Date of Loss Sample Clauses

Date of Loss. For the purpose of this Charter, the date of the occurrence of an Event of Loss shall be the date of the casualty or other occurrence giving rise to such Event of Loss (or the earlier of the expiration of the remaining term of the Charter Period or the date 180 days after such taking thereafter, in the case of a taking of title or use or possession of the government of the United States of America, as provided in the definition of Event of Loss set forth in Section 1 hereof), and if the date of such casualty or other occurrence shall be uncertain, such date shall be deemed the date the Vessel was last heard from.
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Date of Loss. The date of the incident where damage has occurred to the Alloy Wheel
Date of Loss. Lessee shall pay to Lessor the Tax Indemnification Payment within thirty (30) days following Lessor’s notice to Lessee of the occurrence of a Loss. For these purposes, a Loss shall occur upon the earliest of: (1) the happening of any event (such as disposition or change in use of any item of the Equipment) that will cause such Loss, (2) the payment by Lessor to the Internal Revenue Service or state taxing authority of the tax increase (including an increase in estimated taxes) resulting from such Loss; (3) the date on which the Loss is realized by Lessor; or (4) the adjustment of the tax return of Lessor to reflect such Loss.
Date of Loss. For purposes hereof a Tax Benefit Loss shall occur upon the earliest of (i) the payment by Lessor to the Internal Revenue Service or the applicable state revenue office of the tax increase resulting from such Tax Benefit Loss, or (ii) the adjustment of the tax return of Lessor to reflect such Tax Benefit Loss.
Date of Loss. 17.6 Effect of Payment of Stipulated Loss Value . . . . . . . .
Date of Loss. The "Date of Loss" under Coverage A, except as to Unrecovered Theft, shall mean the date on which the actual physical loss or damage occurred to the collateral insured hereunder. If such date is undeterminable, the "Date of Loss" shall be the date the Vehicle is repossessed. "Undeterminable" means reasonably undeterminable by investigation of the condition of the collateral at the time it was stored or towed, it being expressly understood that where the collateral was damaged when towed or stored, it shall be conclusively presumed that the damage or loss occurred on the date so stored or towed. The Date of Loss under Coverage A as to Unrecovered Theft shall be the date that the appropriation of the Vehicle is first reported to law enforcement authorities.
Date of Loss. The date of the incident occurring to the Insured Vehicle in respect of which a claim for Total Loss is paid under the Comprehensive Motor Insurance. Date of Hire: The date on which You hired the Insured Vehicle. Dealer Fitted Accessories: Accessories that were fitted by and purchased from the Supplying Dealer and that are shown separately on the purchase invoice or on a supplementary invoice which must be dated at the time the Insured Vehicle was purchased (up to £3,000).
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Date of Loss. The date of loss is the earliest of the date on which the property is foreclosed or acquired or the proposed date of foreclosure or acquisition in the liquidation plan, unless an alternative date is approved by the Government. Where the Government chooses to accept an assignment of the loan or conveyance of title, the date of loss will be the date on which the Government accepts assignment of the loan or conveyance of title.

Related to Date of Loss

  • Notice of Loss The Grantor will promptly notify the Secured Party of any loss of or material damage to any material item of Collateral or of any substantial adverse change, known to Grantor, in any material item of Collateral or the prospect of payment or performance thereof.

  • Evidence of Loss For the purpose of this Section 8, it will be sufficient for a party to demonstrate that it would have suffered a loss had an actual exchange or purchase been made.

  • Event of Loss Grantor shall at its expense promptly repair all repairable damage to any tangible Collateral. In the event that any tangible Collateral is damaged beyond repair, lost, totally destroyed or confiscated (an "Event of Loss") and such Collateral had a value prior to such Event of Loss of $25,000.00 or more, then, on or before the first to occur of (i) 90 days after the occurrence of such Event of Loss, or (ii) 10 Business Days after the date on which either Grantor or MLBFS shall receive any proceeds of insurance on account of such Event of Loss, or any underwriter of insurance on such tangible Collateral shall advise either Grantor or MLBFS that it disclaims liability in respect of such Event of Loss, Grantor shall, at Grantor's option, either replace the Collateral subject to such Event of Loss with comparable Collateral free of all liens other than Permitted Liens (in which event Grantor shall be entitled to utilize the proceeds of insurance on account of such Event of Loss for such purpose, and may retain any excess proceeds of such insurance), or pay to MLBFS on account of the Obligations an amount equal to the actual cash value of such Collateral as determined by either the applicable insurance company's payment (plus any applicable deductible) or, in absence of insurance company payment, as reasonably determined by MLBFS. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if at the time of occurrence of such Event of Loss or any time thereafter prior to replacement or payment, as aforesaid, an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing hereunder, then MLBFS may at its sole option, exercisable at any time while such Event of Default shall be continuing, require Grantor to either replace such Collateral or make a payment on account of the Obligations, as aforesaid.

  • Risk of Loss; Insurance A. Landlord and Tenant shall each be responsible for loss, damage, or injury caused by its own negligence or willful conduct.

  • Damage or Destruction 17.1 If the Premises or the Building are totally or partially damaged or destroyed thereby rendering the Premises totally or partially inaccessible or unusable, then Landlord shall diligently repair and restore the Premises and the Building to substantially the same condition they were in prior to such damage or destruction; provided, however, that if in Landlord’s reasonable judgment such repair and restoration cannot be completed within two hundred seventy (270) days after the occurrence of such damage or destruction (taking into account the time needed for effecting a satisfactory settlement with any insurance company involved, removal of debris, preparation of plans and issuance of all required governmental permits), then Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease by giving written notice of termination within forty five (45) days after the occurrence of such damage or destruction. If this Lease is terminated pursuant to this Article, then rent shall be apportioned (based on the portion of the Premises which is usable or used after such damage or destruction) and paid to the later of the date of termination or the date Tenant completely vacates and abandons the Premises on account of such damage and (if applicable) Landlord shall be entitled to any insurance proceeds received by Tenant that are attributable to Landlord’s Work and other improvements insured or required to be insured by Tenant that would remain in the Premises at the end of the Lease Term. If this Lease is not terminated as a result of such damage or destruction, then until such repair and restoration of the Premises are substantially complete, Tenant shall be required to pay rent only for the portion of the Premises that is usable while such repair and restoration are being made; provided, however, that (x) if such damage or destruction was caused by the act or omission of Tenant or any Agent of Tenant, then Tenant shall not be entitled to any such rent reduction and (y) if Tenant fails to immediately pay over to Landlord insurance proceeds when received from Tenant’s insurance any such rent abatement shall end on the date when Landlord would have been able to substantially complete repair and restoration of the Premises had Tenant timely paid Landlord such insurance proceeds. After receipt of all insurance proceeds (including proceeds of insurance maintained by Tenant), Landlord shall proceed with and bear the expenses of such repair and restoration of the Premises and the Building; provided, however, that (a) if such damage or destruction was caused by the act or omission of Tenant or any Agent of Tenant, then Tenant shall pay Landlord’s deductible and the amount by which such expenses exceed the insurance proceeds, if any, actually received by Landlord on account of such damage or destruction (or, if Landlord fails to maintain the insurance required by Section 13.3, that Landlord would have received had Landlord maintained such insurance required by Section 13.3), (b) Tenant shall pay the amount by which the cost of restoring any item which Landlord is required to restore and Tenant is required to insure exceeds the insurance proceeds received with respect thereto, and (c) Landlord shall not be required to repair or restore any tenant improvements installed in the Premises (except to the extent Landlord receives proceeds therefor from Tenant’s insurance), any Alterations or any other contents of the Premises (including Tenant’s trade fixtures, decorations, furnishings, equipment or personal property). Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease if (1) insurance proceeds plus deductibles are insufficient to pay the full cost of such repair and restoration (so long as Landlord maintains the insurance required by Section 13.3), (2) the holder of any Mortgage fails or refuses to make such insurance proceeds available for such repair and restoration, (3) zoning or other applicable Laws or regulations do not permit such repair and restoration, or (4) the damage to the Building exceeds thirty five percent (35%) of the replacement value of the Building.

  • Insurance; Risk of Loss Seller shall, and shall cause the Companies to, keep insurance policies or self-insured retentions currently maintained for the benefit of the Companies covering their business, assets and current or former employees and the Contributed Assets, as the case may be (the “Insurance Coverage”), or suitable replacements therefor, in full force and effect through the close of business on the Closing Date. From and prior to the Closing Date, Seller agrees to take such actions as may be reasonably necessary not to voluntarily relinquish or terminate policies providing Insurance Coverage if doing so would adversely affect the availability of such Insurance Coverage. The availability of Insurance Coverage with respect to any claim shall be subject in all respects to Seller’s applicable deductibles, retention and similar limits. From and after the Closing Date, the Companies shall be solely responsible for all insurance coverage and related risk of loss based on claims pending as of the Closing Date and claims made after the Closing Date, without regard to when the event giving rise to any such claim occurred, with respect to the Companies and their business, assets and current or former employees. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence, Seller and Buyer agree that all claims with respect to insured events relating to the Business occurring prior to the Closing will be administered in all material respects in accordance with the terms of the Insurance Coverage. Seller will use its reasonable best efforts to provide Buyer with the benefit of the Insurance Coverage with respect to such claims to the extent Losses occurring prior to the Closing related to the Business are covered notwithstanding the consummation of the Contemplated Transactions; provided that (a) such recovery will be net of any deductibles or self-insured retention amounts, costs of any retroactive insurance premiums or other amounts paid or expenses incurred in connection with any insured claims made after the Closing under the Insurance Coverage and (b) Seller shall have no obligation to Buyer or any Company hereunder to prioritize Company claims over other claims of Seller or any of its Affiliates. In the event of any failure by any insurer to satisfy any claim, Seller and its Affiliates shall have no liability or obligation to Buyer pursuant to this Section 8.5; provided, that the foregoing shall not preclude any liability of Seller for any breach by Seller of this Section 8.5. To the extent that after the Closing any party hereto requires any information regarding claim data, payroll or other information relating to the Companies in order to make filings with insurance carriers or regulators from another party hereto, such other party shall promptly supply such information. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 8.5, nothing in this Section 8.5 shall require Seller or any of its Affiliates to expend money (other than customary legal advisor costs), commence or participate in any Proceeding or offer or grant any accommodation or concession (financial or otherwise) to any third party.

  • Risk of Loss; Notice Prior to Closing and the delivery of possession of the Property to Buyer in accordance with this Contract, all risk of loss to the Property (whether by casualty, condemnation or otherwise) shall be borne by Seller. In the event that (a) any loss or damage to the Hotel shall occur prior to the Closing Date as a result of fire or other casualty, or (b) Seller receives notice that a governmental authority has initiated or threatened to initiate a condemnation proceeding affecting the Hotel, Seller shall give Buyer immediate written notice of such loss, damage or condemnation proceeding (which notice shall include a certification of (i) the amounts of insurance coverages in effect with respect to the loss or damage and (ii) if known, the amount of the award to be received in such condemnation).

  • Casualty Loss If in Owner’s reasonable judgment the premises or the Property is materially damaged by fire or other casualty, Owner may terminate this Agreement within a reasonable time after such determination, by written notice to Resident, in which case Owner will refund prorated, pre-paid rent and all deposits less lawful deductions unless Resident and/or Resident’s guest(s) caused the casualty, in which case all funds on account will be applied to all applicable charges related to the damages and Resident will be responsible for the balance of all charges for repairs. If following a fire or other casualty Owner has not elected to terminate this Agreement, Owner will rebuild the damaged areas within a reasonable time, and during such reconstruction, Resident will be provided a reasonable rent reduction for the unusable portion of the premises unless Resident and/or Resident’s guest(s) caused the casualty.

  • Risk of Loss/Condemnation Upon an occurrence of a casualty, condemnation or taking with respect to any Property, Seller shall notify Buyer in writing of same. Until Closing, the risk of loss or damage to the Property, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, shall be borne by Seller. In the event all or any portion of any Property is damaged in any casualty or condemned or taken (or notice of any condemnation or taking is issued) so that: (a) Tenant has a right of termination or abatement of rent under the Lease for such Property, or (b) with respect to any casualty, if the cost to repair such casualty would exceed $50,000, or (c) with respect to any condemnation, any Improvements or access to the Property or more than five percent (5%) of the Property is (or will be) condemned or taken, then, Buyer may elect to terminate this Agreement with respect to each such Property by providing written notice of such termination to Seller within ten (10) business days after Buyer’s receipt of notice of such condemnation, taking or damage, upon which termination a proportionate part of the Xxxxxxx Money shall be returned to the Buyer in accordance with the Purchase Price as set forth on Exhibit A1 and neither party hereto shall have any further rights, obligations or liabilities under this Agreement with respect to such Property, except as otherwise expressly set forth herein. With respect to any condemnation or taking (of any notice thereof), if Buyer does not elect to cancel this Agreement as aforesaid, there shall be no abatement of the Purchase Price and Seller shall assign to Buyer at the Closing the rights of Seller to the awards, if any, for the condemnation or taking, and Buyer shall be entitled to receive and keep all such awards. With respect to a casualty, if Buyer does not elect to terminate this Agreement with respect to any such Property or does not have the right to terminate this Agreement as aforesaid, there shall be no abatement of the Purchase Price and Seller shall assign to Buyer at the Closing the rights of Seller to the proceeds under Seller’s insurance policies covering such Property with respect to such damage or destruction (or pay to Buyer any such proceeds received prior to Closing) and pay to Buyer the amount of any deductible with respect thereto, and Buyer shall be entitled to receive and keep any monies received from such insurance policies.

  • Damage or Destruction Condemnation 16.1. If the Hotel is damaged by fire or other casualty, Operator shall promptly notify Owner. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect subsequent to such casualty provided that either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty days’ prior written notice to the other party if (a) Owner shall elect to close the Hotel as a result of such casualty (except on a temporary basis for repairs or restoration) or (b) Owner shall determine in good faith not to proceed with the restoration of the Hotel; provided further, Operator may terminate this Agreement upon thirty days’ prior written notice to Owner if forty percent (40%) or more of the rooms in the Hotel are unavailable for rental for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days or more as a result of such casualty.

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