Country of Origin/Preferential Trade Agreements/Duty Drawback Sample Clauses

Country of Origin/Preferential Trade Agreements/Duty Drawback. (i) Supplier warrants the accuracy of its declarations of origin, including but not limited to certificates of origin, such that Buyer can rely on any origin declarations to determine eligibility for preferential duty under free trade agreements. If Supplier subsequently revokes such declaration of origin, the Supplier agrees, to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from and against any additional customs duty, fees, and other costs or expenses arising out of or in connection with any declared eligibility for a free trade agreement.
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Country of Origin/Preferential Trade Agreements/Duty Drawback. (i) Supplier warrants the accuracy of its declarations of origin, including but not limited to certificates of origin, such that Buyer can rely on any origin declarations to determine eligibility for preferential duty under free trade agreements. If Supplier subsequently revokes such declaration of origin, the Supplier agrees, to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from and against any additional customs duty, fees, and other costs or expenses arising out of or in connection with any declared eligibility for a free trade agreement. (e) Herkunftsland/Handelsvergünstigungsabkommen/ Rückvergütung von Zollgebühren. (i) Der Lieferant gewährleistet die Korrektheit seiner Ursprungserklärung, einschliesslich aber nicht beschränkt auf das Ursprungszertifikat, so dass der Xxxxxx sich auf jegliche Ursprungserklärung verlassen kann, die er für die Vorzugsbezollung unter den Handelsübereinkommen braucht. Falls der Lieferant solche Ursprungserklärungen anschliessend widerruft, erklärt er sich im Rahmen des gesetzlich möglichen einverstanden, den Xxxxxx von jeglichen zusätzlichen Zöllen, Gebühren und anderen Kosten und Ausgaben aufgrund oder im Zusammen mit einer Vorzugsbezollung unter einem Handelsübereinkommen freizustellen und den Xxxxxx schadloszuhalten.
Country of Origin/Preferential Trade Agreements/Duty Drawback. (i) Supplier warrants the accuracy of its declarations of origin, including but not limited to certificates of origin, such that Buyer can rely on any origin declarations to determine eligibility for preferential duty under free trade agreements. If Supplier subsequently revokes such declaration of origin, the Supplier agrees, to the extent permitted by Xxx, to indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from and against any additional customs duty, fees, and other costs or expenses arising out of or in connection with any declared eligibility for a free trade agreement. (ii) If goods shall be delivered to a destination country having a trade preferential or customs union agreement (“Trade Agreement”) with Supplier’s country, Supplier shall cooperate with Buyer to review the eligibility of the goods for any special program for Buyer’s benefit and provide Buyer with any required documentation, including declarations or certificates of origin to support the applicable special customs program or Trade Agreement to allow duty free or reduced duty for entry of goods into the destination country. If Supplier is the importer of record for any goods purchased hereunder, including any component parts thereof, upon Xxxxx’s request, Supplier shall provide Buyer with all necessary customs documentation to enable Buyer to file for and obtain duty drawback. Supplier shall promptly notify Buyer of any known documentation errors and/or changes to the origin of goods. Supplier shall indemnify Buyer for any costs, fines, penalties or charges arising from Supplier’s inaccurate documentation or untimely cooperation. 16.
Country of Origin/Preferential Trade Agreements/Duty Drawback. (i) Supplier warrants the accuracy of its declarations of origin, including but not limited to certificates of origin, such that Buyer can rely on any origin declarations to determine eligibility for preferential duty under free trade agreements. If Supplier subsequently revokes such declaration of origin, the Supplier agrees, to the extent permitted by Xxx, to indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from and against any additional customs duty, fees, and other costs or expenses arising out of or in (e) Kraj pochodzenia/Preferencyjne umowy handlowe/zwrot ceł. (i) Dostawca gwarantuje dokładność swoich deklaracji pochodzenia, w tym między innymi świadectw pochodzenia, w taki sposób, że Zamawiający może polegać na wszelkich deklaracjach pochodzenia w celu określenia kwalifikowalności do preferencyjnej stawki celnej na mocy umów o wolnym handlu. Jeżeli Xxxxxxxx następnie odwoła taką deklarację pochodzenia, Dostawca zgadza się, w zakresie dozwolonym przez Prawo, zabezpieczyć, bronić i zwolnić Zamawiającego z odpowiedzialności z tytułu wszelkich dodatkowych opłat celnych, opłat i innych kosztów lub wydatków wynikających z lub w związku z jakąkolwiek deklarowaną kwalifikowalnością do umowy o wolnym handlu.

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  • Commercial Driver’s License If the job responsibilities of the classification of work to which an employee is regularly appointed or is assigned on an out-of-class basis involve the driving of vehicles requiring the driver to have a state Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), fees charged by the state for acquiring the license and all required endorsements shall be reimbursed by the City upon the employee having successfully attained the CDL or CDL renewal. The physical exam required to obtain or renew the license may be done on City time. The City will pay as a maximum amount, the rates charged by City identified clinics for the physical exam. Employees shall be notified of clinics offering the exam at this reimbursement rate. If an employee is covered by a City medical plan that includes coverage for physical exams, the employee shall have the exam form completed through the plan's providers (Group Health or Aetna) or shall seek reimbursement through the medical plan. Employees required to have a Hazardous Material endorsement (HME) are required per Federal regulations to submit to a background records check and fingerprinting. Employees may make application for such HME on City time and shall be reimbursed for the fees associated with the background records check and fingerprinting if such endorsement is required by the job. The City shall make a reasonable effort to make City trucks or equipment available for skill tests. In addition, for those employees qualifying as described above, fees charged for department-approved classes offered for employees to assist them in passing this exam shall be reimbursed on a one-time-only basis. Employees in other job titles or positions not involving the driving of vehicles requiring the CDL, who wish to take exam preparation or driver training courses, may request approval of the courses and reimbursement of fees in the normal manner in which educational expenses are applied for and approved by departments; provided, however, license fees for those individuals will not be reimbursed, nor shall the City be obligated to make City trucks or equipment available for skill tests for these individuals. Nothing contained herein shall guarantee that written exams, skill tests, or training classes established for the purposes described herein shall be conducted during regular work hours or through adjusted work schedules, nor shall such written exams, skill tests, or training classes be paid for on an overtime basis.

  • Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs License The Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial-NoDerivs License (CC-BY-NC-ND) permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, is not used for commercial purposes and no modifications or adaptations are made. (see below) Use by commercial "for-profit" organizations Use of Wiley Open Access articles for commercial, promotional, or marketing purposes requires further explicit permission from Wiley and will be subject to a fee. Further details can be found on Wiley Online Library xxxx:// Other Terms and Conditions:

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