Common use of General Education Clause in Contracts

General Education. University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher Group I Humanities MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ARTS 102; ENGL 201, 202, 203, 208, 211, 212, 220, 240, 255, 256, 260, 266, 267, 270, 290; FREN – GRMN – JAPN - SPAN 121, 122, 201, 202; HIST 150, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 220, 240, 250, 271; HUMS 120, 125, 140, 160, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215; MUSC 199, 240, 241; PHIL 151, 152, 153, 211, 212, 260; RELG 150, 211, 212, 241, 242, 250; THEA 110, 210 6 – 8 Various Humanities Course Credit Group II Natural Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects At least one course must be a lab science Select courses from: ASTR 201; BIOL 120, 121, 125, 127, 128, 145, 201, 202, 204, 210, 260, 265; CHEM 135, 161, 162, 192, 262, 272; GEOG 220, 221; GEOL 221, 222, 230; ISCI 121, 122, 131; PHYS 120, 200, 221, 222, 251, 252 4 - 8 Various Natural Sciences Course Credit Group III Social Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ANTH 270, 271, 272, 275, 276; CHDV 101; COMM 280; ECON 120, 201, 202, 213, 260; EDUC 204, 220, 230; GEOG 120, 200, 202; XXXX 100; POLS 120, 121, 201, 240, 260, 270; PSYC 200, 202, 203, 205, 221, 222, 250; SOCL 120, 185, 254, 255, 260; SOWK 101 6 – 8 Various Social Sciences Course Credit Group IV Studies in Culture and Diversity Waived if MTA is satisfied Mathematics MTA requires 1 course Select one from the following: MATH 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 141, 151, 161, 162, 253, 254, 260; STAT 170, 215 Note: STAT 170 and 215 will transfer to CMU as a quantitative reasoning (QR) courses. Students may not use the same course to meet math competency and QR competency at CMU. 3 – 5 Various Mathematics Course Credit CMU GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS MTA COURSE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ENG 101 ENG 102 Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics 1 Course 1 Course 2 Courses 2 Courses 2 Courses (1 must be a lab science) 1 Course TOTAL CREDITS 30 Credits Minimum Transfer Credit Guide This guide is subject to change and should be used in consultation with an academic advisor. Central Michigan University Competency and University Program Course Requirement Information COMPTENCIES (24) Writing Competency (18) ENG 101 Freshman Composition (3) ENG 201 Intermediate Composition (3) Writing Intensive (12) Quantitative Reasoning (3) Oral English Competency (3) Select one of the following: COM 101, 267, 269, 357, TAI 170, 302 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM (UP) REQUIREMENTS (27) Group I – Humanities (6) IA – Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Ideas (3) IB – The Arts (3) Group II – Natural Sciences (6) IIA – Descriptive Sciences (3) IIB – Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences (3) Group III – Social Sciences (6) IIIA – Behavioral Sciences (3) IIIB – Studies in Social Structures (3) Group IV – Studies in Global Cultures and Diversity (9) (Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020) IVA – Studies in Discrimination (3) IVB – Studies in Global Cultures (3) IVC – Studies in Racism & Cultural Diversity in the US (3) UP Elective (0 – 3) BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS: Minor in any university approved minor or internship (20-30 hours): Internship must be 20-30 hours and sponsored by the department of the major. Administration and registration may be through related disciplines but the responsibility of the internship requirements, parameters, etc., must be that of the department of the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS: Foreign Language Requirement (0-16 hours) Completion of the 202 course in any foreign language, including American Sign Language (ASL). This requirement may also be satisfied by passing the 202 examination or equivalent. Two foreign language courses from the University Program Group IV-B may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020 Natural and Social Sciences Requirements (0-13 hours) A minimum of 9 credit hours in the natural or social science at the 300-level or above are required; at least 6 credit hours from the same designator and no double counting with General Education. A minimum of 3-4 credit hours of statistics or calculus are required from the following: BIO 500, ECO 285, GEL 420, HSC 544, MTH 132, PSY 211, SOC 200, STA 282QR, 382QR, 392 (these may double count with General Education).

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General Education. University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade of “C” or higher Group I Humanities MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects SPC 131 Fundamentals of Speaking 3 COM 101 Introduction to Communication Select one courses from: ARTS 102; ENGL 201ART 107, 202108, 203110, 208119, 211, 212, 220, 240, 255, 256, 260, 266, 267, 270, 290; FREN – GRMN – JAPN - SPAN 121, 122, 201123, 202130, 135, 3 Various Humanities Course Credit 172, 209, 221, 224, 225, 226, 227; HIST 150ARA – ASL – FRE – GER – ITAL – SPN 131, 211132, 212141, 213231, 214232; CHN 130, 215131, 220132; ENG 139, 240231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 241, 243, 245, 246, 248; HUM 101, 250; INTR 180, 271181, 182, 280, 283; HUMS 120MUS 130, 125132, 140133, 160134, 211138, 212139, 213141, 214142, 215232, 233, 238; MUSC 199PHIL 130, 240131, 133, 135, 137, 138, 139, 201; TCM 131, 132, 241; PHIL 151THEA 131, 152135, 153138, 211238; VTL 262, 212263, 260264; RELG 150WR 130, 211131, 212232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 250; THEA 110, 210 6 – 8 Various Humanities Course Credit 280 Group II Natural Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects At least one course must be a lab science Select courses fromChoose one course from each area. Courses may not be double counted 8 – 10 Various Natural Sciences Course Credit AREA 1: ASTR 201131, 133, 231; BIOL 120ATMS 131; BIO 130, 121131, 125134, 127135, 128138, 145139, 150, 152, 233, 234, 251, 261, 262, 263; CHEM 111, 131, 132, 141, 142, 151, 241, 242, 243, 244; ENGR 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 201, 202232, 204, 210, 260, 265; CHEM 135, 161, 162, 192, 262, 272; GEOG 220, 221233; GEOL 221, 222, 230; ISCI 121, 122, 131; PHYS 120, 200121, 221131, 222132, 133, 231, 232; PSCI 131, 133, 135; SCI 131, 160, 210, 212, 213 AREA 2: ASTR 133; BIO 131, 134, 135, 138, 150, 152, 233, 234, 251, 252 4 - 8 Various Natural Sciences Course Credit 261, 262; CHEM 111, 131, 132, 141, 142, 151; GEOL 131; PHYS 120, 121, 131, 132, 133, 231, 232; PSCI 131, 135; SCI 160 Group III Social Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ANTH 270131, 271151, 272152, 275153, 276154; CHDV 101BEC 151, 152; COMM 280; ECON 120, 201, 202, 213, 260; EDUC 204, 220, 230; GEOG 120, 200, 202; XXXX 100; POLS 120, 121, 201, 240, 260, 270; PSYC 200, 202, 203, 205, 221, 222, 250; SOCL 120, 185, 254, 255, 260; SOWK 101 CRJ 6 – 8 Various Social Sciences Course Credit 131, 135, 136, 141, 251; EDU 256, 296; GEOG 131, 132, 138; HIST 111, 112, 113, 151, 152, 222, 226, 239, 243, 248, 250, 252, 254, 256, 258, 261, 270, 281, 283, 285, 286, 295, 296, 297; PHIL 130, 131, 133, 135, 137, 138, 139, 201; POLS 101, 110, 111, 131, 135, 152, 155, 200, 201, 202, 295; PSY 131, 152, 161, 251, 253, 254, 256, 257, 260, 296; SOC 131, 132, 151, 152, 212, 251, 253, 254, 295, WR 130, 131, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 280 Group IV Studies in Culture and Diversity Waived if MTA is satisfied Mathematics MTA requires 1 course Select one from the following: MATH 119115, 120, 121, 122, 126131, 141, 151150, 161153, 162165, 253175, 254180, 260; STAT 170183, 215 275, 280, 283, 288 Note: STAT 170 and 215 MATH 141 will transfer to CMU as a quantitative reasoning (QR) coursescourse. Students may not use the same course to meet math competency and QR competency at CMU. Students should plan to take an additional math or QR course at CMU. 3 – 5 Various Mathematics Course Credit CMU GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS MTA COURSE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ENG 101 1 Course ENG 102 201 1 Course Humanities 2 Courses Social Sciences 2 Courses Natural Sciences Mathematics 1 Course 1 Course 2 Courses 2 Courses 2 Courses (1 must be a lab science) Mathematics 1 Course TOTAL CREDITS 30 Credits Minimum Transfer Credit Guide This guide is subject to change and should be used in consultation with an academic advisor. Central Michigan University Competency and University Program Course Requirement Information COMPTENCIES (24) Writing Competency (18) ENG 101 Freshman Composition (3) ENG 201 Intermediate Composition (3) Writing Intensive (12) Quantitative Reasoning (3) Oral English Competency (3) Select one of the following: COM 101, 267, 269, 357, TAI 170, 302 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM (UP) REQUIREMENTS (27) Group I – Humanities (6) IA – Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Ideas (3) IB – The Arts (3) Group II – Natural Sciences (6) IIA – Descriptive Sciences (3) IIB – Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences (3) Group III – Social Sciences (6) IIIA – Behavioral Sciences (3) IIIB – Studies in Social Structures (3) Group IV – Studies in Global Cultures and Diversity (9) (Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020) IVA – Studies in Discrimination (3) IVB – Studies in Global Cultures (3) IVC – Studies in Racism & Cultural Diversity in the US (3) UP Elective (0 – 3) BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS: Minor in any university approved minor or internship (20-30 hours): Internship must be 20-30 hours and sponsored by the department of the major. Administration and registration may be through related disciplines but the responsibility of the internship requirements, parameters, etc., must be that of the department of the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS: Foreign Language Requirement (0-16 hours) Completion of the 202 course in any foreign language, including American Sign Language (ASL). This requirement may also be satisfied by passing the 202 examination or equivalent. Two foreign language courses from the University Program Group IV-B may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020 Natural and Social Sciences Requirements (0-13 hours) A minimum of 9 credit hours in the natural or social science at the 300-level or above are required; at least 6 credit hours from the same designator and no double counting with General Education. A minimum of 3-4 credit hours of statistics or calculus are required from the following: BIO 500, ECO 285, GEL 420, HSC 544, MTH 132, PSY 211, SOC 200, STA 282QR, 382QR, 392 (these may double count with General Education).

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General Education. University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher Group I Humanities MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select one of the following: SPCH 151 Communication Fundamentals SPCH 152 Public Speaking Select additional courses from: ARTS 102ART 151, 155, 158, 160, 280, 281, 282; COMM 151, 250, 251; ENGL 201102, 202, 203, 208, 211, 212, 220155, 240, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 260, 261, 266, 267, 270, 290268; FREN – GRMN – JAPN GERM - SPAN 121151, 1221152, 201251, 202252; HIST 150, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 220, 240, 250, 271; HUMS 120, 125, 140, 160, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215; MUSC 199, 240, 241; PHIL HUMAN 151, 152, 153250, 211256, 212257; JOURN 161, 260162, 181, 251, 261, 262; RELG 150MUSIC 157, 211165, 212170, 241265, 242266, 250268; PHIL 152, 152, 253; PHOTO 151; THEA 110151, 210 152, 153 33 3 - 6 – 8 COM 101 Introduction to Communication COM 357 Public Speaking Various Humanities Course Credit Group II Natural Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects At least one course must be a lab science Select courses from: ASTR 201ASTRN 151; BIOL 120151, 121153, 125154, 127156, 128157, 145158, 201251, 202252, 204, 210259, 260, 265264; CHEM 135150, 161151, 162152, 192160, 262251, 272252; ESC 151; GEOG 220151; PHYSC 151; PHY 101, 221; GEOL 221151, 222, 230; ISCI 121, 122, 131; PHYS 120, 200, 221, 222152, 251, 252 4 - Note: Bolded courses DO NOT contain a lab 8 – 10 Various Natural Sciences Course Credit Group III Social Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ANTH 270ANTHR 152, 271155, 272165; CRJ 154, 275156, 276; CHDV 101; COMM 280170, 251, 252, 255, 256; ECON 120251, 201, 202, 213, 260; EDUC 204, 220, 230252; GEOG 120152; FWST 151; HIST 151, 200152, 202153, 154, 155, 158, 159, 160, 173, 255, 2556; XXXX 100; POLS 120POLSC 151, 121158, 201, 240, 260, 270; PSYC 200, 202, 203, 205211, 221, 222252; PSYCH 151, 250; SOCL 120152, 185153, 156, 251, 251, 253, 254, 255257, 260258; SOWK 101 SWK 1K06, 151; SOC 151, 152, 153, 160, 161, 251, 253 6 – 8 Various Social Sciences Course Credit Group IV Studies in Culture and Diversity Waived if MTA is satisfied Mathematics MTA requires 1 course Select one from the following: MATH 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 141, 151, 161, 162, 253, 254, 260; STAT 170, 215 Note: STAT 170 and 215 will transfer to CMU as a quantitative reasoning (QR) courses. Students may not use the same course to meet math competency and QR competency at CMU. 3 – 5 Various Mathematics Course Credit CMU GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS MTA COURSE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ENG 101 ENG 102 Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics 1 Course 1 Course 2 Courses 2 Courses 2 Courses (1 must be a lab science) 1 Course TOTAL CREDITS 30 Credits Minimum Transfer Credit Guide This guide is subject to change and should be used in consultation with an academic advisor. Central Michigan University Competency and University Program Course Requirement Information COMPTENCIES (24) Writing Competency (18) ENG 101 Freshman Composition (3) ENG 201 Intermediate Composition (3) Writing Intensive (12) Quantitative Reasoning (3) Oral English Competency (3) Select one of the following: COM 101, 267, 269, 357, TAI 170, 302 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM (UP) REQUIREMENTS (27) Group I – Humanities (6) IA – Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Ideas (3) IB – The Arts (3) Group II – Natural Sciences (6) IIA – Descriptive Sciences (3) IIB – Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences (3) Group III – Social Sciences (6) IIIA – Behavioral Sciences (3) IIIB – Studies in Social Structures (3) Group IV – Studies in Global Cultures and Diversity (9) (Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020) IVA – Studies in Discrimination (3) IVB – Studies in Global Cultures (3) IVC – Studies in Racism & Cultural Diversity in the US (3) UP Elective (0 – 3) BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS: Minor in any university approved minor or internship (20-30 hours): Internship must be 20-30 hours and sponsored by the department of the major. Administration and registration may be through related disciplines but the responsibility of the internship requirements, parameters, etc., must be that of the department of the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS: Foreign Language Requirement (0-16 hours) Completion of the 202 course in any foreign language, including American Sign Language (ASL). This requirement may also be satisfied by passing the 202 examination or equivalent. Two foreign language courses from the University Program Group IV-B may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020 Natural and Social Sciences Requirements (0-13 hours) A minimum of 9 credit hours in the natural or social science at the 300-level or above are required; at least 6 credit hours from the same designator and no double counting with General Education. A minimum of 3-4 credit hours of statistics or calculus are required from the following: BIO 500, ECO 285, GEL 420, HSC 544, MTH 132, PSY 211, SOC 200, STA 282QR, 382QR, 392 (these may double count with General Education).Credit

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General Education. University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher Group I Humanities MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select one of the following: COMA 103 Fundamentals of Speech THEA 241 Oral Interpretation of Literature Select additional courses from: ARTS ARB – CHIN – FR – GER – SPAN: 101, 102, 201, 202; ART 115, 116, 120, 121, 127, 128, 133, 134, 201, 216, 221, 222, 228, 231, 233, 235, 246, 247; ITAL: 101, 102; ENGL HIST 134, 137, 138, 141, 151, 152, 153, 230; HUM 106, 150, 190, 201, 202, 203, 208204, 211210, 212, 220215; LIT 170, 240200, 255203, 256243, 260244, 266245, 267246, 270248, 290251, 252, 275, 280; FREN – GRMN – JAPN - SPAN 121MUS 104, 122105, 201107, 202; HIST 150149, 211153, 212154, 213155, 214164, 215, 220, 240165, 250, 271; HUMS 120, 125, 140, 160, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215; MUSC 199, 240, 241252; PHIL 151243, 152247, 153257, 211, 212, 260; RELG 150, 211, 212, 241, 242, 250; THEA 110, 210 277 33 3 – 6 – 8 COM 101 Introduction to Communication TAI 170 Oral Interpretation of Literature Various Humanities Course Credit Group II Natural Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects At least one course must be a lab science Select courses from: ASTR 201; BIOL 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 114, 115, 120, 121130, 125140, 127236, 128237, 145238, 201, 202, 204, 210, 260, 265243; CHEM 104, 111, 117, 120, 213, 214; GEOG 135, 161203, 162212, 192217, 262, 272; GEOG 220, 221225; GEOL 221133, 222134, 230; ISCI 121, 122, 131237; PHYS 120104, 200123, 221181, 222182, 251211, 252 4 - 212 8 – 10 Various Natural Sciences Course Credit Group III Social Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ANTH 270112, 271117, 272201, 275211, 276; CHDV 101; COMM 280214; ECON 120103, 201, 202; GEOG 133; HIST 134, 213137, 260138, 141, 151, 152, 153, 230; EDUC 204POLS 105, 109, 205, 207, 209; PSYC 153, 201, 205, 206, 207, 209, 219, 229, 239, 249; SOC 201, 205, 209, 210, 220, 230; GEOG 120, 200, 202; XXXX 100; POLS 120, 121, 201, 240, 260, 270; PSYC 200, 202, 203, 205, 221, 222, 250; SOCL 120, 185, 254, 255, 260; SOWK 101 290 6 – 8 Various Social Sciences Course Credit Group IV Studies in Culture and Diversity Waived if MTA is satisfied Mathematics MTA requires 1 course Select one from the following: MATH 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 141, 151, 161, 162, 253, 254, 260; STAT 170, 215 Note: STAT 170 and 215 will transfer to CMU as a quantitative reasoning (QR) courses. Students may not use the same course to meet math competency and QR competency at CMU. 3 – 5 Various Mathematics Course Credit CMU GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS MTA COURSE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ENG 101 ENG 102 Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics 1 Course 1 Course 2 Courses 2 Courses 2 Courses (1 must be a lab science) 1 Course TOTAL CREDITS 30 Credits Minimum Transfer Credit Guide This guide is subject to change and should be used in consultation with an academic advisor. Central Michigan University Competency and University Program Course Requirement Information COMPTENCIES (24) Writing Competency (18) ENG 101 Freshman Composition (3) ENG 201 Intermediate Composition (3) Writing Intensive (12) Quantitative Reasoning (3) Oral English Competency (3) Select one of the following: COM 101, 267, 269, 357, TAI 170, 302 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM (UP) REQUIREMENTS (27) Group I – Humanities (6) IA – Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Ideas (3) IB – The Arts (3) Group II – Natural Sciences (6) IIA – Descriptive Sciences (3) IIB – Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences (3) Group III – Social Sciences (6) IIIA – Behavioral Sciences (3) IIIB – Studies in Social Structures (3) Group IV – Studies in Global Cultures and Diversity (9) (Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020) IVA – Studies in Discrimination (3) IVB – Studies in Global Cultures (3) IVC – Studies in Racism & Cultural Diversity in the US (3) UP Elective (0 – 3) BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS: Minor in any university approved minor or internship (20-30 hours): Internship must be 20-30 hours and sponsored by the department of the major. Administration and registration may be through related disciplines but the responsibility of the internship requirements, parameters, etc., must be that of the department of the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS: Foreign Language Requirement (0-16 hours) Completion of the 202 course in any foreign language, including American Sign Language (ASL). This requirement may also be satisfied by passing the 202 examination or equivalent. Two foreign language courses from the University Program Group IV-B may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020 Natural and Social Sciences Requirements (0-13 hours) A minimum of 9 credit hours in the natural or social science at the 300-level or above are required; at least 6 credit hours from the same designator and no double counting with General Education. A minimum of 3-4 credit hours of statistics or calculus are required from the following: BIO 500, ECO 285, GEL 420, HSC 544, MTH 132, PSY 211, SOC 200, STA 282QR, 382QR, 392 (these may double count with General Education).Credit

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General Education. University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher Group I Humanities MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses fromfrom the following: ARTS 102ARTH 110, 111, 112; ENGL 201, 202, 203, 208, 211, 212, COM 220, 240225, 255, 256250, 260, 266, 267, 270, 290; FREN – GRMN – JAPN - SPAN 121, 122, 201, 202; HIST 150, 211, 212ENG 130, 213, 214, 215, 220221, 222, 231, 232, 240, 250, 271; HUMS 120, 125, 140, 160, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215; MUSC 199, 240, 241; PHIL 151, 152, 153, 211, 212, 260; RELG 150, 211, 212, 241, 242, 244, 250, 251; THEA 110HST 131, 210 132, 231, 232, 250, 251, 255, 261, 270; MU 120; PHL 101, 102, 105, 109; REL 100, 102; THF 101, 250, 276; Foreign Languages (ARB, FR, RUS, SPAN 111 or above; NISH 11 or above (Excludes 150, 190, 245) 6 - 8 Various Humanities Course Credit Group II Natural Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects At least one course must be a lab science Select courses fromfrom the following: ASTR 201BIO 101, 133, 151, 152, 226, 235, 236; BIOL 120CEM 101, 102, 121; ESC 101, 125110, 127, 128, 145, 201, 202, 204, 210, 260, 265; CHEM 135, 161, 162, 192, 262, 272; GEOG 220, 221; GEOL 221, 222, 230; ISCI 121, 122, 131150, 201; PHYS 120PHY 101, 200210, 221, 222, 251, 252 4 - 230 8 – 10 Various Natural Sciences Science Course Credit Group III Social Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses fromfrom the following: ANTH 270ANP 110, 271130, 272210; ECO 111, 275, 276112; CHDV 101; COMM 280; ECON 120, 201, 202, 213, 260; EDUC 204, 220, 230; GEOG 120, 200, 202; XXXX 100; POLS 120GEO 111, 121; PLS 141, 201225; PSY 161, 240210, 260, 270; PSYC 200, 202, 203, 205, 221, 222, 250; SOCL 120, 185, 254241, 255, 260261; SOWK 101 SOC 171, 175, 271 6 - 8 Various Social Sciences Course Credit Group IV Studies in Culture and Diversity Waived if MTA is satisfied Mathematics MTA requires 1 course Select one from the following: MATH 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 141, 151, 161, 162, 253, 254, 260; STAT 170, 215 Note: STAT 170 and 215 will transfer to CMU as a quantitative reasoning (QR) courses. Students may not use the same course to meet math competency and QR competency at CMU. 3 – 5 Various Mathematics Course Credit CMU GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS MTA COURSE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ENG 101 ENG 102 Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics 1 Course 1 Course 2 Courses 2 Courses 2 Courses (1 must be a lab science) 1 Course TOTAL CREDITS 30 Credits Minimum Transfer Credit Guide This guide is subject to change and should be used in consultation with an academic advisor. Central Michigan University Competency and University Program Course Requirement Information COMPTENCIES (24) Writing Competency (18) ENG 101 Freshman Composition (3) ENG 201 Intermediate Composition (3) Writing Intensive (12) Quantitative Reasoning (3) Oral English Competency (3) Select one of the following: COM 101, 267, 269, 357, TAI 170, 302 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM (UP) REQUIREMENTS (27) Group I – Humanities (6) IA – Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Ideas (3) IB – The Arts (3) Group II – Natural Sciences (6) IIA – Descriptive Sciences (3) IIB – Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences (3) Group III – Social Sciences (6) IIIA – Behavioral Sciences (3) IIIB – Studies in Social Structures (3) Group IV – Studies in Global Cultures and Diversity (9) (Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020) IVA – Studies in Discrimination (3) IVB – Studies in Global Cultures (3) IVC – Studies in Racism & Cultural Diversity in the US (3) UP Elective (0 – 3) BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS: Minor in any university approved minor or internship (20-30 hours): Internship must be 20-30 hours and sponsored by the department of the major. Administration and registration may be through related disciplines but the responsibility of the internship requirements, parameters, etc., must be that of the department of the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS: Foreign Language Requirement (0-16 hours) Completion of the 202 course in any foreign language, including American Sign Language (ASL). This requirement may also be satisfied by passing the 202 examination or equivalent. Two foreign language courses from the University Program Group IV-B may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020 Natural and Social Sciences Requirements (0-13 hours) A minimum of 9 credit hours in the natural or social science at the 300-level or above are required; at least 6 credit hours from the same designator and no double counting with General Education. A minimum of 3-4 credit hours of statistics or calculus are required from the following: BIO 500, ECO 285, GEL 420, HSC 544, MTH 132, PSY 211, SOC 200, STA 282QR, 382QR, 392 (these may double count with General Education).Credit

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General Education. University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher Group I Humanities MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ARTS ARA 101, 102; ENGL AT 105, 106, 270; EN 118, 233, 235, 242, 247, 248, 251, 252, 261, 262, 270, 271, 272, 278, 284; FR – GR - SP 101, 102, 231, 232; HS 101, 102, 120, 121, 215, 230, 251, 290; HU 204, 205, 210, 212, 219, 220, 245, 273, 274, 281; MUS 110, 111, 130; PL 201, 202, 203205, 208207, 211, 212, 220, 240, 255, 256, 260, 266, 267, 270, 290209; FREN – GRMN – JAPN - SPAN 121, 122, 201, 202; HIST 150, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 220, 240, 250, 271; HUMS 120, 125, 140, 160, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215; MUSC 199, 240, 241; PHIL 151, 152, 153, 211, 212, 260; RELG 150, 211, 212, 241, 242, 250; THEA 110, 210 TH 248 6 – 8 Various Humanities Course Credit Group II Natural Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects At least one course must be a lab science Select courses from: ASTR 201AS 103, 106, 108; BIOL 120BI 101, 117, 121, 151; CHM 110, 120, 130, 131, 210; GE 132; GL 101; PC 101; PH 111, 115, 125, 127245; Courses with No Lab: AS 102; BI 110, 128, 145, 201, 202, 204, 210, 260, 265118; CHEM 135, 161, 162, 192, 262, 272CHM 100; GEOG 220, 221; GEOL 221, 222, 230; ISCI 121, 122, 131; PHYS 120, 200, 221, 222, 251, 252 4 - GL 106 8 – 10 Various Natural Sciences Course Credit Group III Social Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ANTH 270AN 201, 271205, 272210, 275, 276; CHDV 101; COMM 280; ECON EC 251, 252; GST 200; GE 135, 210, 253, 281; HS 101, 102, 120, 121, 215, 230, 251, 290; PS 110, 200, 201, 202, 213, 260215; EDUC 204, 220, 230PY 201; GEOG 120, 200, 202; XXXX 100; POLS 120, 121, 201, 240, 260, 270; PSYC 200, 202, 203, 205, 221, 222, 250; SOCL 120, 185SO 251, 254, 255, 260; SOWK 101 260 6 – 8 Various Social Sciences Course Credit Group IV Studies in Culture and Diversity Waived if MTA is satisfied Mathematics MTA requires 1 course Select one from the following: MATH 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 141, 151, 161, 162, 253, 254, 260; STAT 170, 215 Note: STAT 170 and 215 will transfer to CMU as a quantitative reasoning (QR) courses. Students may not use the same course to meet math competency and QR competency at CMU. 3 – 5 Various Mathematics Course Credit CMU GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS MTA COURSE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ENG 101 ENG 102 Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics 1 Course 1 Course 2 Courses 2 Courses 2 Courses (1 must be a lab science) 1 Course TOTAL CREDITS 30 Credits Minimum Transfer Credit Guide This guide is subject to change and should be used in consultation with an academic advisor. Central Michigan University Competency and University Program Course Requirement Information COMPTENCIES (24) Writing Competency (18) ENG 101 Freshman Composition (3) ENG 201 Intermediate Composition (3) Writing Intensive (12) Quantitative Reasoning (3) Oral English Competency (3) Select one of the following: COM 101, 267, 269, 357, TAI 170, 302 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM (UP) REQUIREMENTS (27) Group I – Humanities (6) IA – Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Ideas (3) IB – The Arts (3) Group II – Natural Sciences (6) IIA – Descriptive Sciences (3) IIB – Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences (3) Group III – Social Sciences (6) IIIA – Behavioral Sciences (3) IIIB – Studies in Social Structures (3) Group IV – Studies in Global Cultures and Diversity (9) (Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020) IVA – Studies in Discrimination (3) IVB – Studies in Global Cultures (3) IVC – Studies in Racism & Cultural Diversity in the US (3) UP Elective (0 – 3) BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS: Minor in any university approved minor or internship (20-30 hours): Internship must be 20-30 hours and sponsored by the department of the major. Administration and registration may be through related disciplines but the responsibility of the internship requirements, parameters, etc., must be that of the department of the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS: Foreign Language Requirement (0-16 hours) Completion of the 202 course in any foreign language, including American Sign Language (ASL). This requirement may also be satisfied by passing the 202 examination or equivalent. Two foreign language courses from the University Program Group IV-B may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020 Natural and Social Sciences Requirements (0-13 hours) A minimum of 9 credit hours in the natural or social science at the 300-level or above are required; at least 6 credit hours from the same designator and no double counting with General Education. A minimum of 3-4 credit hours of statistics or calculus are required from the following: BIO 500, ECO 285, GEL 420, HSC 544, MTH 132, PSY 211, SOC 200, STA 282QR, 382QR, 392 (these may double count with General Education).Credit

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General Education. University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher Group I Humanities MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ARTS 102ARAB 1260, 1270, 2360; ARTT 1620, 1625, 2650, 2660; CHIN 1260, 1270; ENGL 2011730, 2022410, 2032420, 2082510, 2112520, 2122600, 2202610, 2402640, 2552710, 2562720, 2602730, 2662740, 2672800, 2702810, 2902850; FREN 1260, 1270, 2360, 2370; GRMN – JAPN - SPAN 1211260, 1221270, 2012360; HUMN 1210, 2021250, 1270, 1300, 1460, 1472, 1473, 1474, 1476, 1700, 1750, 2000, 2100; HIST 150INTL 2000, 2112300, 2122800; ITAL 1260, 2131270, 2142360, 215, 220, 240, 250, 271; HUMS 120, 125, 140, 160, 211, 212, 213, 214, 2152370; MUSC 1991030, 2401050, 2411060, 1070, 1160, 1170, 2080, 2180, 2710, 2720; PHIL 1512100, 1522120, 1532200, 2112400; SPAN 1260, 2121270, 260; RELG 1502360, 211, 212, 241, 242, 250; THEA 110, 210 2370 6 – 8 Various Humanities Course Credit Group II Natural Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects At least one course must be a lab science Select courses from: ASTR 201ASTR; BIOL 1201000(L), 1211010(L), 1251310(L), 1271400, 1282400(L), 1452540(L), 2012710(L), 202, 204, 210, 260, 2652730(L); CHEM 1351000(L), 1611050(L), 1621060(L), 1921170(L), 2621180(L), 2722260, 2270/2280(L); GEOG 220, 221ENVS 1050; ESCI 1210(L); GEOL 2211080, 2221140(L), 2301150(L); ISCI 121, 122, 131PHSA 1050(L); PHYS 1201180(L), 2001190(L), 2212220(L), 222, 251, 252 4 - 2230(L) 8 – 10 Various Natural Sciences Course Credit Group III Social Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ANTH 2701000, 271, 272, 275, 276; CHDV 101; COMM 2802220; ECON 1201160, 2011170, 202, 213, 260; EDUC 204, 220, 2302110; GEOG 1201100, 2001500, 2022000; XXXX 100HIST 1260, 1270, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2330, 2340, 2360, 2370, 2375, 2390, 2520, 2650; INTL 2010, 2700; POLS 1201000, 1211101, 2011104, 2401200, 2601500, 2701600, 1700, 1900; PSYC 2001010, 2022170, 2032210, 2052220, 2212300, 2222310, 2502400, 2450, 2500, 2550, 2600, 2700, 2750, 2760; SOCL 120SOCY 1010, 1851100, 2541210, 2552000, 260; SOWK 101 2121, 2450, 2550 6 – 8 Various Social Sciences Course Credit Group IV Studies in Culture and Diversity Waived if MTA is satisfied Mathematics MTA requires 1 course Select one from the following: MATH 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 141, 151, 161, 162, 253, 254, 260; STAT 170, 215 Note: STAT 170 and 215 will transfer to CMU as a quantitative reasoning (QR) courses. Students may not use the same course to meet math competency and QR competency at CMU. 3 – 5 Various Mathematics Course Credit CMU GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS MTA COURSE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ENG 101 ENG 102 Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics 1 Course 1 Course 2 Courses 2 Courses 2 Courses (1 must be a lab science) 1 Course TOTAL CREDITS 30 Credits Minimum Transfer Credit Guide This guide is subject to change and should be used in consultation with an academic advisor. Central Michigan University Competency and University Program Course Requirement Information COMPTENCIES (24) Writing Competency (18) ENG 101 Freshman Composition (3) ENG 201 Intermediate Composition (3) Writing Intensive (12) Quantitative Reasoning (3) Oral English Competency (3) Select one of the following: COM 101, 267, 269, 357, TAI 170, 302 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM (UP) REQUIREMENTS (27) Group I – Humanities (6) IA – Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Ideas (3) IB – The Arts (3) Group II – Natural Sciences (6) IIA – Descriptive Sciences (3) IIB – Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences (3) Group III – Social Sciences (6) IIIA – Behavioral Sciences (3) IIIB – Studies in Social Structures (3) Group IV – Studies in Global Cultures and Diversity (9) (Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020) IVA – Studies in Discrimination (3) IVB – Studies in Global Cultures (3) IVC – Studies in Racism & Cultural Diversity in the US (3) UP Elective (0 – 3) BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS: Minor in any university approved minor or internship (20-30 hours): Internship must be 20-30 hours and sponsored by the department of the major. Administration and registration may be through related disciplines but the responsibility of the internship requirements, parameters, etc., must be that of the department of the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS: Foreign Language Requirement (0-16 hours) Completion of the 202 course in any foreign language, including American Sign Language (ASL). This requirement may also be satisfied by passing the 202 examination or equivalent. Two foreign language courses from the University Program Group IV-B may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020 Natural and Social Sciences Requirements (0-13 hours) A minimum of 9 credit hours in the natural or social science at the 300-level or above are required; at least 6 credit hours from the same designator and no double counting with General Education. A minimum of 3-4 credit hours of statistics or calculus are required from the following: BIO 500, ECO 285, GEL 420, HSC 544, MTH 132, PSY 211, SOC 200, STA 282QR, 382QR, 392 (these may double count with General Education).Credit

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General Education. University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher Group I Humanities MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses fromfrom the following: ARTS 102ART 1560; ENGL 201CHI 1510; ENG 1610, 2021710, 2031720, 2082300, 2112510, 2122520, 2202530, 2402540, 2552550, 2562560, 2602570, 2662650, 2672750, 2702760, 2902770, 2780, 2800; FREN FSH 1500; HIS 1510, 1520; HUM 1510, 1520, 1710, 1900, 2720; MUS 1530, 1560, 1585, 1590; PHI 1510, 1610, 1710, 2710; SLS 1000, 1010, 1030; THE 1561; ARB GRMN GER JAPN - SPAN 121ITA 1510, 1221530; FRE – JPN – SPA 1510, 2011530, 202; HIST 1502610, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 220, 240, 250, 271; HUMS 120, 125, 140, 160, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215; MUSC 199, 240, 241; PHIL 151, 152, 153, 211, 212, 260; RELG 150, 211, 212, 241, 242, 250; THEA 110, 210 2630 6 – 8 Various Humanities Course Credit Group II Natural Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects At least one course must be a lab science Select courses fromfrom the following: ASTR 201BIO 1500, 1511, 1530, 1560, 1570, 2540, 2630, 2640; BIOL 120CHE 1000, 1211320, 1251510, 1271520, 1282610; FSN 1500; GSC 1530, 1451580, 2011590, 2021620; PHY 1031, 2041610, 2101620, 2602400, 2652500; CHEM 135, 161, 162, 192, 262, 272; GEOG 220, 221; GEOL 221, 222, 230; ISCI 121, 122, 131; PHYS 120, 200, 221, 222, 251, 252 4 - PSC 1560 8 – 10 Various Natural Sciences Course Credit Group III Social Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses fromcourse from the following: ANTH 270ANT 1520, 2711540, 2722750; ECO 2610, 2752620; GEO 1510, 2761520; CHDV 101HIS 1510, 1520, 1550, 1700, 2510, 2520, 2610, 2620; COMM 280POL 1510, 2520, 2530, 2610; ECON 120PSY 2510, 2012630, 2022710, 2132810; SOC 2510, 260; EDUC 2042570, 220, 230; GEOG 120, 200, 202; XXXX 100; POLS 120, 121, 201, 240, 260, 270; PSYC 200, 202, 203, 205, 221, 222, 250; SOCL 120, 185, 254, 255, 260; SOWK 101 2620 6 – 8 Various Social Sciences Course Credit Group IV Studies in Culture and Diversity Waived if MTA is satisfied Mathematics MTA requires 1 course Select one from the following: MATH 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 141, 151, 161, 162, 253, 254, 260; STAT 170, 215 Note: STAT 170 and 215 will transfer to CMU as a quantitative reasoning (QR) courses. Students may not use the same course to meet math competency and QR competency at CMU. 3 – 5 Various Mathematics Course Credit CMU GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS MTA COURSE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ENG 101 ENG 102 Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics 1 Course 1 Course 2 Courses 2 Courses 2 Courses (1 must be a lab science) 1 Course TOTAL CREDITS 30 Credits Minimum Transfer Credit Guide This guide is subject to change and should be used in consultation with an academic advisor. Central Michigan University Competency and University Program Course Requirement Information COMPTENCIES (24) Writing Competency (18) ENG 101 Freshman Composition (3) ENG 201 Intermediate Composition (3) Writing Intensive (12) Quantitative Reasoning (3) Oral English Competency (3) Select one of the following: COM 101, 267, 269, 357, TAI 170, 302 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM (UP) REQUIREMENTS (27) Group I – Humanities (6) IA – Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Ideas (3) IB – The Arts (3) Group II – Natural Sciences (6) IIA – Descriptive Sciences (3) IIB – Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences (3) Group III – Social Sciences (6) IIIA – Behavioral Sciences (3) IIIB – Studies in Social Structures (3) Group IV – Studies in Global Cultures and Diversity (9) (Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020) IVA – Studies in Discrimination (3) IVB – Studies in Global Cultures (3) IVC – Studies in Racism & Cultural Diversity in the US (3) UP Elective (0 – 3) BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS: Minor in any university approved minor or internship (20-30 hours): Internship must be 20-30 hours and sponsored by the department of the major. Administration and registration may be through related disciplines but the responsibility of the internship requirements, parameters, etc., must be that of the department of the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS: Foreign Language Requirement (0-16 hours) Completion of the 202 course in any foreign language, including American Sign Language (ASL). This requirement may also be satisfied by passing the 202 examination or equivalent. Two foreign language courses from the University Program Group IV-B may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020 Natural and Social Sciences Requirements (0-13 hours) A minimum of 9 credit hours in the natural or social science at the 300-level or above are required; at least 6 credit hours from the same designator and no double counting with General Education. A minimum of 3-4 credit hours of statistics or calculus are required from the following: BIO 500, ECO 285, GEL 420, HSC 544, MTH 132, PSY 211, SOC 200, STA 282QR, 382QR, 392 (these may double count with General Education).Credit

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General Education. University Program Requirements All MTA applicable courses require a grade “C” or higher Group I Humanities MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses one of the following: COMM 131 Fundamentals of Public Speaking COMM 233 Oral Interpretation Select one additional course from: ARTS ARBC 111, 112; ART 110, 111, 112, 116; ASL 100, 102; CHI 111, 112; ENGL 201, 202, 203, 208, 211210, 212, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 227, 231, 232, 235, 240, 255242, 256253, 260261, 266, 267, 270, 290271; FILM 181; FREN – GRMN – JAPN - SPAN 121151, 122152, 201251, 202252; HIST 150GERM 111, 112, 211, 212; JAPA 111, 213, 214, 215, 220, 240, 250, 271; HUMS 120, 125, 140, 160112, 211, 212; MUS 180, 213182, 214183, 215; MUSC 199186, 240187, 241271, 272; PHIL 151101, 152103, 153165, 211190, 212251, 260295, 297; RELG 150RUSN 111, 211112; SPAN 181, 212182, 241281, 242, 250282; THEA 110, 210 THTR 110 33 3 - 6 – 8 COM 101 Introduction to Communication TAI 170 Oral Interpretation of Literature Various Humanities Course Credit Group II Natural Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects At least one course must be a lab science Select courses fromfrom the following: ASTR 201117, 118; BIOL 107, 110, 111, 115, 120, 121, 125, 127126, 128150, 145151, 201152, 202156, 204205, 210206, 260207, 265211, 220, 222; CHEM 135111, 161112, 162120, 123, 131, 132, 237, 238; GEOL 151, 152; PHSC 191, 192, 262, 272; GEOG 220, 221; GEOL 221, 222, 230; ISCI 121, 122, 131; PHYS 120281, 200282, 221287, 222288, 251, 252 4 - SCI 101 8 – 10 Various Natural Sciences Course Credit Group III Social Sciences MTA requires 2 courses from 2 different subjects Select courses from: ANTH 270200, 271210, 272211, 275212, 276; CHDV 101; COMM 280213; ECON 120, 201, 202, 213, 260; EDUC 204, 220, 230; GEOG 120, 200, 202; XXXX 100; POLS 120, 121, 201, 240, 260, 270; PSYC 200, 202, 203, 205125, 221, 222; FRSC 100; GEOG 141, 250142, 143, 145, 147, 243, 251; SOCL 120HIST 151, 185152, 154, 155, 212, 213, 220, 254, 255, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264; SOWK 101 LDDV 101; PSCN 170, 173, 175, 177; 275; PSYC 181, 184, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291; SOCY 191, 193, 194, 292, 294, 296, 297 6 – 8 Various Social Sciences Course Credit Group IV Studies in Culture and Diversity Waived if MTA is satisfied Mathematics MTA requires 1 course Select one from the following: MATH 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 141, 151, 161, 162, 253, 254, 260; STAT 170, 215 Note: STAT 170 and 215 will transfer to CMU as a quantitative reasoning (QR) courses. Students may not use the same course to meet math competency and QR competency at CMU. 3 – 5 Various Mathematics Course Credit CMU GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS MTA COURSE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ENG 101 ENG 102 Humanities Social Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics 1 Course 1 Course 2 Courses 2 Courses 2 Courses (1 must be a lab science) 1 Course TOTAL CREDITS 30 Credits Minimum Transfer Credit Guide This guide is subject to change and should be used in consultation with an academic advisor. Central Michigan University Competency and University Program Course Requirement Information COMPTENCIES (24) Writing Competency (18) ENG 101 Freshman Composition (3) ENG 201 Intermediate Composition (3) Writing Intensive (12) Quantitative Reasoning (3) Oral English Competency (3) Select one of the following: COM 101, 267, 269, 357, TAI 170, 302 UNIVERSITY PROGRAM (UP) REQUIREMENTS (27) Group I – Humanities (6) IA – Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Ideas (3) IB – The Arts (3) Group II – Natural Sciences (6) IIA – Descriptive Sciences (3) IIB – Quantitative and Mathematical Sciences (3) Group III – Social Sciences (6) IIIA – Behavioral Sciences (3) IIIB – Studies in Social Structures (3) Group IV – Studies in Global Cultures and Diversity (9) (Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020) IVA – Studies in Discrimination (3) IVB – Studies in Global Cultures (3) IVC – Studies in Racism & Cultural Diversity in the US (3) UP Elective (0 – 3) BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS: Minor in any university approved minor or internship (20-30 hours): Internship must be 20-30 hours and sponsored by the department of the major. Administration and registration may be through related disciplines but the responsibility of the internship requirements, parameters, etc., must be that of the department of the major. BACHELOR OF ARTS: Foreign Language Requirement (0-16 hours) Completion of the 202 course in any foreign language, including American Sign Language (ASL). This requirement may also be satisfied by passing the 202 examination or equivalent. Two foreign language courses from the University Program Group IV-B may be counted toward satisfying this requirement. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE: Effective Bulletin Year 2019 - 2020 Natural and Social Sciences Requirements (0-13 hours) A minimum of 9 credit hours in the natural or social science at the 300-level or above are required; at least 6 credit hours from the same designator and no double counting with General Education. A minimum of 3-4 credit hours of statistics or calculus are required from the following: BIO 500, ECO 285, GEL 420, HSC 544, MTH 132, PSY 211, SOC 200, STA 282QR, 382QR, 392 (these may double count with General Education).Credit

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