Habitats Sample Clauses

Habitats. 1. The Parties shall take appropriate measures for the protection of habitats. They shall pay due regard to the necessity of creating and maintaining a network of protected areas also in the migration areas of the seals in the Agreement Area and of ensuring the preservation of areas which are essential to the maintenance of the vital biological functions of seals.
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Habitats. 2.2.1 The study area for terrestrial ecology is defined as the area 500m either side of the site boundary. To account for the multiple landing locations initially considered under this project the study areas covers some 1.4 km2 from Xxxx Xxx Shek to Xxxxxx Xxx Nai (Figure 9.2).
Habitats. Using Spalding’s (2007) and Obura’s (2012) definitions of ecoregions in the western Indian Ocean (WIO), the proposed TBCA falls within the Monsoon Coast Ecoregion, running from approximately Mogadishu in southern Somalia, through Kenya and northern Tanzania, to approximately Dar es Salaam (Figure 6). The five ecoregions depicted in Figure 6 are as follows: No. Geographic range 1 Somalia 2 Southern Somalia, Kenya, northern Tanzania – monsoon coast 3 Northern Mozambique Channel: southern Tanzania, northern Mozambique
Habitats. The site includes a variety of habitats including neutral grassland; marshy grassland; scrub and open water lagoon. Some of these habitats have developed on old tip material and does not easily fit into any NVC type, other habitat zones have also been described (see Appendix X) See Appendix X for NVC communities Grassland North Lawn is now dominated by fine grasses and springy lawn-xxxx – Rhytidiadelphus squarosos. However due to heavy grazing by rabbits the grasses are barely visible. The xxxxx contains few herbs and indeed not much grass. There was an extensive cover of changing forget- me-not Myosotis discolor in 2007 and silverweed – Potentilla anserina are a notable feature along with creeping buttercup – Ranunculus repens and rushes, Juncus, sp. Biting stone crop Sedum acre grows on a couple of patches of bare rock/stone near one of the small mounds. north lawn edge On the North Lawn are 3 small mounds that have proved attractive for flowers; however one of these is now largely overgrown by xxxxxxx. Rushes have become increasingly dominant in the marshy areas on the South Lawn.The regionally rare grass vetchling - Lathyrus nissolia has not been recorded for 5 years. south lawn In the 2003 SEGI report it was noted that some grassland fits into recognizable NVC types. There are tall areas of rank grassland with false-oat grass - Arrhenatherum elatius, cock’s foot - Dactylis glomerata, Yorkshire fog- Holcus lanatus, broad-leaved dock - Rumex obtusifolius, cleavers, Galium aparine, common hogweed - Heracleum sphondyliun, teasel - Dipsacus fullonum, forming a MG1 community. The report also noted more species rich MG1 grassland, including oxeye daisy- Leucanthemum vulgare, xxxx vetch – Vicia sepium, tormentil –Potentilla erecta and square stalked St.John’s wort – Hypericum tetapterum. This forms mosaics with bramble- Rubus fruticosus and Yorkshire fog on the riverbank. Lower growing MG6 xxxxx also occurs in both North and South Lawns, supporting crested dog’s-tail, Cynosurus cristatus, red fescue, Festucs rubra, knapweed, Centaurea nigra, tormentil, Potentilla erecta¸ yellow rattle, Rhinanthus minor, fairy flax, Linum catharticum, kidney vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria, meadow cranesbill, Geranium pratense, devil’s-bit scabious, Succcisa pratensis and lady’s bedstraw, Galium verum.
Habitats. The Batu Ampar District mangrove forest area forms part of the Kapuas river estuary with a low slope and a few some small hills covering about 15 – 40% of the total area. Slopes range from 0 to 40%; less than 15% in the South, and between 15-40% in the northern portion of the area. Soil types in the mangrove forest area comprise grey alluvial hydromorf; grey alluvial association; and grey xxxxx. Mangrove vegetation consists of an Avicennia sp. zone; Sonneratia sp. zone; mixed Rhizophora apiculata & Bruguiera sp. zone; mixed Rhizophora & Nypa fruticans zone; and Nypa fruticans monospecific stands. There are 21 true mangrove species and 17 associate mangrove species, including the endemic species (Kandelia candel). Rhizophora spp., Bruguiera spp. and Nypa fruticans are the dominant tree species over most of the mangrove forest area extending further inland along the watercourses. The fauna identified from the Batu Ampar mangrove forest includes mammals, reptiles, birds and a wide diversity of aquatic fauna (fish, crustacea, gastropods, bivalves, polychaetes, phytoplankton and zooplankton). There are 11 species of mammals found in this area of which two are endemic (Nasalis larvatus and Orcaela brevirostris) and two, Nasalis larvatus and Helarctos malayanus, are listed as vulnerable species according to IUCN 1990. Total population of mammals in Batu Ampar mangrove area (65,585 ha) is estimated at between 144,489 – 24,099 individuals giving a density of around three individual/ha. There are 6 species of reptiles recorded, two of them being listed in Appendix I of the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species (CITES 1995), namely the endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmocheles imbricata) and the vulnerable salt water crocodile (Crocodilus porosus). The monitor lizard, Varanus xxxxxxxx, is listed in Appendix II of CITES 1995 together with other species such as the mangrove snake (Boiga dendrophylla), many-lined sun skink (Mabouya multifasciata) and the south east Asian soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx chartilaginous). There are 46 bird species known to occur in this area, comprising 35 resident and 11 migrant species. One species, Ptilocichla leucogrammica is endemic to Kalimantan, eight species are protected and two species are listed in Appendix II of CITES 1995 (Haliastur indus and Buceros rhinoceros). Bird numbers range from 1,190,400 – 1,413,506 individuals (mean 1,301,953 individuals) giving an average density of 20 individual/ha. The endemic bird population has...
Habitats avoid, in the course of scientific research, activities which could lead to substantial physical, chemical, biological or geological changes or damage to marine habitats.
Habitats. Reef corals grow on leeward shoals in fields among seagrass or sand (eight sites) or on low spurs oriented perpendicular to the shore (two sites). Two subtidal crests at 5-6 m and two sites at 6-8 m are outside the BBSFCA. Three subtidal crests at 6-7 m are on its inside (BL14-16). One fore-reef at 10 m outside the BBSFCA has tall (to 3 m) spurs between sand channels (BL07). Indicator component changes, 2015 vs. 2018, all surveys. Promoters Scaled Cover: Live Corals (LC), the primary constructors of reefs, increased (from 23 to 28%). Detractors Scaled Cover: Aggressive Invertebrates that kill corals increased, especially Chondrilla caribensis (which expanded from 0 to10%).
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Habitats. Linear, windward fore reefs fringe the eastern PA3B and form a barrier off its two western bays. The six fringing sites and adjacent barrier site (PA3B-19) are coral fields; four barrier sites have spur and groove reefs and the most western site (PA3B-27) is a hardground with few corals.
Habitats. The fore reefs on two windward barrier, and one leeward, fringing reef inside the TCMP have fields of corals. On the fore reefs outside the TCMP, coral fields are present at two leeward and two protected windward fringing reefs. One each windward inside barrier and outside fringing site has scattered corals on a hardground–as did an inside barrier in 2015 that, with higher coral cover, was reclassified as a coral field in 2018. Indicator component changes, 2015 vs. 2018, all surveys. Promoters Scaled Cover: Sparse Turf Algae (TA), which provide habitat space for coral larvae to settle, increased from 12 to 22%. Detractors Scaled Cover: Fleshy Macroalgae (FMA) and Turf Algal Sediment (TAS) mats declined from 34 to 27% and 17 to 6%, respectively. Fish Biomass: Decreases were proportionately greatest in Parrotfishes (key reef herbivores, from 5072 to 1378 gm/100m2 ) Grunts (small invertebrate predators, from 515 to 80 gm/100m2) and Grouper (larger predators of invertebrates and fish, from 587 to 100 gm/100m2). Lobed star and finger corals among macroalgae on dead corals at a leeward fringing reef, 9 m, UNI009, CM-2015 Key Promoters 50 % Cover 20 10 0 2015 2018 Key Detractors 60 % Cover 50 40 20 10 0 2015 2018 Key Herbivores Fish Biomass (g/100m2) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2015 2018 Key Carnivores Fish Biomass (g/100m2) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2015 2018 LC CCA TA FMA CMA TAS CYAN PEYS Parrotfish Surgeonfish Grouper Grunt Snapper Crustose coralline algae and peyssonnelids grow on dead lobe star coral skeletons, ~10 m, UNI005, CM-2015 Disesed peyssonnelid that has died where it had overgrown a lobed star coral, ~7 m,UNI009, KM-2015 Benthic Scaled Cover averages by location or dates. Promoters: Turf Algae increased between 2015 and 2018, inside and outside the TCMP. Live Corals (LC) and Crustose Coralline Algae (CCA) were higher on the slopes than the flat plains (both years). Detractors: Turf Algal Sediment mats decreased between 2015 and 2018, both inside and outside the TCMP, and were significantly lower on the slopes than the plains in 2018; Fleshy Macroalgae were also lower on the slopes (both years). Macroalgal Index (MAI, macroalgal cover x height) averages, an inverse proxy for herbivory. MAIs were higher, inside and outside the TCMP in 2018 relative to 2015, and especially high on the flat plains compared to the moderate slopes (154 vs. 84) in 2018. Fish Biomass averages by location or dates. All fish guilds, but especially parrotfishes, we...
Habitats. Four fringing, fore-reef sites are inside SIOBMPA and three are outside. One of these inside sites (CAR004) is a spur-and-groove reef; the rest are coral fields, as is an inside shoal (CAR001). The two outside shoals have scattered corals on sand (CAR112) or among seagrass (CAR114). CAR001 and CAR117 are shallow (4 m) sites.
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