Unusual definition

Unusual means work hours or work week dissimilar to those of the position from which or to which the worker was promoted.) If no vacancy exists, such workers shall displace the least senior worker as determined by Section 15. If no less senior position exists, the worker shall be removed from County service.
Unusual means not usual or common; rare; constituting or occurring as an exception; not ordinary or average; affecting very few school districts or AEAs.
Unusual or " Abnormal" sewage means sewage that exceeds 270 mg/liter of 5 day BOD, or which contains the substances prohibited in pars. 430.05 (3) and (4).

Examples of Unusual in a sentence

  • COUNTY reserves the right to terminate immediately, without a period to cure such breach, if CONTRACTOR fails to comply with the requirements of Section V of this AGREEMENT (“Disclosure of Violations and Unusual Incidents”).

  • Unusual and emergency work situations may preclude the taking of breaks during the work shift.

  • Subproject V: Unusual Discoveries /Extra Services shall be released thirty (30) days following delivery by the Vendor pursuant to the request for Extra Services.

  • Unit members may be granted leave by the superintendent for Unusual or Imperative Reasons at no loss of pay or at loss of full pay when no other leave is applicable.

  • Unusual risks of acupuncture include nerve damage and organ puncture, including lung puncture (pneumothorax).

  • Unusual events include suspicious persons; damage to autos in the parking lot; and loss of, or damage to, County property.

  • In the event Hospital meets one of the two criteria above, the Agency Duty Officer 198 must be contacted immediately, and an Unusual Occurrence Report (UOR) must be 199 filed with the Agency within 24 hours of event.

  • Unusual medical or legal circumstances may allow certain modifications and concessions by the School District in regard to the three (3) month notification.

More Definitions of Unusual

Unusual means more than 2 standard deviations away from the mean; “usual” means within 2 standard deviations of the mean.
Unusual or "emergency" is generally defined as not routine and/or needing immediate action. A few examples of past use under this section have been:
Unusual or "non-recurring" earnings or "extraordinary", "unusual" or "non-recurring" losses for such period as such terms are interpreted under GAAP; and (G) any interest income of the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries realized during such period)~minus (ii)~operating expenses of the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries for such period (excluding depreciation, amortization, interest expense and other non-cash charges accrued, and income taxes paid or accrued (other than any such taxes attributable to the revenues of Unrestricted Subsidiaries for which the Borrower has not been or is not entitled to be reimbursed, or in respect of which the Borrower has not received or is not entitled to receive a credit, pursuant to the terms of any Tax Allocation Agreement), for such period by the Borrower and its Restricted Subsidiaries) minus (b)~Annualized Consolidated Corporate Overhead for such period; provided that for purposes of calculating Annualized Consolidated Operating Cash Flow when such term is used in determining the Total Debt Ratio, if the Borrower or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries shall have acquired or disposed of one or more businesses (or any part thereof) during such period, Annualized Consolidated Operating Cash Flow for such period shall be computed as if (in the case of an acquisition) such business (or part thereof) had been owned by the Borrower or such Restricted Subsidiary for the whole of such period or (in the case of a disposition) such business (or part thereof) had been disposed of prior to the first day of such period.

Related to Unusual

  • Unforeseen means not anticipated or expected and occurring after the effective date of coverage.

  • Preventive measures means any reasonable measures taken by any person after an incident has occurred to prevent or minimize pollution damage.

  • Unusual Incident means those incidents involving serious illness or accidents, death of an individual, injury or illness of an individual requiring inpatient or emergency hospitalization, suicide attempts, a fire requiring the services of a fire department, or any incident requiring abuse investigation.

  • Workforce means employees, volunteers, trainees or other persons whose performance of work is under the direct control of a party, whether or not they are paid by that party.

  • Impact means any effect caused by a proposed activity on the environment including human health and safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water, climate, landscape and historical monuments or other physical structures or the interaction among these factors; it also includes effects on cultural heritage or socio-economic conditions resulting from alterations to those factors;

  • Critical professional work means a cornerstone or fundamental decision, requiring the exercise of sound professional judgement of the effects of a decision within a particular professional field.

  • Unavoidable means adverse impacts that remain after all appropriate and practicable avoidance and minimization have been achieved.

  • Gains means, with respect to any Party, an amount equal to the present value of the economic benefit to it, if any (exclusive of Costs), as of the Early Termination Date resulting from the termination of this Agreement, expressed in dollars and determined in a commercially reasonable manner. Factors used in determining the gain of economic benefit to a Party may include:

  • Cognitive Impairment means a deficiency in a person’s short-term or long-term memory; orientation as to person, place, and time; deductive or abstract reasoning; or judgment as it relates to safety awareness.

  • Financial Impairment means that a carrier is not insolvent and is:

  • Restructuring has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Unforeseeable means not reasonably foreseeable by an experienced contractor by the Base Date.

  • Extraordinary Circumstances means floods, snow, ice storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, or other

  • Significant means in reference to a net emissions increase or the potential of a source to emit any of the following pollutants, a rate of emissions that would equal or exceed any of the following rates:

  • Supportive measures means individualized services that are offered to the complainant or the respondent designed to restore or preserve equal access to the District’s education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party. The supportive measures must be non-disciplinary and non-punitive in nature; offered before or after the filing of a formal complaint or where no formal complaint has been filed; and offered to either party as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge. Examples of supportive measures include, but are not limited to: measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the District’s educational environment, or deter sexual harassment; counseling; extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments; modifications of work or class schedules; campus escort services; mutual restrictions on contact between the parties; changes in work or class locations; leaves of absence; and increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus.

  • Sustainability Factors means environmental, social and employee matters, respect for human rights, anti‐corruption and anti‐bribery matters.

  • Visibility impairment means any humanly perceptible change in visual range, contrast, or coloration from that which would have existed under natural visibility conditions.

  • Protective Measures means appropriate technical and organisational measures which may include: pseudonymising and encrypting Personal Data, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of systems and services, ensuring that availability of and access to Personal Data can be restored in a timely manner after an incident, and regularly assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of the such measures adopted by it;