X Age definition

X Age older people X Age : young people X Sexual orientation X Better implementing the national legislation on non­ discrimination X Developing the national policy to combat discrimination and promote equality beyond legislation. X Fostering dissemination of information on EU and national policy and legislation in the anti discrimination field. X Access to good and services including housing X Health care X Other. Please specify: Due to its cross-cutting nature and the existing legal framework, proj ect outputs will cover all relevant fields. X General public O Enterprises X National authorities O Local authorities O Trade unions X Young people . X Lawyers l Judges X Teachers O Journalists X Non-govemmental organisations (NGOs) [J Other. Please specify: . .... .......... . Public debate X Seminar O National conference X Regional conference X Training X Printed material O Survey X Study X Website X Audio visual O Advertising O Other. Please specify ............ .. . . X Non-discrimination/equality mainstrearning X Multiple discrimination O Positive action X Data collection O Diversity Management X Legislation

Examples of X Age in a sentence

  • Calibrated Plan Adjusted Index RateConsumer Adjusted Premium Rate is developed with the formula below:Consumer Adjusted Premium Rate = Plan Adjusted Index Rate x 1/ Age Curve Calibration X 1/ Geographic Factor Calibration X Age 21 Age FactorMember level plan premium rate information is provided in Rate Data Template.

  • Present Day Cost of Construction in Area/ Locality where the insured property is situated as per the data available with the Local Government Authority.Sum Insured = A X B X (1 + Escalation % Chosen) X (1- Depreciation at the Rate of maximum 2.5 % per annum X Age of the Building, with final depreciation rate not exceeding 70% in the aggregate ).

  • Sum Insured = A X B X (1 + Escalation % Chosen) X (1- Depreciation at the Rate of 2.5 % per annum X Age of the Building).

  • The Conference of the Parties may therefore wish to consider establishing a small group of technical experts who would assess categories of available information, make recommendations for appropriate sampling media and agree on techniques for the consideration of data, including determining comparability of data obtained using different methodologies or methods of analysis.

  • Please state evidence of negative or positive impacts below.STRANDYNNEGATIVE IMPACTPOSITIVE IMPACT Race X Gender X Disability X Religion or Belief X Sexuality X Age X 6.

  • X Age: Please refer to templates CS7and CS9, located at the end of the CHIP State Plan.

  • Additionally, there was a significant interaction between factors (Method X Age) (F(3,28)= 53.19, p= 0.003).

  • Accordingly, theCourt GRANTS Defendant’s motion with respect to Counts IX and X (Age Discrimination pursuant to the ADEA and ELCRA, respectively).B.

  • The company understands the risk evaluation and risk mitigation is anongoing process within the organization and is fully committed to identify and mitigate the risk in the business.

  • The best model was linear (Condition X Age model ∆AIC/AICw = 0/.86; Condition + Age model ∆AIC/AICw = 3.6/.14).

Related to X Age

  • Earliest Retirement Age means the earliest date on which, under the Plan, the Participant could elect to receive retirement benefits.

  • Retirement Age means the earlier to occur of:

  • Disability Retirement Date means the first day of the month following the last day of paid employment;

  • Continuous period of creditable coverage means the period during which an individual was covered by creditable coverage, if during the period of the coverage the individual had no breaks in coverage greater than sixty-three (63) days.

  • war disablement pension means any retired pay or pension or allowance payable in respect of disablement under an instrument specified in section 639(2) of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003;

  • Early Retirement Age means the date that the Executive has attained age 55 and completed seven Years of Service.

  • Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following:

  • Final Trigger Level means 85.00%, being a percentage against which the performance of the Index will be measured in order to determine the Final Redemption Amount.

  • Final Average Earnings means (a) divided by (b) as follows:

  • Normal Retirement Age means the Executive's 65th birthday.

  • Period of Service means the aggregate of all periods of service commencing with an Employee's first day of employment or reemployment with the Employer or an Affiliated Employer and ending on the first day of a Period of Severance, or for benefit accrual purposes, ending on the severance from service date. The first day of employment or reemployment is the first day the Employee performs an Hour of Service. An Employee who incurs a Period of Severance of twelve (12) months or less will also receive service-spanning credit by treating any such period as a Period of Service for purposes of eligibility and vesting (but not benefit accrual). For purposes of benefit accrual, a Participant's whole year Periods of Service is equal to the sum of all full and partial periods of service, whether or not such service is continuous or contiguous, expressed in the number of whole years represented by such sum. For this purpose, fractional periods of a year will be expressed in terms of days.

  • Sequential Trigger Event With respect to any Distribution Date, a Sequential Trigger Event is in effect if (a) with respect to any Distribution Date occurring before July 2009, the circumstances in which the aggregate amount of Realized Losses incurred since the Cut-off Date through the last day of the related Prepayment Period divided by the aggregate Stated Principal Balance of the Mortgage Loans as of the Cut-off Date exceeds 0.20% and (b) with respect to any Distribution Date occurring in or after July 2009, a Trigger Event is in effect.

  • Availability Termination Date the earlier of (i) the date that is the seventh anniversary of the Closing Date and (ii) the date on which the Administrative Agent delivers to the Servicer a notice of termination as a result of a Termination Event in accordance herewith (or the date on which such termination becomes effective automatically pursuant to Section 7).

  • Expected week of childbirth means the week, starting on a Sunday, during which the mother's doctor or midwife expects her to give birth.

  • 5-year Mid-Swap Rate means, in relation to a Reset Interest Period and the Reset Rate of Interest Determination Date in relation to such Reset Interest Period:

  • Auto-Call Trigger Level means the level set out below for the relevant Auto-Call Valuation Date (i.e. as shown in the same row as that date):

  • Average Excess Availability means, with respect to any period, the sum of the aggregate amount of Excess Availability for each Business Day in such period (calculated as of the end of each respective Business Day) divided by the number of Business Days in such period.

  • Final Average Pay means the participant’s average monthly compensation in the highest three calendar years of compensation out of five consecutive calendar years of employment during a period of eligibility service by the Company or an Affiliate. Years separated by a period of one or more calendar years when the participant has no such eligible employment shall be treated as consecutive. Additional compensation paid at retirement or other Separation from Service, such as for periods of unused vacation or sick leave, shall be attributed to calendar years by assuming that employment continued during the period based on which the compensation is measured. Severance pay shall be disregarded, except severance pay in lieu of service.

  • Normal Retirement Date means the later of the Normal Retirement Age or Termination of Employment.

  • Applicable Measurement Period means the most recently completed four consecutive fiscal quarters of the Issuer immediately preceding the Applicable Calculation Date for which internal financial statements are available.

  • Maximum residual disinfectant level or “MRDL” means a level of a disinfectant added for water treatment that may not be exceeded at the consumer’s tap without an unacceptable possibility of adverse health effects.

  • Normal Fare means the highest priced fare established for a first, business or economy class service during the period of applicability.

  • Yield Maintenance Period means the period from and including the date of this Note until but not including the Scheduled Initial Maturity Date.

  • Load Reduction Event means a reduction in demand by a Member or Special Member for the purpose of participating in the PJM Interchange Energy Market.

  • Lowest achievable emission rate or “LAER” means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following: