Vesting Schedule; Assumption or Substitution Calculation Sample Clauses

Vesting Schedule; Assumption or Substitution Calculation. The RSUs shall vest as follows: Up to the Maximum Amount will vest and be settled, based upon the extent, if any, to which the performance metric has been achieved. The performance metric is the relative performance of Company stock against the Xxxxxxx 2000 index over a three-year period, with the target Company stock performance equivalent to the performance of the Xxxxxxx 2000 index over such period. To determine relative performance, the baseline metrics are the 90 trading day average closing price of the Company and the Xxxxxxx 2000 Index, as reported in The Wall Street Journal, or such other reliable source as is determined by the Administrator, in its sole discretion, with the last of the 90 trading days falling on November 14, 2012. This 90 day average establishes both the Company baseline stock price (the “Company Baseline Stock Price”) and the Xxxxxxx 2000 Index baseline (the “Xxxxxxx 2000 Baseline”) against which future Company stock and Xxxxxxx 2000 Index performance will be compared. Next, the Company will measure the 90 trading day average closing price of the Company and the Xxxxxxx 2000 Index, as reported in The Wall Street Journal, or such other reliable source as is determined by the Administrator, in its sole discretion, with the last trading day of such 90-trading day period ending on November 13, 2015 (establishing both the “Company Closing Price” and the “Xxxxxxx 2000 Index Closing Price”). The Company will then measure Company performance by dividing the Company Closing Price by the Company Baseline Stock Price, with the quotient expressed as a percentage of the Company Baseline Stock Price (the “Company Percentage Performance”). The Company will then measure Xxxxxxx 2000 Index Performance over the same period by dividing the Xxxxxxx 2000 Index Closing Price by the Xxxxxxx 2000 Index Baseline with the quotient expressed as a percentage of the Xxxxxxx 2000 Index Baseline (the “Xxxxxxx 2000 Index Percentage Performance”). The Company will then subtract the Xxxxxxx 2000 Index Percentage Performance from the Company Percentage Performance, then add 100 to the result, with the final result constituting the relative Company performance as a percentage (the “Relative Performance Percentage”). If the Relative Performance Percentage is 50% or less, no RSUs shall vest. If the Relative Performance Percentage equals 51%, then 2% of the Target Amount shall vest. If the Relative Performance Percentage equals 70%, then 40% of the Target Amount shall...
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Vesting Schedule; Assumption or Substitution Calculation. The PRSUs shall vest as follows: [Insert Performance Vesting Schedule]

Related to Vesting Schedule; Assumption or Substitution Calculation

  • Discretionary Nature and Acceptance of Award By accepting this Award, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and acknowledge that:

  • Computation of Adjusted Exercise Price Except as hereinafter -------------------------------------- provided, in the event the Company shall at any time after the date hereof issue or sell any shares of Common Stock including shares held in the Company's treasury (other than (i) the issuances or sales referred to in Section 9.7 hereof, (ii) shares of Common Stock issued upon the exercise of any options, rights or warrants to subscribe for shares of Common Stock, or (iii) shares of Common Stock issued upon the direct or indirect conversion or exchange of securities for shares of Common Stock), for a consideration per share less than the Market Price in effect immediately prior to the issuance or sale of such shares, or without consideration, then forthwith upon such issuance or sale, the Exercise Price shall (until another such issuance or sale) be reduced to the price (calculated to the nearest full cent) equal to the quotient derived by dividing (i) an amount equal to the sum of (a) the total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately prior to the issuance or sale of such shares, multiplied by the Exercise Price in effect immediately prior to such issuance or sale, and (b) the aggregate of the amount of all consideration, if any, received by the Company upon such issuance or sale, by (ii) the total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding immediately after such issuance or sale; provided, however, that in no event shall the Exercise Price be adjusted pursuant to this computation to an amount in excess of the Exercise Price in effect immediately prior to such computation, except in the case of a combination of outstanding shares of Common Stock, as provided by Section 9.3 hereof. For the purposes of this Section 9 the term Exercise Price shall mean the Exercise Price per share of Common Stock set forth in Section 7 hereof, as adjusted from time to time pursuant to the provisions of this Section 9. For the purposes of any computation to be made in accordance with this Section 9.1, the following provisions shall be applicable:

  • Acknowledgement of Discretionary Nature of the Plan; No Vested Rights By accepting the Restricted Stock Units, the Participant consents to participation in the Plan and acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Plan. The Participant understands that the Company has unilaterally, gratuitously and in its sole discretion granted Restricted Stock Units under the Plan to individuals who may be Participants of the Company or its subsidiaries throughout the world. The decision is a limited decision that is entered into upon the express assumption and condition that any grant will not economically or otherwise bind the Company or any of its subsidiaries on an ongoing basis. Consequently, the Participant understands that the Restricted Stock Units are granted on the assumption and condition that the Restricted Stock Units and the Shares acquired upon settlement of the Restricted Stock Units shall not become a part of any employment contract (either with the Company or any of its subsidiaries) and shall not be considered a mandatory benefit, salary for any purposes (including severance compensation) or any other right whatsoever. In addition, the Participant understands that this grant would not be made to the Participant but for the assumptions and conditions referenced above; thus, the Participant acknowledges and freely accepts that should any or all of the assumptions be mistaken or should any of the conditions not be met for any reason the Restricted Stock Units shall be null and void. The Participant understands and agrees that, as a condition of the Restricted Stock Units, unless otherwise provided in Section 4 (Termination of Employment) of the Agreement, any unvested Restricted Stock Units as of the date the Participant ceases active employment will be forfeited without entitlement to the underlying Shares or to any amount of indemnification in the event of termination of employment or service. The Participant acknowledges that the Participant has read and specifically accepts the conditions referred to in the Agreement regarding the impact of a termination on the Restricted Stock Units.

  • Termination of Option and Accelerated Vesting This Option will terminate upon the expiration date, except as set forth in the following provisions:

  • Alternative Calculations and Payment on Early Termination and on Certain Extraordinary Events If (a) an Early Termination Date (whether as a result of an Event of Default or a Termination Event) occurs or is designated with respect to the Transaction or (b) the Transaction is cancelled or terminated upon the occurrence of an Extraordinary Event (except as a result of (i) a Nationalization, Insolvency or Merger Event in which the consideration to be paid to holders of Shares consists solely of cash, (ii) a Merger Event or Tender Offer that is within Counterparty’s control, or (iii) an Event of Default in which Counterparty is the Defaulting Party or a Termination Event in which Counterparty is the Affected Party other than an Event of Default of the type described in Section 5(a)(iii), (v), (vi), (vii) or (viii) of the Agreement or a Termination Event of the type described in Section 5(b) of the Agreement, in each case that resulted from an event or events outside Counterparty’s control), and if Dealer would owe any amount to Counterparty pursuant to Section 6(d)(ii) of the Agreement or any Cancellation Amount pursuant to Article 12 of the Equity Definitions (any such amount, a “Payment Obligation”), then Dealer shall satisfy the Payment Obligation by the Share Termination Alternative (as defined below), unless (a) Counterparty gives irrevocable telephonic notice to Dealer, confirmed in writing within one Scheduled Trading Day, no later than 12:00 p.m. (New York City time) on the Merger Date, Tender Offer Date, Announcement Date (in the case of a Nationalization, Insolvency or Delisting), Early Termination Date or date of cancellation, as applicable, of its election that the Share Termination Alternative shall not apply, (b) Counterparty remakes the representation set forth in Section 8(f) as of the date of such election and (c) Dealer agrees, in its sole discretion, to such election, in which case the provisions of Section 12.7 or Section 12.9 of the Equity Definitions, or the provisions of Section 6(d)(ii) of the Agreement, as the case may be, shall apply.

  • Certification of Adjusted Exercise Price or Number of Shares of Common Stock Whenever the Exercise Price or the number of shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of each Warrant is adjusted as provided in Section 11 or 13, the Company shall (a) promptly prepare a certificate setting forth the Exercise Price of each Warrant as so adjusted, and a brief statement of the facts accounting for such adjustment, (b) promptly file with the Warrant Agent and with each transfer agent for the Common Stock a copy of such certificate and (c) instruct the Warrant Agent to send a brief summary thereof to each Holder of a Warrant Certificate.

  • Determination Date Calculations; Application of Available Funds (a) On each Determination Date, the Servicer shall calculate the following amounts:

  • Certain Calculations and Tests (a) Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement or any Loan Document to the contrary, when calculating any applicable ratio or determining other compliance with this Agreement (including the determination of compliance with any provision of this Agreement which requires that no Default or Event of Default has occurred, is continuing or would result therefrom) in connection with a Specified Transaction undertaken in connection with the consummation of a Limited Condition Acquisition, the date of determination of such ratio and determination of whether any Default or Event of Default has occurred, is continuing or would result therefrom or other applicable covenant shall, at the option of the Borrower (the Borrower’s election to exercise such option in connection with any Limited Condition Acquisition, an “LCA Election”), be deemed to be the date the definitive agreements for such Limited Condition Acquisition are entered into (the “LCA Test Date”) and if, after such ratios and other provisions are measured on a Pro Forma Basis after giving effect to such Limited Condition Acquisition and the other Specified Transactions to be entered into in connection therewith (including any incurrence of Indebtedness and the use of proceeds thereof) as if they occurred at the beginning of the four consecutive fiscal quarter period being used to calculate such financial ratio ending prior to the LCA Test Date, the Borrower could have taken such action on the relevant LCA Test Date in compliance with such ratios and provisions, such provisions shall be deemed to have been complied with. For the avoidance of doubt, (x) if any of such ratios are exceeded as a result of fluctuations in such ratio (including due to fluctuations in Consolidated EBITDA of the Borrower) at or prior to the consummation of the relevant Limited Condition Acquisition, such ratios and other provisions will not be deemed to have been exceeded as a result of such fluctuations solely for purposes of determining whether the Limited Condition Acquisition is permitted hereunder and (y) such ratios and other provisions shall not be tested at the time of consummation of such Limited Condition Acquisition or related Specified Transactions. If the Borrower has made an LCA Election for any Limited Condition Acquisition, then in connection with any subsequent calculation of any ratio or basket availability with respect to any other Specified Transaction on or following the relevant LCA Test Date and prior to the earlier of the date on which such Limited Condition Acquisition is consummated or the date that the definitive agreement for such Limited Condition Acquisition is terminated or expires without consummation of such Limited Condition Acquisition, any such ratio or basket shall be calculated on a Pro Forma Basis assuming such Limited Condition Acquisition and other transactions in connection therewith (including any incurrence of Indebtedness and the use of proceeds thereof) have been consummated; provided, that (other than solely with respect to the incurrence test under which such Limited Condition Acquisition is being made) Consolidated EBITDA, Consolidated Total Assets or assets and Consolidated Net Income of any target of such Limited Condition Acquisition can only be used in the determination of the relevant ratio and baskets if and when such Limited Condition Acquisition has closed.

  • Determination of Option Rent In the event Tenant timely and appropriately exercises an option to extend the Lease Term, Landlord shall notify Tenant of Landlord’s determination of the Option Rent within thirty (30) days thereafter. If Tenant, on or before the date which is ten (10) days following the date upon which Tenant receives Landlord’s determination of the Option Rent, in good faith objects to Landlord’s determination of the Option Rent, then Landlord and Tenant shall attempt to agree upon the Option Rent using their best good-faith efforts. If Landlord and Tenant fail to reach agreement within ten (10) days following Tenant’s objection to the Option Rent (the “Outside Agreement Date”), then Tenant shall have the right to withdraw its exercise of the option by delivering written notice thereof to Landlord within five (5) days thereafter, in which event Tenant’s right to extend the Lease pursuant to this Section 2.2 shall be of no further force or effect. If Tenant does not withdraw its exercise of the extension option, each party shall make a separate determination of the Option Rent, as the case may be, within ten (10) days after the Outside Agreement Date, and such determinations shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with Sections through, below. If Tenant fails to object to Landlord’s determination of the Option Rent within the time period set forth herein, then Tenant shall be deemed to have objected to Landlord’s determination of Option Rent.

  • Procedure for Acceptance If Tenant wishes to exercise Tenant’s right of first refusal with respect to the space described in the First Refusal Notice, then within five (5) business days after delivery of the First Refusal Notice to Tenant (“Election Date”), Tenant shall deliver notice to Landlord of Tenant’s exercise of its right of first refusal with respect to the entire space described in the First Refusal Notice and on the First Refusal Economic Terms contained therein. Subject to the remaining provisions of this Section 1.4.2, if Tenant does not exercise its right of first refusal within the five (5) business day period (on all of the First Refusal Economic Terms), then Landlord shall be free to lease the space described in the First Refusal Notice to anyone to whom Landlord desires on any terms Landlord desires and Tenant’s right of first refusal with respect to the space identified in the First Refusal notice shall thereupon automatically terminate; provided, however, that if Landlord intends to enter into a lease upon First Refusal Economic Terms which are, in the aggregate, materially more favorable to a prospective tenant than those First Refusal Economic Terms proposed by Landlord in the First Refusal Notice to Tenant, then Landlord shall first deliver written notice to Tenant (“Second Chance Notice”) providing Tenant with the opportunity to lease the First Refusal Space on such more favorable First Refusal Economic Terms. For purposes hereof, First Refusal Economic Terms shall be materially more favorable to a third party if such First Refusal Economic Terms reflect a net effective rental rate (including any rent abatement and Tenant Improvement costs/allowance and any other economic concessions) less than ninety-five percent (95%) of the net effective rental rate for such First Refusal Space as those proposed by Landlord in the First Refusal Notice to Tenant. Tenant’s failure to elect to lease the First Refusal Space upon such more favorable First Refusal Economic Terms by written notice to Landlord within five (5) business days after Tenant’s receipt of such Second Chance Notice from Landlord shall be deemed to constitute Tenant’s election not to lease such space upon such more favorable First Refusal Economic Terms, in which case Landlord shall be entitled to lease such space to any third (3rd) party on terms not materially more favorable to the third (3rd) party than those set forth in the Second Chance Notice; provided, however, that for purposes of the Second Chance Notice, First Refusal Economic Terms shall be materially more favorable to a third party if such First Refusal Economic Terms reflect a net effective rental rate (including any rent abatement and Tenant Improvement costs/allowance and any other economic concessions) less than ninety-eight percent (98%) of the net effective rental rate for such First Refusal Space as those proposed by Landlord in the First Refusal Notice to Tenant. If Landlord does lease such First Refusal Space to a third (3rd) party tenant pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Section 1.4.2, Tenant shall have no further right to lease such First Refusal Space. If Landlord does not enter into a lease or leases all of the First Refusal Space identified by Landlord in such First Refusal Notice within three (3) months after the date Landlord first delivered such First Refusal Notice to Tenant, then Landlord shall submit to Tenant a new First Refusal Notice with respect to any such unleased First Refusal Space before Landlord may lease such space to another party, provided that no existing Superior Right holder wishes to lease such space in accordance with its Superior Rights in which event the foregoing procedures shall again apply following Tenant’s receipt of such new First Refusal Notice. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Tenant must elect to exercise its right of first refusal, if at all, with respect to all of the space comprising the First Refusal Space offered by Landlord to Tenant at any particular time, and Tenant may not elect to lease only a portion thereof or object to any of the First Refusal Economic Terms.

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