WARRANTY Clausole campione

WARRANTY. In pursuant to Art. 1490 and 1495 of the Civil Code, the contractor must provide a guarantee for a period not less than 12 months.
WARRANTY. The Recipient acknowledges that the Material are supplied to the Recipient with no information on their use, warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. However IZSVe represents and warrants to the Recipient that its execution will not result in a breach of any obligation to any third party or infringe or otherwise violate any third party’s rights. There are no express or implied warranties that the Material and/or Modifications will not pose a safety or health risk. If the Material is not available for use or not delivered in sufficient amounts, the Recipient shall send a written notification to IZSVe within ten (10) days after the receipt of the Material (or in case non-delivery of Material, within ten (10) days of the agreed date of shipment). In these cases, IZSVe shall replace the Material only. This warranty is valid if the Recipient ensures that the Material has been stored or processed as indicated in the documents that will accompany it. Each Party warrants and represents that it has the right to enter into this Agreement.
WARRANTY. The Supplier guarantees that the Products supplied shall be able to perform all of the specified services and functions. Otherwise, in the absence of a specification, they shall be fit for the use they are intended for. As part of the Product guarantee, and in case of a Product shortcoming or defect, the Supplier shall immediately take steps to replace the Product at the Company’s request. Otherwise, the Supplier shall fix the Product to make it useable pursuant to the use it was intended for, without the Company incurring any expenses of any kind. Unless otherwise specifically stipulated in the Order, Products are guaranteed by the Supplier for a period of one (1) years as of their delivery date. In case of public works or Works Contracts, the provisions and clauses specified in the specific contracts shall apply.
WARRANTY. 5.1 - The Seller warrants that the supplied Products comply in terms of quantity, quality, type as well as to technical specifications expressly agreed in the contract, excluding any warranty regarding the specific use which the Buyer, or its sub- buyer, makes of the purchased product. Moreover, the Seller warrants that the Products are free from defects that may make them unsuitable for their intended use.
WARRANTY. 30.1. If deficiencies are identified before or during the transfer of risk or during the warranty period provided for in section 7.8 or 7.9, the Supplier must at its own expense and at the discretion of the Customer either repair the deficiency or provide re-performance of services or replacement of deliveries (= rectification). This provision also applies to deliveries subject to inspection by sample tests. The discretion of the Customer shall be exercised fairly and reasonably.
WARRANTY. The following terms of warranty are currently in force: The warranty period ends when one of the two above-mentioned terms occurs.
WARRANTY. The LC limited warranty lasts for a period of 12 months starting from the delivery date of the valve. If the buyer deems that one or more products are faulty due to improper manufacturing, he undertakes to notify immediately the presence of these faults to the supplier, by means of detailed written report, so that LC may verify, through an expert of its own trust, whether the complained faults are really present. Once the LC expert has verified that the notified faults are effectively present and that they are due to manufacturing defects, Oleodinamica LC s.r.l. undertakes to repair or to replace the valve within an adeguate term and the buyer undertakes not to ask for contract cancellation before the adeguate term to repair or replace the valve has expired. Written permission for warranty returns must be obtained from Oleodinamica LC s.r.l. prior to shipment. All warranty returns shall be shipped freight pre-paid and shall include a detailed description of the malfunction and of the working conditions. The warranty does not cover products which have been contaminated, used improperly or tampered without control and approval of Oleodinamica LC s.r.l.. Similarly the warranty is not valid if changes are made to the circuits or systems which could negatively affect the valve function. If the valve supplied must be assembled in systems which could cause damages to third parties exceeding by for the price of the valve, the buyer undertakes to adapt all safety measures in order to avoid any damage, since he recognizes that mass production of the valves at market prices entails the risk, even if limited, that occasional faulty valves may result.
WARRANTY. 10.1. The Vendor guarantees the good operation of the standard Rossi products of the catalogues effective at the moment of the contract and sold to direct customers and customers of authorized ISO 9000 certified distributors for 3 (three) years from consegna. La garanzia di 3 anni si intende valida per l’utilizzo del prodotto su 2 turni di lavoro (2 anni per funzionamento su 3 turni di lavoro). Per gli accessori acquistati sul mercato (come, a titolo meramente esemplificativo, giunti, basamenti e motori), la garanzia è di un anno.
WARRANTY. Unless agreed otherwise in writing between the Parties, the Seller expressly warrants that for a period of 24 (twenty- four) months following delivery, the supply will be free of flaws and defects and conform to the technical specifications and requirements specified in the Order and that the Goods supplied to the Buyer will function properly and be capable of immediate use. During the warranty period, the Buyer must give the Supplier written notice of any defect or malfunctioning in the Goods, and the Seller must promptly replace or repair the Goods at its sole expense. The Supplier must provide a warranty of an additional 24 (twenty-four) months for any replacement, repair, or correction undertaken during the warranty period. In the event that the Supplier does not replace or repair the Goods or correct a defect or malfunctioning, the Buyer has the right in its sole discretion a) to itself perform or have a third party perform the replacement, repair, or correction and charge the Supplier for the related costs and damages incurred, or b) to return the Goods and demand that the Supplier provide a full refund of the price paid, without prejudice to a claim of additional damages suffered. The Supplier agrees that the warranties provided herein are in addition to any warranties required by law or expressly provided by the Seller and to any other warranties, whether express or implied, that are applicable to the relevant purchase. Such warranties survive any inspection, test, acceptance, or payment by the Buyer. There is no waiver in the event of acceptance of non-conforming Goods. In the event that the Buyer, its customers, or the competent authorities should decide to recall from the market a supply or a product, which includes the Goods, on account of any flaw or malfunctioning attributable to a defect in the Goods, danno all’immagine, oltre ogni eventuale spesa e/o costo sostenuti. Il Venditore garantisce l’Acquirente da tutti i danni e da tutti i costi che risultassero dalla mancata esecuzione dell’Ordine e dalla conseguente mancata esecuzione degli obblighi dell’Acquirente verso i propri clienti. Il Venditore si impegna a sottoscrivere una polizza assicurativa di responsabilità prodotto presso una primaria compagnia e ne presenterà la documentazione a semplice richiesta dell’Acquirente.
WARRANTY. Without prejudice to otherwise provided for by the Orders, the Supplier warrants the suitability for use of the delivered Good for a minimum period of 24 (twenty four) months from delivery. The Supplier also warrants that its Supply is: Salvo quanto diversamente previsto dagli Ordini, il Fornitore garantisce l’idoneità all’uso del Bene fornito per un periodo minimo di 24 (ventiquattro) mesi dal momento della consegna. Il Fornitore garantisce inoltre che la sua Fornitura è: - conforme alle specifiche, ai progetti, ai disegni e alle informazioni provenienti dal Fornitore (in qualunque formato); II Fornitore è responsabile per la fornitura di tutte le parti necessarie per il pieno utilizzo dei Beni, anche se non espressamente menzionate da XXXXXXXXX S.P.A.. Durante il periodo di garanzia, il Fornitore dovrà prontamente e a sue spese sostituire o riparare i Beni o correggere tutti i difetti o i malfunzionamenti segnalati da XXXXXXXXX S.P.A.. II Fornitore fornirà a XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. una garanzia di ulteriori 24 (ventiquattro) mesi per ogni sostituzione, riparazione o correzione effettuata sui Beni durante il periodo di garanzia, con decorrenza dal giorno in cui tale sostituzione, riparazione o correzione è completata con successo ed in maniera soddisfacente. Il Fornitore sarà inoltre responsabile anche per le analisi e per tutte le attività addizionali, compresi i trasporti, che si renderanno necessarie in conseguenza delle denunce dei difetti e/o dei vizi ricevute dal Fornitore, dai clienti di XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. o da altri terzi, in relazione alle quali rimborserà a XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. i relativi costi, salvo il maggior danno. Se il Fornitore non dovesse sostituire o riparare il Bene o correggere il difetto o il malfunzionamento in maniera idonea e soddisfacente, XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. avrà il diritto, a sua esclusiva scelta, salvo in ogni caso il diritto al risarcimento del danno, (i) di effettuare la sostituzione, la riparazione o la correzione in proprio e/o da terzi di sua fiducia, ponendo le spese ad esclusivo carico del Fornitore, oppure (ii) di ottenere dal Fornitore il rimborso totale del prezzo o il corrispettivo d'acquisto pagato per i Beni difettosi o con malfunzionamenti e restituire gli stessi. In ogni caso, per ogni bene difettoso prodotto da XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. e/o per ogni contestazione della clientela di XXXXXXXXX S.P.A. inerente ad un suo prodotto in conseguenza di un inadempimento, di un vizio o di un difetto dei Beni, il Fornitore sarà responsabile, manle...