Mutually Exclusive Sample Clauses

Mutually Exclusive. The Parties further agree that the Grievance Procedure provided to employees in Article 18 of this Agreement and the hearing process provided by the District’s Personnel Policies and Procedures Ordinance are mutually exclusive and no relief shall be available under the Grievance Procedures of this Agreement for any action pursued under Section 10 of the District’s Personnel Policies and Procedures Ordinance Furthermore, the parties agree that the pursuit of a grievance under this Agreement shall act as a specific waiver by the Council and the involved employee of the right to challenge the same matter before the dispute resolution forum listed above and a form containing such specific waiver shall be provided to and executed by the Council and the involved employee before arbitration may be invoked under the grievance procedure of this Agreement.
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Mutually Exclusive. This Agreement is distinguished from all previous agreements between the Grantee and the Grants Administrator and contains the entire understanding between the parties.

Related to Mutually Exclusive

  • No Remedy Exclusive No remedy conferred upon or reserved to the Issuer or the Trustee by this Agreement is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, but each and every remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement, now or hereafter existing at law, in equity or by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair that right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In order to entitle the Issuer or the Trustee to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this Article, it shall not be necessary to give any notice, other than any notice required by law or for which express provision is made herein.

  • Non-Exclusive The services of the Administrator rendered to the Trust are not deemed to be exclusive. The Administrator is free to render such services to others. The Administrator shall not be deemed to be affected by notice of, or to be under any duty to disclose to the Trust or Person acting on the Trust’s behalf, information which has come into its possession or the possession of an Interested Party in the course of or in connection with providing administrative or other services to any other person or in any manner whatsoever other than in the course of carrying out its duties pursuant to this Agreement.

  • Not Exclusive Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting you or your affiliates from acting as an underwriter or financial adviser or in any other capacity for any other persons (including other registered investment companies or other investment managers).

  • Non-Exclusive Arrangement Nothing contained in these Terms shall be construed as conferring or granting an exclusive right or obligation upon either party to purchase or sell products or services under these terms. 21. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or inability to perform its obligations under these terms or otherwise if such delay or inability arises from any act of God, fire, natural disaster, act of government, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of such party which could not be avoided by the exercise of due care. 22. NOTICES Whenever notice is to be given by any party to the other party under these terms, such notice shall be made by any one of the following methods; personally; by overnight courier service from which proof of delivery can be obtained; via next day business delivery, delivery charges prepaid; or by registered or certified mail, return-receipt requested. Notices shall be deemed received (a) if personally delivered or via overnight courier, upon derecho exclusivo u obligación en ninguna de las partes para comprar o vender productos o servicios bajo estos términos. 21. FUERZA MAYOR Ninguna de las partes será responsable por la otra por ningún retraso o incapacidad para cumplir sus obligaciones bajo estos términos o, por otra parte, si dicho retraso o incapacidad surge por actos de Dios, fuego, desastre natural, actos del gobierno, o cualquier otra causa más allá del control razonable que dicha parte que no pudo xxxxx sido evitado mediante el ejercicio del debido cuidado. 22. NOTIFICACIONES Cuando deba realizarse una notificación de una de las partes a la otra parte bajo estos términos, dicha notificación xxxxxx ser realizada por alguno de los siguientes métodos; personalmente; por mensajería rápida mediante la cual se pueda obtener pruebas de la entrega; por envío el siguiente día hábil, pre- pagando los gastos de envío; o por correo registrado o certificado, solicitando el acuso de recibo. Las notificaciones se entenderán recibidas (a) si enviadas personalmente o vía mensajería rápida, al día de envío a la dirección de la persona que debe recibir dicha notificación si la misma es entregada antes de las 5:00 p.m., de lo contrario durante el siguiente día hábil luego del envío a la parte a quien se dirige la notificación; (b) si enviado por correo, dos (2) xxxx hábiles luego de depositadas en el correo regular. Cualquier parte puede cambiar su dirección y otra información de notificación avisando a la otra parte por escrito de dicho cambio conforme a lo dispuesto en esta sección. Mientras tanto, todas las notificaciones serán enviadas a las direcciones definidas en la OC. 23. INSPECCIONES Alorica tendrá derecho en cualquier momento, y por el periodo de un (1) año luego de la terminación, a inspeccionar y obtener, bajo su propia cuenta, copias de todas las licencias escritas, permisos, aprobaciones o cualquier otro documento emitido por cualquier entidad gubernamental o agencia al Proveedor o sus

  • Non-Exclusive Management Sub-Adviser, its officers, employees, and agents, may have or take the same or similar positions in specific investments for their own accounts, or for the accounts of other clients, as the Sub-Adviser does for the Fund. Adviser expressly acknowledges and understands that Sub-Adviser shall be free to render investment advice to others and that Sub-Adviser does not make its investment management services available exclusively to Adviser or the Fund. Nothing in this Agreement shall impose upon the Sub-Adviser any obligation to purchase or sell, or to recommend for purchase or sale, for the Fund any security which the Sub-Adviser, its principals, affiliates or employees, may purchase or sell for their own accounts or for the account of any other client, if in the reasonable opinion of the Sub-Adviser such investment would be unsuitable for the Fund or if the Sub-Adviser determines in the best interest of the Fund such purchase or sale would be impractical.

  • Non-Exclusive License Sponsor grants Institution and Principal Investigator a royalty free non-exclusive license, with no right to sublicense, to use Trial Data for internal research or educational purposes. c.

  • Non-Exclusive Agreement The services of the Adviser to the Fund under this Agreement are not to be deemed exclusive, and the Adviser shall be free to render similar services or other services to others so long as its services hereunder are not impaired thereby.

  • Non-Exclusion This clause 7 applies in addition to, and does not vary or exclude, the operation of section 97 or 97A of the Electricity Act or sections 119 and 120 of the National Electricity Law.

  • General Exclusion Neither we nor our directors, officers, employees, or agents shall be liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise, incurred or suffered by you under this Agreement (including any Transaction or where we have declined to enter into a proposed Transaction) unless such loss is a reasonably foreseeable consequence or arises directly from our or their respective gross negligence, wilful default or fraud. In no circumstance, shall we have liability for losses suffered by you or any third party for any special or consequential damage, loss of profits, loss of goodwill or loss of business opportunity arising under or in connection with this Agreement, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise. Nothing in this Agreement will limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

  • Remedies exclusive The rights and remedies provided by these Allocation Rules and the Participation Agreement to the Allocation Platform and each Registered Participant are exclusive and not cumulative and, to the extent permissible by law, shall exclude and be in place of all substantive (but not procedural) rights or remedies expressed or implied and provided by law or statute in respect of the subject matter of these Allocation Rules and the Participation Agreement. Accordingly, the Allocation Platform and each Registered Participant hereby waives to the fullest extent possible all such rights and remedies provided by law or statute, and releases each other of them if it is liable to any other of them, its officers, employees and agents to the same extent from all duties, liabilities, responsibilities or obligations provided by law or statute in respect of the matters dealt with in these Allocation Rules and the Participation Agreement and undertakes not to enforce any of the same except as expressly provided herein.

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