Terms of Warranty Clausole campione

Terms of Warranty. (a) Il Venditore garantisce che i Prodotti sono esenti da vizi e conformi alle specifiche tecniche dichiarate dal Venditore.
Terms of Warranty. (a) The Seller hereby represents and warrants that the Products shall be free from defect and shall comply with the technical specifications forwarded by the Seller.
Terms of Warranty. 1. The Seller hereby represents and warrants that the Pro- ducts shall be free from defect and shall comply with the te- chnical specifications provided by the Seller. The Products are guaranteed for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of the shipment of the products themselves.
Terms of Warranty. (a) Carapax s.r.l. hereby represents and warrants that the Products shall be free from defect and shall comply with the technical specifications forwarded by Carapax s.r.l.