Unfit-for-use tank system definition

Unfit-for-use tank system means a tank system that has been determined through an integrity assessment or other inspection to be no longer capable of storing or treating hazardous waste without posing a threat of release of hazardous waste to the environment.
Unfit-for-use tank system means a tank system that has been de- termined through an integrity assessment or other inspection to be no longer capable of storing or treating dangerous waste without posing a threat of release of dangerous waste to the environment.
Unfit-for-use tank system means a tank system that has been determined through an in- tegrity assessment or other inspection to be no longer capable of managing or processing solid waste without posing a threat of release of waste to the environment.

More Definitions of Unfit-for-use tank system

Unfit-for-use tank system means a tank system that has been determined through an integrity assessment or other inspection to be no longer capable of storing or treating hazardous
Unfit-for-use tank system means a tank system that has been determined,
Unfit-for-use tank system means a tank system that has been determined, through an integrity assessment or other inspection, to be no longer capable of

Related to Unfit-for-use tank system

  • New tank system means a tank system that will be used to contain an accumulation of regulated substances and for which installation has commenced after January 14, 1987. (See also “Existing Tank System.”)

  • Tank system means a hazardous waste storage or treatment tank and its associated ancillary equipment and containment system.

  • Underground storage tank system means an underground storage tank and the connected underground piping, underground ancillary equipment, and containment system, if any.

  • Small municipal separate storm sewer system or "small MS4" means all separate storm sewers that are (i) owned or operated by the United States, a state, city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state law) having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes, stormwater, or other wastes, including special districts under state law such as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under § 208 of the CWA that discharges to surface waters and (ii) not defined as "large" or "medium" municipal separate storm sewer systems or designated under 4VAC50-60-380 A 1. This term includes systems similar to separate storm sewer systems in municipalities, such as systems at military bases, large hospital or prison complexes, and highway and other thoroughfares. The term does not include separate storm sewers in very discrete areas, such as individual buildings.

  • Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4 means a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains):

  • Water Service Connection means the pipes and fixtures used for the purpose of supplying any premises in the Municipality with water from the Corporation’s water works that is located between the Corporation’s watermain in the street and the street property line abutting the premises so supplied.

  • Sewer System means pipelines or conduits, pumping stations, force mains, vehicles, vessels, conveyances, injection wells, and all other constructions, devices, and appliances appurtenant thereto used for conducting sewage or industrial waste or other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal or disposal to any water of the state. To the extent that they are not subject to section 402 of the federal Water Pollution Control Act, ditches, pipes, and drains that serve only to collect, channel, direct, and convey nonpoint runoff from precipitation are not considered as sewer systems for the purposes of this part of this division.

  • Stormwater system means both the constructed and natural facilities, including pipes, culverts, watercourses and their associated floodplains, whether over or under public or privately owned land, used or required for the management, collection, conveyance, temporary storage, control, monitoring, treatment, use and disposal of stormwater;

  • Supplier System means the information and communications technology system used by the Supplier in performing the Services including the Software, the Equipment and related cabling (but excluding the Customer System);

  • Slug loading means any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants, released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration as to cause interference in the POTW.

  • HVAC System is defined in Section 6.10(a)(v).

  • Drug use test means a scientifically substantiated method to test for the presence of illegal or performance-enhancing drugs or the metabolites thereof in a person’s urine.

  • Building system means plans, specifications and docu- mentation for a system of manufactured building or for a type or a system of building components, which may include structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and variations which are sub- mitted as part of the building system.

  • multi-system operator or “MSO” means a cable operator who has been granted registration under rule 11 of the Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994 and who receives a programming service from a broadcaster and re-transmits the same or transmits his own programming service for simultaneous reception either by multiple subscribers directly or through one or more local cable operators;