be of interest to the general public. The artwork must have universal, and not particularized, appeal in order to attract a broad audience. The artwork must be compatible in scale, material, form, and content to the CAC. Consideration shall be given to the architectural, historical, geographical, social, and cultural context of this site. The purpose of the Program is not to create a marketplace for art or to create a forum for public political debate, but to encourage the community’s appreciation of artwork in a forum that may be viewed by all community members. Accordingly, the Department will not approve artwork that implies that the County is sponsoring and/or endorsing any commercial establishment or business (although an artist may place contact information near his or her approved and posted artwork for purposes of selling the artwork to the general public pursuant to D.3, below.) Furthermore, the Department may reject artwork that associates the County with a position other than neutrality on matters of political controversy.

Examples of Aesthetic in a sentence

  • Section II: Participation as Engagement in Experience—An Aesthetic Perspective.

More Definitions of Aesthetic

Aesthetic means that the artwork is pleasing in appearance to the average person.
Aesthetic means any combination of outer shape and color of the Device.
Aesthetic means the capacity of an artwork to sublimate the rigidity of a viewer, thrusting him into rumblings of imagination, sensation, feeling, and thoughts. Aes- thetic is not a static property of artwork, but rather, an ephemeral transaction between artwork and viewer. The efficacy of a transaction is determined by how well a viewer can decipher and receive the artwork’s intended message—exclusivity and final resonance were introduced as two principles that model aesthetic efficacy. The text that inspired the artwork is modelled as the sum of all the artistic ways in which it can be interpreted. Based on Jung’s theory of psychological functions, we presented five dimensions of artistic interpretation: thinking, culturalizing, seeing, intuiting, and feeling. We proposed that computational readers implementing each of these interpretive modes be applied to the narrative text to produce a range of interpretations. Applying a model of the viewer’s psychology, these five interpreta- tions can be blended together to create an aesthetic impression.
Aesthetic means the perception of artistic elements, or elements in the natural or manmade environment which are pleasing to the eye.
Aesthetic. Means the perception of artistic elements or elements in the natural or created environment that are pleasing to the eye.

Related to Aesthetic

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  • Prosthetic device means a replacement, corrective, or supportive device, other than contact lenses and dental prosthesis, dispensed pursuant to a prescription, including repair or replacement parts for that device, worn on or in the body to do 1 or more of the following:

  • Design means the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture and/or materials of the product itself and/or its ornamentation;

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  • Appearance means the aspects of a building or place within the development which determines the visual impression the building or place makes, including the external built form of the development, its architecture, materials, decoration, lighting, colour and texture.