(19) COST-EFFECTIVE.—The term definition

(19) COST-EFFECTIVE.—The term  cost-effective’ means having a simple pay- back of 10 years or less.

Related to (19) COST-EFFECTIVE.—The term

  • (E) The term “license” means a valid non-expired document issued by a licensing agency within the Department of Consumer Affairs or other state licensing office authorized to grant licenses and authorizing the bearer of the document to provide certain professional services or refer to themselves using a specified professional title including but not limited to mental health and board and care services at a residential placement. If a license is not available through an appropriate state licensing agency, a certificate of registration with the appropriate professional organization at the national or state level which has standards established for the certificate that are equivalent to a license shall be deemed to be a license as defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 3001(l).

  • (9) The term economic impact’ means, with respect to a proposed or final rule—

  • (i) the term claimed invention’ means the subject

  • (12) The term Phase II’ means—

  • (2) The term Director’ means the Director of

  • (j) The term claimed invention’ means the subject matter defined by a claim in a patent or an application for a patent.’’.

  • (iii) the term covered period’ means

  • (22) the term jail or lockup for adults’ means

  • (C) the term affiliate’ means a company that, by reason of ownership or control of 25 percent or more of the outstanding shares of any class of voting securities of one or more companies, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, another company.’’.

  • (21) The term harvest rate’ means the amount of ice (at 32 degrees F) in pounds produced per 24 hours.’’.

  • (32) The term battery charger’ means a device that charges batteries for consumer products, including battery char- gers embedded in other consumer products.

  • (11) The term health promotion’ means—

  • (iv) the term covered period’ means

  • (8) STATE.—The term State’ means the 50

  • (8) The term Secretary’ means the Secretary of Defense.

  • (1) The term contractor’ means a private entity that enters into a contract with an agency.

  • (5) the term rural area’ means a city, town, or unincor- porated area that has a population of not more than 10,000 inhabitants.

  • (17) The term Indian lands’ means—

  • (34) The term dehumidifier’ means a self-contained, elec- trically operated, and mechanically encased assembly consisting of—

  • (ii) the term covered loan’ means a

  • (3) The term Treaty on Open Skies’ means the Treaty on Open Skies, signed at Helsinki on March 24, 1992.’’

  • (13) The term Phase III’ means—

  • (B) the term biomass’ means any organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis, including agricul- tural crops and trees, wood and wood wastes and residues, plants (including aquatic plants), grasses, residues, fibers, and animal wastes, municipal wastes, and other waste materials.’’.

  • (15) The term serious bodily injury’ means

  • (6) The term Secretary’ means the Secretary of

  • (4) the term Secretary’ means the Secretary