Examples of Vote cast in a sentence
The one (1) receiving a Majority Vote cast by the county officers shall be declared elected to that office.
The Participant acknowledges that any Mirror Vote cast by the Distributor with respect to any shareholders’ meeting will likely be an approximation of the true shareholder vote since the Distributor anticipates that it will be requested to vote such Shares in advance of any actual shareholders’ meeting (e.g., 24 hours in advance).
The Participant acknowledges that any Mirror Vote cast by the Distributor with respect to any shareholders' meeting will likely be an approximation of the true shareholder vote since the Distributor anticipates that it will be requested to vote such Shares in advance of any actual shareholders' meeting (e.g., 24 hours in advance).
The Authorized Participant acknowledges that any Mirror Vote cast by the Distributor with respect to any shareholders’ meeting will likely be an approximation of the true shareholder vote since the Distributor anticipates that it will be requested to vote such Shares in advance of any actual shareholders’ meeting (e.g., 24 hours in advance).
Vote cast regarding to a person shall be done with the close vote without signature, while the vote cast regarding other matters shall be done orally, except the Chairman of the meeting determines other without any objection of the present members.
Resolution 7b: Approve Coal Closure Dates Vote cast - FORWhile we recognise the various regulatory challenges and energy generation requirements that the company faces, our support for this proposal is intended to encourage the company in its efforts to proactively and ambitiously manage the climate risk in its business model.
Global Equity ManagerUK EquityBarclays Plc Resolution 29: Approve Barclays' Commitment to Tackling Climate Change Vote cast - FOR Resolution 30: Approve ShareActionThe independent fiduciary reported that it took into consideration several factors when voting to support the company’s own climate change resolution (Resolution 29) and against the shareholder resolution (Resolution 30).
Das Tragen persönlicher Schutzausrüstung, wie Staubmaske, rutschfeste Sicherheitsschuhe, Schutzhelm oder Gehörschutz, je nach Art und Einsatz des Elektrowerk- zeuges, verringert das Risiko von Verletzungen.⯈ Vermeiden Sie eine unbeabsichtigte Inbetriebnahme.
Vote cast by remote means of communication must be received by Bankia before midnight of the third day prior to the day set for holding the General Meeting on first call.
Vote cast remotely may only be rendered null and void by subsequent express revocation made by the same means and within the same term as those relating to the votes cast, by attendance in person at the meeting of the shareholders who cast the vote or their representative, or due to the sale of the shares entitling the shareholders to vote, provided this is known by Bankia.