Withdrawal of Deposits Sample Clauses

Withdrawal of Deposits. If any Deposits remain outstanding on the Business Day next succeeding the Cut-off Date, the Trustee shall promptly give the Escrow Agent notice that the Trustee’s obligation to purchase Equipment Notes under the NPA has terminated and instruct the Escrow Agent to provide a notice of Final Withdrawal to the Depositary substantially in the form of Exhibit B to the Deposit Agreement (the “Final Withdrawal Notice”).
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Withdrawal of Deposits. If any Deposits remain outstanding on the Business Day next succeeding the Cut-off Date, (i) the Trustee shall give the Escrow Agent notice that the Trustee's obligation to purchase Equipment Notes under the Note Purchase Agreement has terminated and instruct the Escrow Agent to provide a notice of Final Withdrawal to the Depositary substantially in the form of Exhibit B to the Deposit Agreement (the "Final Withdrawal Notice") and (ii) the Trustee will make a demand upon the Company for an amount equal to the Special Redemption Premium, such payment to be made on the Final Withdrawal Date.
Withdrawal of Deposits. (a) If the Company shall receive written notice from Boeing that the delivery date of any Aircraft will be delayed beyond the Delivery Period Termination Date, the Company may deliver to the Trustee written notice to such effect and requesting that the Trustee deliver to the Escrow Agent a Prepayment Withdrawal Certificate pursuant to the Escrow Agreement directing the Escrow Agent to provide a Notice of Prepayment Withdrawal to the Depositary requesting the withdrawal of the Deposits relating to Equipment Notes in respect of such Aircraft in accordance with and to the extent permitted by the terms of the Escrow Agreement and the Deposit Agreement.
Withdrawal of Deposits. 17 Section 2.04.
Withdrawal of Deposits. 12 Section 3.04. The Trustee ......................................................................... 12 Section 3.05. Representations and Warranties of the Trustee ....................................... 12 Section 3.06. Trustee Liens ....................................................................... 13 ARTICLE IV
Withdrawal of Deposits. (a) If the Trustee is notified that any Deposits remain outstanding on the Business Day next succeeding the Cut-Off Date, (i) the Trustee shall give the Escrow Agent notice that the Trustee's obligation to purchase Equipment Notes under the Note Purchase Agreement has terminated and instruct the Escrow Agent to provide a notice of Final Withdrawal to the Depositary substantially in the form of Exhibit B to the Deposit Agreement (the "Final Withdrawal Notice") and (ii) the Trustee will make a demand upon the Company under the Note Purchase Agreement for an amount equal to the Special Redemption Premium, if applicable, such payment to be made on the Final Withdrawal Date.
Withdrawal of Deposits. (a) If the Company shall have given the Partial Withdrawal Direction to the Trustee, the Trustee shall instruct (as and when specified in the Partial Withdrawal Direction) the Escrow Agent to provide a Notice of Partial Withdrawal to the Depositary substantially in the form of Exhibit C to the Deposit Agreement requesting the withdrawal of a portion of the Deposits (in the respective amounts and from the accounts as shall be specified in the Partial Withdrawal Direction) and payment of accrued interest thereon in accordance with and to the extent permitted by the terms of the Escrow Agreement and the Deposit Agreement, all as shall be described in the Partial Withdrawal Direction. On the date that the Depositary is obligated to pay the amount of the Partial Withdrawal to the Escrow Paying Agent pursuant to the Deposit Agreement, the Trustee will make a demand upon the Company under the NPA for an amount equal to the Deposit Make-Whole Premium in respect of such Partial Withdrawal.
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Withdrawal of Deposits. 17 Section 2.03
Withdrawal of Deposits. All amounts and items deposited in the Account shall remain in the Account until released or withdrawn in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

Related to Withdrawal of Deposits

  • Withdrawal of Deposited Securities The Holder of this ADR (and of the ADSs evidenced hereby) shall be entitled to Delivery (at the Custodian’s designated office) of the Deposited Securities at the time represented by the ADSs evidenced hereby upon satisfaction of each of the following conditions: (i) the Holder (or a duly authorized attorney of the Holder) has duly Delivered to the Depositary at its Principal Office the ADSs evidenced hereby (and, if applicable, this ADR) for the purpose of withdrawal of the Deposited Securities represented thereby, (ii) if applicable and so required by the Depositary, this ADR Delivered to the Depositary for such purpose has been properly endorsed in blank or is accompanied by proper instruments of transfer in blank (including signature guarantees in accordance with standard securities industry practice), (iii) if so required by the Depositary, the Holder of the ADSs has executed and delivered to the Depositary a written order directing the Depositary to cause the Deposited Securities being withdrawn to be Delivered to or upon the written order of the person(s) designated in such order, and (iv) all applicable fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and all applicable taxes and governmental charges (as are set forth in Section 5.9 of, and Exhibit B to, the Deposit Agreement) have been paid, subject, however, in each case, to the terms and conditions of this ADR evidencing the surrendered ADSs, of the Deposit Agreement, of the Company’s Articles of Association, of any applicable laws and the rules of the applicable book-entry settlement entity, and to any provisions of or governing the Deposited Securities, in each case as in effect at the time thereof. Upon satisfaction of each of the conditions specified above, the Depositary (i) shall cancel the ADSs Delivered to it (and, if applicable, the ADR(s) evidencing the ADSs so Delivered), (ii) shall direct the Registrar to record the cancellation of the ADSs so Delivered on the books maintained for such purpose, and (iii) shall direct the Custodian to Deliver, or cause the Delivery of, in each case, without unreasonable delay, the Deposited Securities represented by the ADSs so canceled together with any certificate or other document of title for the Deposited Securities, or evidence of the electronic transfer thereof (if available), as the case may be, to or upon the written order of the person(s) designated in the order delivered to the Depositary for such purpose, subject however, in each case, to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement, of this ADR evidencing the ADS so cancelled, of the Articles of Association of the Company, of any applicable laws and of the rules of the applicable book-entry settlement entity, and to the terms and conditions of or governing the Deposited Securities, in each case as in effect at the time thereof. The Depositary shall not accept for surrender ADSs representing less than one (1) Share. In the case of Delivery to it of ADSs representing a number other than a whole number of Shares, the Depositary shall cause ownership of the appropriate whole number of Shares to be Delivered in accordance with the terms hereof, and shall, at the discretion of the Depositary, either (i) return to the person surrendering such ADSs the number of ADSs representing any remaining fractional Share, or (ii) sell or cause to be sold the fractional Share represented by the ADSs so surrendered and remit the proceeds of such sale (net of (a) applicable fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and (b) taxes withheld) to the person surrendering the ADSs. Notwithstanding anything else contained in this ADR or the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary may make delivery at the Principal Office of the Depositary of (i) any cash dividends or cash distributions, or (ii) any proceeds from the sale of any distributions of shares or rights, which are at the time held by the Depositary in respect of the Deposited Securities represented by the ADSs surrendered for cancellation and withdrawal. At the request, risk and expense of any Holder so surrendering ADSs represented by this ADR, and for the account of such Holder, the Depositary shall direct the Custodian to forward (to the extent permitted by law) any cash or other property (other than securities) held by the Custodian in respect of the Deposited Securities represented by such ADSs to the Depositary for delivery at the Principal Office of the Depositary. Such direction shall be given by letter or, at the request, risk and expense of such Holder, by cable, telex or facsimile transmission.

  • Withdrawal of Fund's Assets If the Delegate determines that an arrangement with a specific Eligible Foreign Custodian selected by the Delegate under Section 3 of this Delegation Schedule no longer meets the requirements of said Section, Delegate shall withdraw the Fund's Assets from the non-complying arrangement as soon as reasonably practicable; provided, however, that if in the reasonable judgment of the Delegate, such withdrawal would require liquidation of any of the Fund's Assets or would materially impair the liquidity, value or other investment characteristics of the Fund's Assets, it shall be the duty of the Delegate to provide information regarding the particular circumstances and to act only in accordance with Instructions of the Fund or its Investment Advisor with respect to such liquidation or other withdrawal.

  • Withdrawal Rights Any Shareholder having notified or directed the Company to include any or all of its Registrable Securities in a registration statement under the Securities Act shall, except in connection with a Block Trade Offering, have the right to withdraw any such notice or direction with respect to any or all of the Registrable Securities designated by it for registration by giving written notice to such effect to the Company prior to the effective date of such registration statement. In the event of any such withdrawal, the Company shall not include such Registrable Securities in the applicable registration and such Registrable Securities shall continue to be Registrable Securities for all purposes of this Agreement. No such withdrawal shall affect the obligations of the Company with respect to the Registrable Securities not so withdrawn; provided, however, that in the case of a Demand Registration, if such withdrawal shall reduce the number of Registrable Securities sought to be included in such registration below the Registrable Amount, then the Company shall as promptly as practicable give each Shareholder seeking to register Registrable Securities notice to such effect and, within ten days following the mailing of such notice, such Shareholders still seeking registration shall, by written notice to the Company, elect to register additional Registrable Securities, when taken together with elections to register Registrable Securities by each such other Shareholder seeking to register Registrable Securities, to satisfy the Registrable Amount or elect that such registration statement not be filed or, if theretofore filed, be withdrawn. During such ten day period, the Company shall not file such registration statement if not theretofore filed or, if such registration statement has been theretofore filed, the Company shall not seek, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent, the effectiveness thereof. Any registration statement withdrawn or not filed (a) in accordance with an election by the Company, (b) in accordance with an election by the Requesting Shareholders in the case of a Demand Registration or by the requesting Demand Shareholders with respect to a Shelf Registration Statement or (c) in accordance with an election by the Company subsequent to the effectiveness of the applicable Demand Registration statement because any post-effective amendment or supplement to the applicable Demand Registration statement contains information regarding the Company which the Company deems adverse to the Company, shall not be counted as a Demand. If a Shareholder withdraws its notification or direction to the Company to include Registrable Securities in a registration statement in accordance with this Section 3.4, such Shareholder shall be required to promptly reimburse the Company for all expenses incurred by the Company in connection with preparing for the registration of such Registrable Securities.

  • Withdrawal of Members A member may withdraw from this LLC by giving written notice to all other members at least days before the date the withdrawal is to be effective.

  • Withdrawal of Member Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the Member shall not withdraw as a member of the Company, and no event set forth in Section 5.4 shall cause or be deemed to cause the withdrawal of the Member from the Company. Any purported withdrawal by the Member shall be null and void.

  • Surrender of Receipts and Withdrawal of Deposited Securities Upon surrender, at the Principal Office of the Depositary, of American Depositary Shares for the purpose of withdrawal of the Deposited Securities represented thereby, and upon payment of (i) the fees and charges of the Depositary for the making of withdrawals of Deposited Securities and cancellation of Receipts (as set forth in Section 5.9 hereof and Article (9) of the Receipt) and (ii) all applicable taxes and/or governmental charges payable in connection with such surrender and withdrawal, and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deposit Agreement, the Company's constituent documents, Section 7.8 hereof and any other provisions of or governing the Deposited Securities and other applicable laws, the Holder shall be entitled to Delivery, to him or upon his order, of the Deposited Securities at the time represented by the American Depositary Shares so surrendered. American Depositary Shares may be surrendered for the purpose of withdrawing Deposited Securities by Delivery of a Receipt evidencing such American Depositary Shares (if held in certificated form) or by book-entry Delivery of such American Depositary Shares to the Depositary. A Receipt surrendered for such purposes shall, if so required by the Depositary, be properly endorsed in blank or accompanied by proper instruments of transfer in blank, and if the Depositary so requires, the Holder thereof shall execute and deliver to the Depositary a written order directing the Depositary to cause the Deposited Securities being withdrawn to be Delivered to or upon the written order of a person or persons designated in such order. Thereupon, the Depositary shall direct the Custodian to Deliver (without unreasonable delay) at the designated office of the Custodian or through a book entry Delivery of the Shares (in either case, subject to Sections 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, 5.9, and to the other terms and conditions of this Deposit Agreement, to the Company's constituent documents, to the provisions of or governing the Deposited Securities and to applicable laws, now or hereafter in effect) to or upon the written order of the person or persons designated in the order delivered to the Depositary as provided above, the Deposited Securities represented by such American Depositary Shares, together with any certificate or other proper documents of or relating to title of the Deposited Securities as may be legally required, as the case may be, to or for the account of such person. The Depositary may, in its discretion, refuse to accept for surrender a number of American Depositary Shares representing a number other than a whole number of Shares. In the case of surrender of a Receipt evidencing a number of American Depositary Shares representing other than a whole number of Shares, the Depositary shall cause ownership of the appropriate whole number of Shares to be Delivered in accordance with the terms hereof, and shall, at the discretion of the Depositary, either (i) issue and Deliver to the person surrendering such Receipt a new Receipt evidencing American Depositary Shares representing any remaining fractional Share, or (ii) sell or cause to be sold the fractional Shares represented by the Receipt surrendered and remit the proceeds of such sale (net of (a) applicable fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and (b) taxes and governmental charges) to the person surrendering the Receipt. At the request, risk and expense of any Holder so surrendering a Receipt, and for the account of such Holder, the Depositary shall direct the Custodian to forward (to the extent permitted by law) any cash or other property (other than securities) held in respect of, and any certificate or certificates and other proper documents of or relating to title to, the Deposited Securities represented by such Receipt to the Depositary for Delivery at the Principal Office of the Depositary, and for further Delivery to such Holder. Such direction shall be given by letter or, at the request, risk and expense of such Holder, by cable, telex, electronic or facsimile transmission. Upon receipt by the Depositary, the Depositary may make delivery to such person or persons entitled thereto at the Principal Office of the Depositary of any dividends or cash distributions with respect to the Deposited Securities represented by such American Depositary Shares, or of any proceeds of sale of any dividends, distributions or rights, which may at the time be held by the Depositary.

  • Withdrawal of a Member For purposes of this Agreement, a “Withdrawn Member” is a member who is bankrupt, has resigned, or has retired (a “Withdrawal Event”). Upon a Withdrawal Event, the Withdrawn Member or any successor in interest to the Withdrawn Member shall become an Assignee of the Withdrawn Member’s Membership Interest in the Company.

  • Withdrawal Right Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in (and without limiting any similar provisions of) the Transaction Documents, whenever any Buyer exercises a right, election, demand or option under a Transaction Document and the Company or any Subsidiary does not timely perform its related obligations within the periods therein provided, then such Buyer may rescind or withdraw, in its sole discretion from time to time upon written notice to the Company or such Subsidiary (as the case may be), any relevant notice, demand or election in whole or in part without prejudice to its future actions and rights.

  • Withdrawal from Agreement A. Any Fund may elect to withdraw from this Agreement effective at the end of any monthly period by giving at least 90 days’ prior written notice to each of the parties to this Agreement. Upon the written demand of all other Funds which are parties to this Agreement a Fund shall withdraw, and in the event of its failure to do so shall be deemed to have withdrawn, from this Agreement; such demand shall specify the date of withdrawal which shall be at the end of any monthly period at least 90 days from the time of service of such demand.

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